Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“No worries there. He’s a walking dead man.” Duncan tried to remain calm, waiting to hear something he was sure he didn’t want to hear.

Slade took a second to compose himself, his black eyes going to gold in a flash. “She has been used, hard.” Slade growled knowing he didn’t have to explain what he meant. “She has a lot of damage that is not repairable. This birth, if natural, is going to be hard on her.”

Duncan looked away his face a mask of stone. “Does she know?”

“Yes.” Slade replied. “I told her everything. She asked me to tell you; she wanted you to know. She said that you two haven’t been intimate yet, but I advise you to go very slow with her.”

“Not a problem.” Duncan was having a hard time talking, his words coming between clenched teeth. His rage so raw, he was about to explode.

“Have you thought about the possibility she may never be able to be intimate with a man, with you?” Slade’s eyes were clouded with sympathy.

“Yes, I have,” Duncan replied. “And it doesn’t matter to me.”

“But it matters to her.”

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Duncan’s eyes finally shot to Slade’s.

“She’s very concerned that she can never be the woman you need,” Slade said point blank.

“What the fuck did you say to her?” Duncan growled plowing Slade into the wall.

“I didn’t say anything to her. I told her how much damage had been done.” Slade understood Duncan’s rage and didn’t push back. “She was the one asking the questions. She is more concerned about you and the baby than she is about herself. I am just giving you fair warning about where her mind is.”

“Fuck!” Relaxing his hold, Duncan cursed again as he let him go. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I would be slamming people if that was my woman,” Slade replied. “Just go slow with her. Keep her as calm as possible. I honestly cannot pinpoint a due date with her, but I can tell you it’s going to be very soon. She is already dilated, but it’s different with different women.”

Duncan didn’t even act like he knew what he was talking about. He didn’t care about other women. All he cared about was Pam and that she stayed safe. Duncan stepped away. “Thank you.”

Slade slapped him on the back. “Come on. She should be dressed by now.”

Duncan walked out of the room and headed to the room where she was. Hearing her voice, he looked down the hall and saw her sitting in the waiting room with Tessa and Nicole. The Warriors surrounded the women as they sat and talked. Pam smiled at something Nicole said, her eyes lifting to meet his. Her smile started to fade as her eyes went from him to Slade and then back to him again. Duncan gave her a grin with a wink, letting her know that he wasn’t running; he was here and wasn’t going anywhere.

Chapter 15

A tall, older man in a physician’s jacket met the large group as they made their way to the emergency room exit. “Dr. Buchanan?”

Slade stepped up. “Yes.”

The man stuck out his hand. “I’m Dr. Krebs, chief physician here at the University and would like to welcome you.”

“Thank you, sir.” Slade shook the man’s hand. “I apologize I haven’t introduced myself, but we had a bit of an emergency. I appreciate you and your staff setting things up for me.”

“Glad we could help,” he replied. “I do want to inform you that the hospital is surrounded by reporters who seem very interested in your patient. They are not allowed inside the hospital, but they have the area covered.”

“Where’s our decoy?” Jared looked around for Jill.

Jill stepped forward. “I didn’t bring a pillow,” she grinned.

Dr. Krebs smiled. “I think we can help you with that.” He walked to the nurses’ station giving a few orders before he walked back. “You can bring a car where the ambulances unload.”

Slade smiled. “Thank you.”

“No problem at all.” Dr. Krebs smiled shaking hands with the rest of the Warriors who thanked him. “Dr. Buchanan, I’m looking forward to working with you.”

Nodding, Slade watched the older doctor walk away. A nurse came up with a pillow and coat. Jill walked up and took them.

“Be right back.” Jill took off to a restroom.

Sid walked up. “What’s going on?” he asked, combing his messy hair with his fingers.

“Reporters. Decoy time.” Jared answered. “Go get the car and pick up the doc, Duncan and Jill.”

“I’m not leaving Pam.” Duncan’s tone indicated to everyone that he was not leaving her side.

“Okay, I’ll go with them.” Jared nodded at Sid to go.

“Ready.” Jill walked out with her instant pregnant belly and large coat. “I need a hat.”

The nurse who brought the other stuff looked around the nurses’ station and came back with a baseball hat. “Here.” She handed Jill the hat.

Jill put it on her head and smiled. “Thanks.”

Teresa Gabelman's books