Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Sid stopped his grumbling. “What did I do now?”

“Nothing,” Duncan replied staring at the door wondering what to do. Should he go after her, or give her a minute. Dammit, he was in over his head. He, Duncan Roark, leader of the VC Warriors, was at a loss of what to do. Rubbing his hand down his face, he headed out the door. Even though he didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t a coward. He was going to face this head on.


Whore. The evil voice from her past whispered through her head as she hurried down the hallway looking for her room. No one is going to love you after I’m done with you.

Making it to her room, she slammed the door before slapping her hands over her ears. Catching her reflection in the small mirror above the dresser, she hissed at her reflection. “I’m not a whore.”

“Who the fuck called you a whore?” Duncan’s angry face appeared in the mirror behind her.

Pam jumped spinning around. “He did. He always called me a whore. He said no one would ever love me after he was done with me,” She whispered, anger mixed with fear shining from her eyes. “Is it true? Do I disgust you because of what he did to me? Is that why you stopped? You don’t want me?”

Surprised by her outburst, Duncan stepped back. “I have never wanted a woman more in my life. You have no idea what I wanted to do to you in that kitchen.”

“What did you want to do to me?” Pam stared up at him demanding to know. “I need to know, Duncan.”

Dare he tell her point blank? The look on her face told him the answer. She wanted to know how much he really wanted her. “I wanted to throw you across the table and fuck you,” Duncan growled.

Pam’s eyes widened as her head tilted.

“I’m sorry.” Duncan thought that by her expression, it wasn’t what he should have said. Fuck! “I shouldn’t have…”

“No.” Pam shook her head. “That’s what I needed to hear. I’m not frightened.”

“I don’t think I could take it if I ever saw fear in your eyes when you looked at me,” Duncan replied his voice deep. “That’s why I had to stop, Pam. I want you so much that I don’t think I can control myself once I’m with you. Making love to you the first time, may be my undoing, and I can’t ever hurt you.”

“I want you, Duncan.” Pam’s lip trembled. “As long as I see your face and hear your voice, I know I’ll be fine, but I want you so badly, I need you. Does that make me more messed up than I already am? Shouldn’t I not want to have sex with anyone?”

“No, it doesn’t.” He brushed the hair from her eyes. “It makes me respect you even more. You are a strong woman, Pam. I’ve always known that.”

“I’m so confused.” Her voice told him how much she hated the confused emotions she was having. “But wrong or right, I do want you.”

“There is nothing but right in that, babe,” he replied, and then looked down to touch her stomach. “I don’t want to hurt you or the baby. You sure we should?”

“We’ll be fine.” Pam smiled trying not to show how nervous she was. She wanted this and knew Duncan would help her through it. “Please kiss me.”

Duncan groaned smashing his mouth against hers. “If you need to stop, we will stop.” He kissed down her neck. “I swear to you, I will stop.”

If she didn’t love this man before, she did now. She felt his hands moving over her body. A few times, she opened her eyes to see his face, and that was all she needed. Soon her thoughts only belonged to him, and again she felt free. Not even when he unbuttoned her shirt and was pulling it down off her shoulders did she feel fear. She felt free…she felt loved…she felt him pulling away.

“No, I’m fine.” She reached up to pull him back to her. “Please, don’t stop. I didn’t say stop.”

“Pam.” Duncan couldn’t help but laugh. “Honey, someone’s knocking on the door,” he whispered, pulling her shirt up, helping her button it.

“Who is it?” Pam whispered, feeling disappointed.

“I don’t know, but I may kill them.” He winked at her when she giggled. Duncan double checked to make sure Pam was covered before opening the door. He couldn’t resist leaning over and kissing her one more time.

Sid stood on the other side when Duncan opened it. “What the hell do you want?”

“Well, if you checked your damn phone, you’d know that Sloan wants you in his office pronto.” Sid frowned. “So since you don’t answer your damn phone, I have to be the fucking messenger.”

“Tell him I’ll talk to him in the morning.” Duncan went to close the door, but Sid stuck his foot out stopping him.

“Uhm no.” Sid walked into the room. “I’m not telling him that. You tell him that. I’m not your bitch because obviously I’m his. I will keep the pregnant one company while you go see what grump ass wants.”

Teresa Gabelman's books