Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Jeff frowned looking like he was going to refuse. “I’m sorry, okay?” His tone clearly indicated he wasn’t sorry at all.

“She doesn’t accept,” the man growled. “Now get the fuck out of here before I give you an ass kicking you won’t ever forget.”

Adam stopped Jeff, whose brain malfunctioned into the stupid level as he took a step toward the man. Giving him a hard push, he waited until Jeff was gone before turning back to the man. “Who are you?”

“Slade Buchanan,” he replied, walking over to pick up his backpack and duffle bag. “I’m supposed to meet Sloan Murphy here, but I’m a little early.”

“I’m Adam.” He stuck out his hand. “This is Dillon, Matt, Steve and Jill.”

Slade shook Adam’s hand, but nodded at the rest of them until his golden eyes landed on Jill. “Is there anywhere I can look at her shoulder?”

Jill had finally stood. “I’m good,” she lied. Her shoulder hurt like hell and didn’t feel right.

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Lift your shoulder,” he ordered, grunting when she just stood there proving that she was not fine.

“Yeah, come on in here.” Adam led the group back into the warehouse. “Where you from? I haven’t seen you around.”

“California.” Slade held the door open for Jill when the others walked on in ignoring her.

Jill nodded her thanks holding her arm close to her body.

“You need me to text Sloan and let him know you’re here?” Adam pulled out his phone.

“No. Like I said, I’m early.” Slade stood at the door leading into the workout area which was dark. “Is there somewhere I can look at her arm?”

“It’s already feeling better,” Jill lied again. She really didn’t want this man looking at her; she’d rather look at him if she was being totally honest.

“Dressing rooms and showers are in the back.” Adam pointed.

“Really, I’m good.”

Slade ignored her, placing his hand on her back, pushing her across the mats to the dressing rooms. Once inside, he flicked on the lights, setting his duffle bag on the floor.

Jill stood still watching every move he made. He was so huge, she suddenly felt frightened. He could do anything he wanted to her and she wouldn’t be able to stop him. Hell, she didn’t know if Adam, she and others combined could stop him. He could be anyone and they just took him at his word, but who was he really?

Slade reached out to touch her shoulder, but she jumped back. “I need to see that shoulder.” His deep voice echoed in the small dressing room off from the showers. “With you being half-vampire, it’s healing already, and if it’s dislocated, you are going to have a serious problem!”

Holding her arm close to her body she stayed back. “Who are you?” Suspicion colored every word.

“Slade,” he sighed. “Buchanan. I think I’ve already stated that.”

“I know what your name is, if that is really your name.” Jill’s chin came up. She tried to appear in control, but inside she was shaking. “But who are you?”

Understanding crossed his face. “Sloan called me in,” he explained, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “I’m a doctor.”

She actually laughed. “Yeah, right.” Her eyes traveled over his hair, down to the leather jacket he wore so well, to the faded light blue jeans that hugged his lower body like a second skin. “I’m out of here.” She went to pass him out the door, but he stopped her.

“So you’re a ‘judge a book by the cover’ girl.” He glared down at her. “I’m a doctor and I’m telling you that shoulder needs to be looked at. I can tell by the way you’re holding it it’s probably dislocated.”

“Let me go.” Jill jerked her good arm away from him, but gasped at the pain it sent through her shoulder. “Dammit.”

“Take off your hoodie,” he demanded, reaching down to help lift it off.

Panic gripped her, making her struggle ignoring the pain. “I swear to God, if you don’t let me go right now, I’m going to scream.”

Their eyes met, both determined, neither willing to give. As promised, her mouth opened wide and out came a scream that could wake the dead.

Chapter 11

Duncan and Pam pulled up to the warehouse with Sid and Jared following close behind. Duncan waited for Jared to come help Pam off the bike again, but he really didn’t want to let her go.

“We can go back.” Duncan looked down at the top of her head, her arms were still wrapped tightly around him. “Jared and Sid can handle the classes tonight.”

Looking up at him, she shook her head. “I’m okay. I don’t want to interfere with your life, Duncan.”

“Honey you are my life,” he whispered for her ears only as Jared walked over to pull her off the bike with care.

Teresa Gabelman's books