Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Warrior training,” Jill replied walking out the door first.

Slade just shook his head with a laugh passing her. “No sooner than a week.” He glanced at her and laughed again.

“What’s so funny?” Jill frowned.

“You can’t even get your shoulder set without having a panic attack,” Slade replied shaking his head. “And you’re going to train to be a Warrior.”

Once he turned away, Jill flipped him off quickly before he could turn back around to see her. Glancing at Duncan, she shrugged her uninjured shoulder before walking away. She’d show the asshole she could be a Warrior. She trained harder than any of them and maybe she didn’t like pain, but that just made her train even harder so she didn’t experience pain often. Yeah, she’d show him.


Duncan followed Slade and Jill out to the workout area. It was pretty funny seeing small quiet Jill flipping off the huge Warrior in front of her. Of course, Slade hadn’t seen her. His eyes instantly found Pam sitting while talking with Nicole and Tessa. Sid was leading the half-breeds in training while Sloan, Damon and Jared stood next to the women talking.

“Slade.” Duncan stood next to Pam. “This is Pam Braxton.”

“Nice to meet you, Pam.” Slade set his gear down to shake her hand.

“You’re the doctor?” Pam asked, surprised as she looked him up and down.

“Think I’m feeling a little sick.” Nicole grinned also giving him a once over.

Tessa covered her mouth giving a fake cough. “I haven’t felt very well myself.”

“He’s not a human doctor,” Jared growled. “And you were feeling fine just a few seconds ago.”

“Where’s your office.” Nicole ignored Jared. “And how do I make an appointment?”

Damon growled eyeing Slade as did Jared.

“Ladies, even though I would love to examine each and every one of you…” Slade grinned when the growls got louder. “I think it would be in my best interest if I referred you elsewhere.”

“You better fucking believe it would be in your best interest, Doc,” Jared sneered putting his arm around Tessa.

Slade gave him a nod, then snuck a wink at Tessa. He turned toward Duncan. “Do you have any problems with me being Pam’s doctor?”

“No, because if you so much as harm one hair on her head or do anything to upset her, I will kill you.” Duncan’s tone was threatening, but calm and to the point.

Slade cocked his eyebrow. “Fair enough.” He tried to step out of the way when Jared walked by with Tessa on the other side, but he wasn’t fast enough and got shoulder checked. Yeah, he got the message loud and clear. The little human was off limits.

Sloan came over at that moment shaking his head at Jared. He handed Slade a set of keys. “Everything you asked for should be in the office. Anything else you might need just let me know.”

Pocketing the keys Slade nodded. “Thanks, but I’m sure it will be fine.”

“Since Jill is down, she can help you get set up.” Sloan volunteered Jill’s services. “Won’t you, Jill?”

The look on her face said she would rather have her shoulder set again, but she nodded. “Yes, sir, what time?”

“How about ten?” Slade replied not really needing the help, but didn’t want to start out on the wrong foot with Sloan.

“If you need any extra help, I’m sure me and Tessa can assist,” Nicole added sweetly.

“You have to work,” Damon reminded her. “I doubt Mitch will let you have a day off.”

Sloan slapped Slade on the shoulder. “Come on. I’m sure you want to get settled.”

“It was nice meeting you all.” Jared and Damon growled a goodbye, Tessa and Nicole waved with large smiles. He looked at Pam and Duncan. “Give me a few days to get everything ready, then stop by, unless you have any problems before then.”

“Thank you.” Pam waved as Duncan shook his hand.

“What an asshole.” Jared frowned as soon as Slade and Sloan walked out.

“He is not…he’s nice.” Tessa smiled, then patted Jared’s cheek. “You’re just jealous.”

Jared frowned down at her looking offended. “The hell I am.”

“We just don’t like our women slobbering over someone,” Damon grunted.

“We were not slobbering,” Nicole defended. “And like you guys don’t check out hot women.”

“No, we don’t,” Jared answered looking down at Tessa. “The only woman I want is right here.”

Tessa leaned her body into Jared’s whispering something in his ear. His eyes darkened as he grabbed her hand heading for the door. “See you guys.”

Nicole and Damon also had their heads together talking softly to each other.

Teresa Gabelman's books