The Keeper of the Stones

Chapter 17

Night of 14/15th August – Rebel Camp, Erriard Forest - Rhuaddan

Nytig lay snivelling on the forest floor at King Artrex’ feet. His hands and feet were bound and his head was lowered. The small band of rebels and their new allies gathered around for a closer look at their prisoner. It was the horseman who had thrown Nytig down onto the floor who spoke first.

“Gerada Knesh Corian. My Liege. My company and I caught this… Srrr… ‘Creature’ on the outskirts of Erriard. He was running away from a group of horsemen, four of them I counted, coming from the direction of Heron Getracht. They stopped as we appeared and returned swiftly in the same direction when we entered the forest. We questioned this srr… Rachtis, briefly. He claims to have escaped from the great fortress. He says he is the personal servant of Vantrax himself. We thought...”

“He is!” interrupted Verastus suddenly, glaring viciously at the heap on the floor. “Lift your head, wretch!” he ordered furiously. Nytig lifted his head slowly, enabling everyone to see his face. “I thought so. His name is Nytig, he is the servant of Vantrax. I saw him when I was being ‘questioned’ at the fortress. He was laughing! Mocking me, even as I screamed out in pain. The snivelling derof seemed to be enjoying it!” He gave Nytig a swift and violent kick in his ribs. The servant yelped in pain and curled back up into a ball to protect himself from any further attacks.

Jake and Ben moved immediately to restrain Verastus, taking an arm each and pulling him away from the prisoner with great difficulty, as he continued attempting to kick out in anger. “Alright! That’s enough!” shouted Jake firmly at his new friend. “Whatever he’s done in the past, he’s now unarmed and bound. It’s not right. I know you’ve suffered at his and his master’s hands, but...”

Jake was interrupted by Verastus. “No, no, you are right, Jake. I apologise to you all, I am sorry, it will not happen again.” he stated. “I do not know what came over me. I am not usually that ill-disciplined. Perhaps just seeing his face brought all the hatred back? But I am fine now. I assure you, you can release me.”

Ben and Jake looked at each other briefly, then they released their hold on their comrade and each took a little step backwards. “Aw, think nothing of it, big man.” Ben said to Verastus, sensing the awkwardness of the situation and doing his best to relieve the tension. “We all lose it from time to time. Why I remember once, me and Jake were...”

“Yes, yes, you can bore us all some other time, Ben. But I think for now, we oughta question this Nytig, see what he knows?” interrupted Jake confidently, the teenager once again acting naturally, and with some degree of authority.

It was another unrehearsed and unplanned development. Jake had undergone a rapid transition from the young schoolboy he’d been earlier that day. It was almost as if a switch had been thrown inside of him, and the boy had become a man in an instant. The change hadn’t gone unnoticed by Artrex and Knesh.

“Yes, Jake.” stated the King. “Spoken like a true leader. We have to learn what he knows. Knesh!” he said firmly, looking invitingly at his friend.

Knesh nodded an acknowledgment and hoisted Nytig off the floor with one powerful movement of his right arm, lifting him up into the air and throwing him down onto a nearby tree stump. The speed and violent nature of the action winded the servant, his fear intensified and his whole body began shaking as the giant, imposing figure of Knesh Corian now towered menacingly over him.

“Now, listen to me, you son of a Dzorag!” threatened Knesh, in a terrifyingly loud voice, his head so close to Nytig’s that his command almost burst the servant’s eardrums. Nytig shifted awkwardly in his seat and then nervously lifted his eyes to meet those of his interrogator. “I have had the good fortune to live for many years. I am a plain and simple soldier. Nothing more and nothing less. I do not possess many skills that I can boast of. I can kill. And I know how to make people talk. It is your choice now to make, which of my skills do I use today?” he asked in deadly earnest.

Nytig was now shaking so badly that his teeth were beginning to chatter loudly. He was petrified and he answered the warrior without hesitation. “I... I will tell you anything you want to know!” he snapped, his voice trembling with fear.

“You cannot trust him!” screamed Verastus suddenly. “He is Vantrax’ servant and he will lie!” he warned.

“Gerada. Father, I think Verastus is right. This is obviously a trick. Vantrax has sent him here and we cannot believe anything he says.” said Princess Zephany in agreement, as she stared loathingly at Nytig.

Knesh looked straight into Nytig’s eyes also. His intense stare unnerved Nytig even further, the brief silence which accompanied it, deliberately employed by Knesh, only serving to exacerbate his fear. “Well slave? You say you have escaped from Heron Getracht? Tell us then, what is Vantrax planning? What is he doing? How many soldiers does his Gerada command in the north? Where are they now? How many warriors are guarding him and the fortress? Speak! Or lose your tongue!” demanded Knesh forcefully.

“He… He is not there!” yelled Nytig, deliberately acting as if he was divulging the world’s greatest secret. “He has left the fortress to command the Northern Army with Sawdon. They march through the night. They will reach Erriard forest by daybreak. You…”

“They march toward us? And Vantrax leads them? You are sure?” asked Artrex, interrupting Nytig as his excitement grew. He was eager now to learn as much as he could from his captive, even though he knew he couldn’t trust a single word he was saying.

“Yes.” replied the servant, looking straight into the King’s eyes. “He hopes to meet you in battle. He grows weary of this never-ending chase, he desires an end to this conflict, and he means to destroy you all.”

Artrex fell silent for a moment, digesting the information he had just been given and considering his alternatives. After a short while, he glanced at Knesh.

“Take him away!” ordered Knesh suddenly, to the soldiers who had brought Nytig to the camp. They hoisted him up onto his feet and whisked him away sharply to another area of the forest, still bound and groaning loudly from all his aches and pains. Everyone remained silent, they were all looking to the King for direction, but he was still thinking.

“Forgive me for saying so, sire... But you should continue with your plans and go south.” stated Verastus, eventually breaking the silence. “This news changes nothing. Except that it may hasten the journey we must take. The Northern Army is strong. Too strong...”

“Yes. But they will have marched all night, Verastus. They will be tired. We have good ground for ambush, and… Forgive me father, we will finally have the chance to kill my uncle! We cannot miss the opportunity, now that he is away from his protective fortress. We have to fight!” interrupted Princess Zephany enthusiastically.

Once again, Artrex didn’t respond straight away, he rubbed his chin with his right hand as he thought. Finally he spoke.

“Thank you daughter. I have listened to all you have said. And my new friend, Verastus, your opinion is noted also. Though I did not ask for it, and I do not believe I ever agreed to go south. I believe in fact, that I agreed to nothing at all. And you, Keeper? What do you and Ben say? Would you fight?” asked Artrex, eager to hear all the opinions on offer before finally deciding on a course of action.

“King Artrex, I can’t speak for Ben, but my priority has to be the stones. We have to restore them, or we’ll never get home. I know that’s selfish, but I’m trying my best to be honest with you. My grandfather is probably dead I know, but if there’s any chance at all to save him, no matter how small, I have to try. I have to know!” replied Jake emotionally. He glanced briefly at Ben before continuing to speak. “But then… I know that he would want me to do the right thing by you and your people. I’m more convinced than ever, that our destinies are linked. I know we’ll need your help and guidance if we’re ever going to get home. And therefore, whatever you decide, I promise I’ll follow you. Because I believe with all my heart that it’s the right thing to do. Even though it may delay our return. For better or worse King Artrex, and I’m really not sure I fully understand why, I am with you!”

All eyes now turned to Ben. He was still looking at Jake, trying to decide how he felt, so he didn’t notice that the others were all staring at him. Jake’s eyes shifted to the side several times to tell Ben that he was being watched and finally, it dawned on him.

“What? Oh yes, well… What he said!” Ben shouted, pointing directly at Jake.

The entire group laughed out loud at his instinctive response to the life-changing, momentous decision put before him. “Ha ha... Then that just leaves you, my old friend.” stated Artrex, as he placed his hand up on Knesh’ shoulder. “Please, tell me your thoughts.”

Knesh looked his King in the eye. “As always, I am yours to command sire. You know I follow you my liege, to whatever end. But, if you ask for my counsel, then I give it freely, here and now. It is a trap! Vantrax wants to entice you to fight. That is why he sends his servant here, he offers himself as bait, to make you fight. He expects that you will not be able to resist the temptation to meet him, and he is praying that you will be drawn out, so that he may destroy our army. However… If we know all of this, then we can prepare accordingly. Make plans based around the knowledge we have, give ourselves options, should a trap be sprung.” he stated, with an impressive air of confidence.

The Gerada crouched down onto his knees, he began drawing shapes into the dirt with a stick. “Here! See? We send the slowest of our soldiers south, the sick and injured, the wagons and carts. Only the fastest and fittest are to remain. We that do remain can catch up with the rest when we are able. We make pre-arranged signals for retreat, organise our defences around hit and run tactics. We ambush the enemy at their weakest points, hit them hard! Kill as many as we can, and then fall away into the forest. Do you see?”

He paused and looked around to ensure they were all paying attention. “But… Should you decide to fight this way my King, here is the boldest move I propose; Heron Getracht must lie empty. Vantrax will have brought every soldier he has to defeat us. He will take no chances in achieving a great victory here. He himself leads their army, and that means the Guard are with him. In the fortress dungeons there must be two or three hundred prisoners, those who have fought against him, or refused to fight for him, or work in his mines. They are crammed in and starving if history is being repeated, hatred and a desire for vengeance fills their hearts. They will all fight for us I am sure, if they are released! Among their number are many Nobles and Lords who will attract much needed support. I think of Queen Bressial in particular. The Nadjan people will flock to our banner in their thousands, if she joins us.”

An enormous smile suddenly erupted onto King Artrex’ face, he slapped Knesh on his back in a spontaneous expression of delight. “Knesh, you are a genius!” he shouted happily. “We may not be able to even get clto my brother, but by the stars we are going to try! If we only succeed in giving them a bloody nose, and freeing those prisoners, it will be a good day’s work. Ha! We are coming brother!! So, who goes to Heron Getracht?” he asked, looking around the group. “If Knesh or I go, it will be noticed, and Vantrax will surely hear of it.”

“I will go father!” shouted Zephany eagerly. “I will not be missed and I will ride swiftly.”

“And I will accompany her.” said Verastus boldly, as he stepped over to Zephany’s side in a dramatic show of unity. “I know the fortress and its dungeons, I should be able to help.”

“Thank you both.” Artrex replied. “Take ten horsemen and…”

“I’m going too!” interrupted Jake, just as the King was about to deliver his instructions. “I know now that I ride and fight as well as anyone here. And I have to do something to help, if we’re going to accept your help in restoring the stones.” he added.

“But… What about me?” asked Ben. “Can I come?”

Jake shook his head slightly at his friend. “Afraid not mate. Not this time, you’ll only slow us down. I need you to stay and guard the stones if you will please? Guard them with your life!” he said, embarrassed at having to ask his friend to stay behind due to his own newfound abilities.

Jake was also concerned for Ben’s safety, it would be a dangerous mission, but he still hated leaving his friend behind and he hoped that Ben understood. Ben nodded. He didn’t want to leave Jake’s side but he said nothing and he didn’t argue this time. Though he hated to admit it, he knew that Jake was right. He was no match for Jake now, nor the practised warriors of the Ruddite Rebellion. It was the right decision and he knew it, even if it grated with him so. He looked at the friend he hardly recognised. He’d changed from the boy he knew. The practical joker who laughed his way through life and took nothing too seriously, was gone. He’d grown up in a single day. The circumstances had necessitated that. But there was more to it. Here in Rhuaddan, Jake was a natural leader who commanded respect from all around him. He was no fifteen year old schoolboy in other people’s eyes here. Ben knew that Jake had always had leadership potential within him, it had been evident at school and his teachers had often recognised it, but his best friend was now making life and death decisions with the ease and confidence of a veteran. No one objected to them, despite their own age and abilities, and Jake’s obvious youth and inexperience. It was a strange kind of reality to Ben. All the normal rules of life that applied back home had been turned on their head as far as he was concerned. It was something he knew he had to accept, he had no choice, at least whilst they were here on Rhuaddan.

“So be it.” said Knesh. “You have to leave right now if you are to succeed, for time is short. Remember, ride south a little before you ride east, that way you will avoid Vantrax’ army. We will meet at the village of Soreen, the day after tomorrow. Our soldiers will guide you there. Good luck!” he said, as he placed his hand firmly on Jake’s shoulder.

Jake nodded to Artrex and then walked slowly over to Ben. As Artrex and Knesh said their goodbye’s to Princess Zephany, he shook Ben’s outstretched hand.

“See ya later then.” he said, with rising emotion. “You know I have to do this, right? It’s like, I can’t say no. Artrex says we’re here for a reason. Well, maybe e. He’d is it. I hope you understand mate? I can’t walk away from this, Ben.”

Ben smiled in support of his friend. “Yeah, I suppose not pal,” he replied, “but don’t you go leaving me alone in this place, will ya? There’s no telly!”

M J Webb's books