Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Do you want to take any of your clothes in for you to change into?” Jared nodded toward his and Sid’s bikes that had boxes tied down.

“No, I’ll wait.” Pam glanced at the boxes. After leaving her apartment, the three men had taken her shopping. They had been so sweet, even Sid, who had demanded to buy some of her clothes for her. That had almost caused a fight between Sid and Duncan, but Jared calmed them down while she tried on clothes.

Duncan grabbed her hand leading her inside. Adam, Dillon, Matt and Steve sat around tossing a football back and forth.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” Sid grabbed the football. “You slackers should already be warmed up. I told you we were running late. Where’s Jeff and Jill?”

“Jeff took off, and Jill is in the back with….” Adam’s words were drowned out by a scream that had the Warriors running.

“Watch her!” Duncan put Pam in the middle of Adam, Steve and Dillon, before taking off after Jared and Sid.

Sid was the first to take in the sight of a huge man grabbing at Jill and Jill trying to fight him off. Without any thought whatsoever, Sid’s instincts took over. With one leap, he grabbed the man around the neck tossing him across the room before jumping on him. What surprised Sid, and everyone else, was how fast he ended up underneath the man. Not liking this position, Sid trapped the man’s foot and rolled him. Punches were flying everywhere as they fought for position, neither giving up until the sound of Sloan’s voice penetrated their thirst for blood.

“What the fuck is going on in here?” Sloan grabbed Sid, who was currently on top, pulling him off. When Sid went to go back for more, Sloan pushed him against the wall. “Stand down, Warrior!”

Everyone stared as Slade picked himself off the ground, his eyes quickly turning back to the golden hue as he looked to Jill.

“Who is this fucking guy?” Jared snarled putting himself between Slade and Jill.

Sloan gave Sid one last warning look before letting him go. “If you Warriors don’t stop fighting amongst each other, I’m sending you all back to the shitholes I pulled you out of before you were Warriors.”

“This asshole had his hands on her.” Sid pointed to Jill. “I don’t give a shit if you send me to hell. He better be explaining why she was screaming and fighting him.”

That gave Sloan pause as he looked between Jill and Slade. “Either one of you want to explain?”

Jill looked uncomfortable, but Slade stepped forward. “It was a miscommunication,” he answered without pause. “She hurt her shoulder and I was trying to look at it.”

“Warrior?” Jared spoke up. “You’re a Warrior?”

“Yes, he is. And a damn good one at that,” Sloan replied still looking pissed enough to spit. “He is also who I called in to help with Pam.”

“He’s the doctor?” Sid asked, frowning.

“Yeah, he’s the damn doctor.” Sloan rubbed his eyes, irritation evident in each word. “He even has a damn degree and everything. Jesus, you guys are going to drive me fucking insane. I have enough shit going on without you all adding to it.”

“Well, why in the hell didn’t you say something?” Sid pushed away from the wall.

“You didn’t give me much of a chance,” Slade shot back. “Now, if you all get the hell out of here, I can see if her shoulder needs setting before it heals in the wrong position.

“I’ll stay.” Duncan, who felt responsible for the half-breeds in their group stepped forward, plus he wanted to get a better feeling about this man who may or not be taking care of Pam. He needed to prove himself before Duncan would let him anywhere near her.

“I don’t need help.” Slade took off his jacket laying it across a bench in the dressing room.

“I didn’t ask.” Duncan’s tone was final.

Slade looked at him for a few seconds before looking away toward Jill. “We good now?” His voice held some irritation.

Looking a little embarrassed, she nodded. “It’s just a lot of weird stuff has been going on around here, and well…you just show up and expect everyone to believe you and….”

Walking up to her, he grabbed her elbow with one hand and as the other gently touched the top of her shoulder. “I’m going to be as gentle as I can, but I’m going to try to move it, okay?”

“Yeah.” Jill glanced into his eyes before squeezing hers shut. “Is it going to hurt?”

“Probably.” His answer was honest and quickly spoken.

“I really hate pain,” she mumbled, missing the grin that crossed his face since her eyes were squeezed tight. “I’m sorry I screamed.”

“So am I,” he grunted with a grin.

Teresa Gabelman's books