This Star Won't Go Out

Oh man so Lindsay and I are still talking. we’ve been at it : )for 4+ hours. We called Arka and then we called Abby because she was jealous of our CALLNESS and then we called Teryn to say hello. We called Katie to say hi but she wasn’t there so we left her an awesometastic message and didn’t know how to hang up so it went on and on (and nerimon) and then we called Valerie for like 5 minutes to say hi. Oh and we talked to Abby for a half hour or so and then she went nappy-nap. Me and Lindsay are in the closet. Separate closets, unfortunately, but later . . . later I’ll be in hers. >: ) Lindsay just asked me “when you Google mapped my house was it white or blue?” quite randomly. eheheh I love creepy.

SO IT’S 10:25 PM AND I’M SO FREAKING UNMANLY. School is turning me into this monster. This frilly, flower smelling, bow-sporting monster! I hope tomorrow (tomorrow being Friday) UM, I went to sleep and now it’s 11:32 AM, September 18, 2009. I don’t know how that sentence was going to end. SUSPENSE.

Today I had French but my French teacher wasn’t there so all I did was draw dots on my notebook while the substitute yelled at us for talking even though we weren’t. He’s a weird teacher . . . right, I drew dots and wrote out VPM quotes. Like: ooooh it’s a FOR REAL new page! eeeeeeeeee! (that was so I want to try “umm” like Abby did. hokay here: a fun to write!ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm OOOH that was FUN! #coolformsofentertainment

When i rule the world, I’ll plant flowers!

When i rule the world, I’ll have . . . snakes! >: )

Photo booth with Katie Twyman and Lindsay Ballantyne,


Sunday 9/20 11:41 AM

hihihihihihihihihihi I haven’t forgotten about you, Mr. Notebook, I’ve actually thought about you many times. I just haven’t written in you. IDK WHY. Just haven’t.

Last night was pretty freaking great. We tokbox’d and ummm. What else did we do? (besides, you know ;) hmm. It was the #manlies left. (me, lindsay, arka, geri, obviously) I love tokbox’ing/calling/chatting with you guys so much. : D

So I keep going between wanting to use correct grammar, punctuation, capitalizing skills and overall good writing, and not worrying about it. See, that night there was a briiiiiilliant LOL VIDEO! I meant sentence. bah aha oh man. #nerd mmmmmmmmmmmkay what now. What do I discuss what do I share what do I think of life and all its great mysteries WHO KNOWS not I!! #wtpuff Damn my phone battery just fell out of my phone onto the ground. I don’t want to go get it :/ okay I got it DUDE. DUDE. I’m gonna bring this notebook oh wait oh man I want to oh man I’m not sharing this it’ll be a surprise that some of you won’t care about HA!!! </spaz> 9/22/ 4:22 PM

I am feeling weird. I had a really really terrible day like, okay, it was actually fine, like nothing terribly bad happened, I just felt meh. Then I got home and felt insanely meh. My house is stuffy but I have nowhere to go. So I slept. then I went to the dentist and lalala had a filling and like anxiety medicine or whatever that lovely crap is called. Also had to have two gum/cheek/oh anesthesia shots on mah cheek/gum/whatever ’cause my teeth are bad. yay! But then my dentist told me his son was a nerdfighter cause we started talking about John Green and he’s a sophomore and he goes to my school and my dentist’s daughter is a seminerdfighter and she’s a junior at my school and just : D I love when nerdfighters live near me. I’m going to see them TOMORROW at SCHOOL.

aaaaaaaaaanway I’ll try to think of better things to write in here and I’m sending it soon I SWEAR. K going to sleep or I don’t know something BYE.

Sunday 9/?101 who knows 1:02 pm

Eermmmmm hi. how are you, dear notebook? how indeed? uh I’m okay. I just woke up. I’m slightly exhausted. I didn’t even stay up late last night. Fell asleep at like 5 am or something. It had been just me and Lindsay for pretty much the whole call. Destiny was there for parts but mainly just me and her typing (I couldn’t talk—family) and giggling and oh, my rowling email it was the best.

lol. Valerie’s chickadee needs to be easy to duplicate so I can draw adorable adorableness TOO.

eats banana feels awkward glances at banana

throws away banana this actually always happens.

So I was thinking. when we’re done sending this around once, we should send it (and maybe another one) along again so we can all see what everyone wrote. It could be an endless cycle, yeah?

idk it sounds good to me, what do you all think?

ps. I’m totally fine with you all violating my personal writing space by writing/drawing things in my . . . personal writing space : D I ship writing/drawing so hard

Saturday, October 3-1:59pm