Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“And she knew all of this?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah, she said that her three friends, who she named - we have our people, plus local law enforcement looking for them - were starting a new business and everything was discussed in front of her during the trade.”

“Had the money traded hands yet?” Duncan asked.

“Yes.” Sid frowned looking at each of them. “Ten thousand.”

“Shit, that’s enough for them to hide out for a while,” Jared cursed. “And enough for a father to turn over a daughter, or a husband a wife. Does it ever end?”

“No, it doesn’t,” Sloan sighed. “Not only are we fighting the blood trade, we are now fighting human trafficking. We need to get those half-breeds trained fast. We are drowning here boys. We need all the help we can get.”

“The last thing I have is this bullshit with Kenny Lawrence.” Sloan shuffled some papers around until he found a folder. “Everyone in this room, except for Slade, knows that Kenny Lawrence killed Sheriff Bowman. Most of you witnessed it. Tomorrow, I have an unscheduled appointment with Detective Ferguson.”

“Unscheduled?” Slade asked.

“Yeah, means he won’t have time to figure out a lie,” Sloan replied. “Have you talked to Pam about the charges being dropped and him being a free man?”

Duncan looked at Slade before answering. “Not yet.”

“Well you need to, soon,” Sloan ordered. “I’m going to raise all kinds of hell and stir up shit Ferguson thinks is buried. If I can get the charges reversed and put back on Kenny, she may have to testify.”

“I don’t want to do anything that could upset her until after the baby,” Duncan replied again looking to Slade.

“I agree.” Slade nodded. “She really shouldn’t be put under any stress right now.”

Sloan sighed nodding in agreement. “Okay, one more thing. What about Jill?” He looked around at the group. “Did anyone talk to her about what she heard last night?”

All eyes went to Slade. “I took care of her injuries, that’s all.”

“Sid, go get her.” Sloan ordered.

“Isn’t she with Nicole and Tessa getting everything ready for the baby shower?” Damon spoke up.

“I just saw her on my way in here.” Sid headed out the door. “I’ll get her.”

Everyone was quiet as they waited. Sloan broke the silence. “California seeing any of these problems?”

Slade nodded. “Crimson Rush is the main drug on the streets. Actually, I had heard of Nicole before coming here. She’s well known for her work in trying to put a stop to the blood trade with children.”

“I’m not surprised.” Damon’s smile was full of pride.

Sid walked in with Jill following. She slowed when she saw everyone, her eyes avoiding contact with Slade.

“Jill is there anything that happened last night that you can fill us in on?” Sloan didn’t beat around the bush. “The woman was being sold by her friends to the vampires.”

Jill frowned. “Why?”

“From what she said and heard, she was going to be sold at an auction to the highest bidder.”

Jill thought for a minute. “The one who seemed to be the leader was pretty excited that I was a half-breed, and said something like he thought it was going to be a light night, but they were going to make bank with me, which I guess is a lot of money,” Jill replied, then her eyes widened. “They were going to auction me off?”

Sloan looked at Duncan and the others. “That’s what it sounds like. If they don’t have to turn you, they can go ahead and auction you off. Faster payday for them.” Sloan frowned thinking out loud. “I don’t want you leaving the compound alone until we figure out if this was just these idiots trying to make a fast buck, or if this is widespread.”

“But…” Jill started to argue.

“That’s an order.” His tone left no room for argument.

“Yes, sir.” She nodded. “Guess I need a ride to the party then.”

“You can ride with me squirt.” Sid nudged her, sending her a few steps forward.

“Do I have to?” She teased wrinkling her nose at him.

“Watch it or I might auction you off myself.” Sid’s eyebrow cocked at the thought. “Maybe with her being a half-breed, she’d go for more than ten thousand. I could use ten thousand.”

“Ten thousand?” Jill sucked in her breath. “As in dollars?”

“Nice chunk of change, huh?” Sid grinned. “You better be nice to me, breed.”

Jill rolled her eyes. “Is that all you needed me for?” she asked Sloan.

“Yes, you can go.” Sloan gave her a rare smile. “Thanks, Jill.”

“No problem. If I happen to remember anything else, I’ll let you know.” Jill turned to leave still keeping her eyes averted from Slade.

“How you doing today?” Slade asked as she passed.

“Good, thanks.” Jill obviously rushed her steps as she went by him.

Teresa Gabelman's books