The Keeper of the Stones

Chapter 20

Early hours of 15th August – En route to Heron Getracht Fortress

Jake, Zephany and Verastus received Knesh’ orders for the raid on Heron Getracht fortress and left the rebel camp as soon as they were able. Princess Zephany selected nine of her best horsesoldiers to accompany them on the mission. The tenth warrior was a Nadjan noble called Lord Castrad. He had volunteered the moment he’d learned of the plan, word having spread through the rebel camp rapidly as soon as Zephany was observed readying her horse and selecting her soldiers. Castrad was only one of many who had volunteered. Almost all of the Nadjan soldiers in King Artrex’ army had besieged Knesh and Zephany seeking permission to go on the raid, pleading for the opportunity to try to rescue their Queen and many of their people. All such requests had been steadfastly refused, except for that of Lord Castrad. It was a commander’s prerogative in the Rebel Army to choose their own soldiers when faced with such a daunting mission. Princess Zephany had decided that she wanted only those warriors with her that she knew she could trust and rely on, reasoning that she was already taking along two unknown quantities in Jake and Verastus.

Lord Castrad was a Nadjan knight of noble birth and a favourite cousin of Queen Bressial. He had spent much of his childhood playing alongside the young Princess, the two of them forging a lifelong friendship that had compelled him to vehemently insist upon being part of the raiding force, to the point where he’d refused outright to take ‘no’ for an answer. Luckily for him, both Knesh and Zephany had relented and granted his request without taking offence at his forceful representations. He was greatly aided in his endeavour by his excellent reputation, having fought with the rebels for many years and proved himself in battle on many occasions.

Castrad was just under six feet tall, he was in his mid thirties and had an athletic physique. He had short, straight cut, brown hair that ended abruptly at his neck and seemed always to resemble a leather helmet to those who knew him, following as it did the contours of his head, perfectly. He wore a Jintan chainmail suit from head to toe, underneath a scarlet tunic that was fastened at the waist by a lavishly decorated brown and silver belt, from which hung his long sword and scabbard. On the front and rear of his tunic was a large black eagle, his family’s crest, which also adorned his shield. His helmet was Jintan metal of a plain, simple design that was open faced, covering the rest of his head right down to the base of his neck.

Castrad was an extremely likeable man who had many friends and was adored by his soldiers. He was excellent company and was an expert storyteller who often entertained the soldiers when sitting around the campfires by regaling glorious tales of yesteryear, and the exploits of his Nadjan ancestors. It was well known in the rebel camp that Princess Zephany had wanted to take only her own men on this mission. But now that they were finally underway and destined for the great fortress and whatever would befall them there, she was extremely happy to have Lord Castrad by her side.

The journey to Heron Getracht took just short of five hours, being extended as it was by the need to ride south for a while before turning east, so as to avoid the advancing Northern Army. Despite this detour the raiding force made good progress, each and every one of them being an expert rider, including Jake. They were able to slow to a canter as they neared their target to lessen the noise of their approach. Princess Zephany then halted the group on a treeline that overlooked the fortress from a small rise, about half a mile away. It was still dark, a small moon afforded little light, but Zephany knew that they had no time to waste if they were to achieve their objective. She immediately instructed them all to dismount and follow her. The last soldier remained to take care of the horses as the rest of the group crept forward to the ridge in order to observe their target, fanning out in an extended line and lying down as they reached it to remain concealed in the long grass.

“Nitrii-hebul be praised. There it is!” hissed Zephany in a hushed voice, as soon as everyone was in position. “We have to ”uiet from here in. Any sounds we make will be carried on the night air. Jake, where’s Jake?” she asked, looking around her and peering in the darkness to identify each member of the group.

“I’m right here, Princess.” whispered Jake, as loud as he dared, from a position four soldiers away from Zephany. He was already studying the fortress with Verastus lying at his side. He stared down at his hands briefly, they weren’t shaking. ‘That’s odd,’ he thought, ‘I’m not nervous. I should be tingling with fear, anticipation, excitement, anything! But I’m as calm as I’ve ever been. And again, I’m so confident. It’s not natural in the circumstances. It has to be the stones. And yet, they’re so far away? How do they work? How can this be? I’m sure I don’t know, I can’t explain it. But, I guess this ain’t the time or place to be considering such things.’ He shook his head slightly to clear his mind.

“So, what’s your plan, Princess?” he whispered.

“Plan? I… I thought we would creep up to the fortress quietly, try and find a way inside, an unguarded door perhaps? Or else, we shall have to scale the wall at its lowest point, once we have located it.” she replied hesitantly.

Jake suddenly felt an urge to speak, though he was conscious of how it may appear to Zephany and her men. “Err... Yes, I mean, we could. But I think I have a better idea.” he whispered, staring at Verastus. “I mean, if you’re up for it?”

“Kuh? Up for it? You mean I suppose, am I willing to follow your plan? Whatever it may be?” said a puzzled Verastus. “Of course I am. What do you think I am doing here? I owe you a debt I have sworn to repay, remember? Just name it, and it will be done.” he rasped boldly.

“Right then. Good. Everyone listen in carefully.” said Jake, as he gathered them all around him and explained his idea in detail to the whole group.

Moments later, the raiding force made their way across the fields that lay between them and Heron Getracht fortress, darting silently from cover to cover until all of them reached a small depression which was just short of the road to the fortress gates but still hidden from the view of any sentries or lookouts on the fortress walls. They all silently drew their swords, except for Castrad, who took the one offered to him by Verastus. Jake, Castrad and one of Zephany’s rebels crawled over to the road with Verastus, who stood up quickly and clasped his hands in front of him as if they were bound. Jake and the rebel soldier took hold of his arms and Castrad walked behind them, his sword drawn and pointing at Verastus’ back. They approached the gate with as much speed as they dared, until they were challenged just short of it by a youthful sounding, nervous voice hollering out of the darkness.

“Halt! You there! Halt I say!” shouted the young soldier, from high on the ramparts above.

The raiders continued shuffling forward. Only Lord Castrad looked up. The young soldier was silhouetted against the night sky high above them, his arms raised as he cupped his hands around his mouth in an attempt to project his voice. He was joined seconds later by three others and they now all stared down with mounting concern at the dark figures below, straining their eyes to identify who they might be.

“St-state your business here!” the soldier shouted loudly, having gained a little confidence from the appearance of his friends. Castrad responded in the deepest voice he could muster as the group continued to inch their way forward.

“Open the gates!” he demanded. “Can you not see we have a prisoner? We have caught the runaway slave, Verastus! Open the gates quickly, King Vantrax wants this one under lock and key. He is dangerous. He has already killed six of our men!” he bellowed at the confused soldiers above.

They were nearly upon the gates now and they stopped at Jake’s silent command, so as not to make recognition too easy for the young soldiers above. Verastus lifted his head to let the fortress defenders see his features. But as he did, he flicked a glance at Castrad and smiled slightly, having been amused by the Nadjan’s impromptu embellishment of Jake’s plan.

“But... But I have my orders! I can not...” stuttered the young soldier in a panic.

“If this prisoner escapes, then you will personally answer to King Vantrax!” shouted Castrad furiously.

The defenders on the ramparts all looked at each other in horror and confusion. The thought of facing an angry Vantrax quickly dispelled any doubts they may have had and the young soldier in charge shouted down to those in the courtyard to open the gates, still unsure as to whether he was making the right decision or not.

Castrad ordered the group forward as the young soldiers watched anxiously from above. As the gates opened, they could see more soldiers emerging from the buildings surrounding the courtyard. The defenders at the gates all moved backwards warily, trying not to present an easy target for any surprise attack. The small party of raiders walked through the open gates. As soon as they were inside the fortress, Jake and the rebel soldier suddenly released Verastus and drew their swords with lightning speed. Castrad immediately handed Verastus his sword back and drew his own from its scabbard. The sound of running soldiers followed swiftly and, within seconds, they were joined inside the courtyard by Zephany and the rest of her force, all of them now with weapons drawn and ready for a fight.

The young fortress defenders were taken completely by surprise, the attack had been so quick that they’d been unable to reach the gates to close them in time. The small group of rebels had done it! Jake’s plan had worked brilliantly. They were now inside Heron Getracht fortress, the supposedly impregnable walls had been breached by eleven rebels, a slave and a young boy. But there was no time for them to savour the moment; soldiers began appearing from all parts of the inner defences. The raiding force was still heavily outnumbered. And now it was in real danger of being overrun. The attack on the fortress and the plan to release the prisoners held captive there, could be over before it had really begun!

Despite the precarious nature of their predicament, Jake and Verastus smiled confidently at each other. Everything had gone perfectly so far, but both of them knew that it was not over yet. ‘Great! We’re actually inside the gates,’ thought Jake, surprised himself at how well his plan had worked, ‘but young men like me rarely give in without a fight. We may have bitten off more than we can chew. There’s still a lot of work to be done!’

M J Webb's books