Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“No.” Pam grinned. “I’m very attracted to him.” The old Pam would have said she wanted to jump his bones, but the old Pam wouldn’t be having this conversation with anyone. She would be going for what she wanted, which would be jumping his sexy ass bones.

“Listen.” Tessa got up, and walked around the table and sat beside Pam, taking her hands in hers. “Duncan is totally in love with you. He was walking death while you were missing. Just take things slowly, and one step at a time. Duncan will wait for you. He already has.”

“That’s not really fair to him.” Pam felt her eyes well up at her words.

“What happened to you isn’t fair, period, but it happened. Now you have to work through it and don’t let that bastard run your life anymore. Take it back.” Tessa hugged her. “I did. I’m not saying it was easy, but I was surrounded by people who loved me and helped me through the dark times. Duncan will be by your side. If you’re ever in doubt, just look into that Warrior’s eyes, because honey, that man would go through hell fire for you.”

“Thank you.” Pam hugged her tightly.

“Hey now what’s this?” Jared and Duncan walked into the kitchen as both women wiped their eyes.

“Just girl talk.” Tessa grinned when Jared moaned.

“Oh hell. The last time there was girl talk in the kitchen, you and Nicole ended up in jail.” He grabbed Tessa’s hand. “Time to leave.”

“That was so not our fault,” Tessa argued.

Jared rolled his eyes as he bent over to place a kiss on the top of Pam’s head. “See ya, fatty.”

“Bye.” Pam smiled watching them leave before her eyes found Duncan’s.

“I can kick his ass for calling you that.” Duncan’s tone was serious, but his eyes held a smile.

“He’s not far off the mark.” Pam rubbed her stomach not taking her eyes off him.

“You are absolutely beautiful.” Duncan’s eyes roamed from her face down her body then back to her eyes.

A sudden urge to test herself came over her, not to mention how handsome he looked as he leaned casually against the table staring down at her. His stare burned her, but in a good way. Standing, she stepped up to him, both hands going to his t-shirt-covered chest. Her eyes didn’t leave his. She didn’t want to blink, afraid of losing his image and it being replaced with another that would terrify her. With slow movement, her fingers spread out feeling the power radiating off him; her hands made their way to his shoulders. Going up on her toes, she leaned forward placing a kiss on his neck. The only movement he made was to tilt his head slightly. Feeling braver, she kissed her way up his jawline as her one hand cupped his cheek. Stopping just a breath away from his lips, she moistened hers with her tongue. His groan was what she needed to hear, gave her courage to keep going.

Their lips met slow and sweet, tongues dancing at a slow tempo. Duncan finally moved, wrapping one strong arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him, her belly pressed against him. Feeling excited that she wasn’t terrified, Pam grabbed his neck pulling his mouth closer to hers. She couldn’t get enough of him. She felt a weird sort of freedom at not being terrified of this man’s hands on her, their mouths mashed together. Breaking away for a slight second, she breathed in deeply with a moan before going back for more.


Duncan fought to keep his control. All he wanted to do was lay this woman on the table and fuck her, but he wouldn’t do that. Not now. If he lost control and did what he wanted to do, he would lose her. She was too raw; it was too soon. Right now, she was testing the waters. He knew what she was doing and respected her for it. He needed to make sure she could trust him to stop if she’d had enough. It was the hardest thing he had ever done. Her sweet mouth played havoc with his as her body rubbed against him. He couldn’t hide the hardness between his legs that was totally out of his control.

He felt her hand going south, and as soon as it hit the waistband of his jeans, he caught it bringing it back to his face where he left her lips to kiss her palm then placed it on his shoulder before his lips went back to hers. He could feel her control slipping; to prove that point, her hand traveled the same path, and with a discipline he didn’t know he possessed, he stopped her hand again before she grabbed onto his rock hard cock.

Pulling his lips from her, he kissed her cheek his lips close to her ear. “Honey, we need to slow down.” He nuzzled her hair.

“No,” Pam moaned trying to take his lips again.

“Pam. Honey.” He tried to put distance between them, but she held on for dear life.

“You too!” Sid walked in just as Duncan pulled Pam off him. “Did you not read Sid’s Kitchen Law? I swear there is more screwing around in this kitchen than there is eating. Maybe I need to start charging by the hour. I can make serious cash flow off you guys.”

Duncan completely ignored Sid. His focus was on the different emotions playing across Pam’s face. The one of horror was the one he didn’t want to see, but it was there, chasing her from the room. “Pam!” he called out to her, but she didn’t stop. “Fuck!”

Teresa Gabelman's books