Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Sid looked torn with wanting to go for help, but not wanting to upset her more. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, just let me go to the bathroom.” Pam took two steps before stumbling into the wall with a moan as pain gripped her stomach again.

Sid was there in a flash. Carefully he picked her up and headed for the door. “Where’s the doc’s new office?”

“I don’t know.” Pam held onto her stomach, her face pale as she broke into a sweat. “I’m scared, Sid.”

By the look on Sid’s face, that made two of them, but he didn’t say it. Going as fast as he could without jarring her, he went down the end of one hallway kicking doors in. “God damn, where is it?” he cursed. “Who the hell designed this place? Whoever it was needs their ass kicked.”

“Try that way.” Pam held on trying to stay still, but another pain hit. “Oh, God.” She clinched her jaw.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Sid went faster. “Don’t you dare have that baby yet!”

“I seriously don’t think it’s up to me,” Pam replied unclenching her jaw as the pain faded.

“Just hold them legs together.” Sid kicked another door cursing when it was empty. “And don’t sneeze.”

“Don’t sneeze?” Pam looked up at him confused.

“Yeah, we don’t need that thing shooting out.” Sid was seriously freaking out. “Where the fuck is it?”

Pam laughed; she couldn’t help it. As scared as she was, Sid made her laugh. “It’s not a thing, it’s a baby and I don’t think a sneeze will do that.”

“Well, let’s just not even find out, okay?” Kicking the last door at the end of another long hallway, Sid walked in where Slade and Jill were putting things away in cabinets. “Where the fuck have you been?” Sid yelled.

“Ah, right here.” Slade caught sight of Pam. “What’s happened?”

“I’m having small pains,” Pam answered, feeling much better that they had found the doctor.

“And I repeat, small pains, my ass. She was bent over.” Sid still held her waiting for orders.

“Move that stuff off the table,” Slade ordered Jill. “Hurry up.”

Jill quickly removed a box before laying a sheet across it. Sid gently laid Pam down as Jill placed a pillow under her head. “Where’s Duncan?”

“No, don’t bother him.” Pam grabbed Sid’s arm. “It was just a little pain. It’s gone now.”

“Oh, I so don’t want to get my ass kicked, thank you very much,” Sid snorted, pulling out his phone hitting a few numbers. “Where the hell are you? Yeah, well we aren’t there. She was having pains, so I brought her to the doctor. I have no fucking clue where.”

Jill grabbed the phone from Sid. “We’re down the hall by the east side exit.” She handed the phone back.

“You need signs.” Sid moved out of the way. “This place is a damn maze.”

“Where’s the pain, Pam?” Slade pulled up her shirt just below her breasts and pulled her pants below her belly.

Pam put her hand on her lower right side. “It starts here, but moves across my stomach.”

“Have you had any bleeding or spotting?”


Slade pulled out a stethoscope putting them in his ears and then on her stomach. He frowned when she jerked. “Another pain?”

“No, that’s cold.”

“Sorry.” Slade grinned, then got serious as he listened intently moving the stethoscope around her stomach. “How far along are you?”

“Three months.” Pam watched his face closely trying to read what was going on in his expression, but he was a closed book.

“Do twins run in your family or the father’s family?” Slade ask not revealing anything.

“Not in mine, and I’m not sure about….” She couldn’t say father. He wasn’t a father. He was a monster. “His family. Is the baby okay?”

Slade pulled the stethoscope out of his ears. “How long have you been having pain?”

“Just now. Why?” Pam started to feel panic and suddenly wanted Duncan there.

“When was the last time you felt the baby move?” Slade grabbed his phone.

“This morning.” Pam tried to sit up, but he put his hand on her shoulder.

Putting the phone to his ear he waited as he stared into her eyes. “This is Dr. Buchanan. I’m bringing in a patient and need a sonogram room ready STAT.”

“Oh, God.” Pam closed eyes fear gripping her.

Duncan burst into the room heading straight for Pam. Grabbing her hand, he looked at Sid. “What the hell happened?”

“We need to get her to University Hospital now.” Slade went to pick her up, but Duncan was faster.

“I’ll get the car out front.” Sid took off so fast his last word was said from the hallway.

Slade started grabbing stuff, shoving it in bags before following Duncan out the door. “Dammit.” He turned, but ran into Jill.

“What do you need?” Jill asked. “I’ll get it. You need to stay with her.”

“I need my identification stuff. I haven’t been to the hospital yet.” Slade patted his pockets to make sure he didn’t have them. “They’re on the desk.”

“Go. I got it.” Jill went back into the room.

Teresa Gabelman's books