This Star Won't Go Out

OK. before I start apologizing for not writing, let me tell you a few things. I have a cold, and last night was epic amazing awesome fantastic incredible sauce. Yeah, I went to a Draco and the Malfoys, Harry and the Potters, Whomping Willows and JFF & the Sugar Quills concert. It was just AH.

I don’t go to Wizard rock shows OFTEN, but the ones I do go to always have the same people from MA chilling around and I’m finally getting to know some of them it’s GREAT. :D

Yeah but anyway, I got a shirt and pins and a JFF bag and and and oman I love Wizard rock. ahhh.

Oh and MEREDITH, Paul DeGeorge’s girlfriend, who is a merch girl is incredibly awesome and added me on Facebook! Stopping squeeing now. God, I’m friggin awesome.

Hmmmm okay before the show for oh oh I almost forgot but I swear I didn’t. See, I was going to maybe kind of bring The Stalker Notebook with me to the show but I FORGOT so instead I got this thing for you all (that are into Wizard rock, anyway) So guys. I’m going to send this really soon. I don’t think I’ll write anymore in it, but idk.

I love you all so much. My life is really stressful and before finding the vlogbrothers, nerdfighteria, you guys, I wasn’t you know dead, but I really do feel like I have so much more in my life. Sure, it’s still not complete, but even listening to you guys’ static makes my life feel a little bit more bearable. You’re all the best, all of you. And when I say you, it’s not just a line. I REALLY DO pretty much kind of a little bit love you. A little. : D (sometimes emoticons on paper are a bit scary.) (btw I’m finally sending this on December 26, 2009. : ) ) OOKBAY <3333

(It’s not too spectacular but it has HATP’s signatures, and you can’t see them until Leaky 11 because they’re all MA-y? I love it, anyway >:) ) Exact date unknown

Freaking questions ok:

Valerie’s idea: You can answer this/these question/s if you’d like to, whoever you might be. And then ask things if you want. Just so yeah just so. Man dogs have good ideas if we just LISTEN!

Do you like mustard? Is there a reason for liking/not liking it? What about ketchup? mayonnaise? Is there some other random, possibly disgusting thing you like/detest? Do share!!!!!!

DO YOU POP YOUR KNUCKLES/anything else (you know, like your neck : S) Freakin’ weirdos . . .

If you were a giraffe, and you really wanted chocolate but were stuck in a cage/zoo/caged in area, how would you escape/break out/kill all the guards and what would be your weapon choice? You can only pick one, unfortunately. You are, after all, just a giraffe. Not that giraffes aren’t special, but I mean there’s only so much you can carry.

What is one thing (whether it’s being on a cereal box, graduating from high school/college/other lame place, alive or whatever) you want to accomplish in the next year or so?

What was life like before you were a nerdfighter? How did you find nerdfighters? Do you remember your first reaction lol

k, real bye now <3


(this is like Skype, where I freaking can’t say bye.)

Catitude Chain of Command,



November 25th, 2009

I’ve tried blogging, I’ve tried making a video, um . . . I’m not really prepared to make this, but I’m gonna make it because I wanna have this made, like . . . uhh, I just, I have a lot of things to say and I wanna be able to see that I said them, later on. It’s not like for you, whoever you are. I mean you can watch it, that’s cool. But, like this is . . . I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m even saying.

But anyway . . . Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful for what you have. And it’s more about dinner and what you’re gonna eat for . . . uhsshh turkey, nowadays, um, for most people. But, I actually was thinking about it today and I realize that three years ago, 2006, a few days before Thanksgiving I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. And, um, ah that made me like just realize it, and . . . um . . . so that Thanksgiving I spent my . . . I mean yeah, that year I spent my Thanksgiving in the hospital. Um . . . and I had like a tube in my side and we didn’t really know what was going to happen. Because, I had been sick and my parents thought that the worst that was gonna happen was that I was gonna have pneumonia. Ahh, then I, then they’re like, oh?