The Keeper of the Stones

Chapter 16

14th August – Heron Getracht Fortress – Rhuaddan

Some hours earlier, Nytig had scurried up the stairs to the tower room as fast as his deformed legs would carry him upon King Vantrax’ summons. He knew from bitter experience that delaying his response would not be a good idea and he had no wish to receive another beating for being too slow. In his haste, he tripped on the final step of the stairs and stumbled into the room, almost falling on the floor at Sawdon’s feet. “Y-yes sire?” he said, as he attempted to regain his posture and composure, panting rapidly and trying desperately to catch his breath from the effort of climbing the stairs. The dash to the tower room was just about the only exercise that Nytig undertook on a regular basis, and he was sweating profusely. Vantrax and Sawdon smirked at each other in mutual amusement at the pathetic figure before them. It was some time before Nytig’s breathing eventually slowed and he began to recover. The evil King’s lips moved slightly to form a wicked smile, as he thought about the servant’s likely reaction to what he was about to sa.

“I have decided, Nytig, that I need a volunteer.” said Vantrax smugly. “I need a special kind of volunteer. It has to be someone who will arouse no suspicions, someone who will appear completely believable to my enemies. Or at least, be seen as no physical threat to them. You will no doubt be delighted to learn that I have decided that volunteer, shall be you.” he stated, in a matter of fact kind of way that gave Nytig no opportunity at all to argue, or object to the decision.

Sawdon suddenly erupted into uncontrollable laughter. The evil tyrant hadn’t discussed his idea with his most trusted warrior, but Sawdon now believed that he could guess at the King’s intent. The look of absolute horror on Nytig’s face at being selected for a task that would obviously be above and beyond his normal duties amused the Thargw. He thought it sweet revenge for the lack of respect the servant had shown him earlier and he was enjoying the moment. He leant forward, deliberately invading Nytig’s personal space and looking him straight in the eye, from an unnervingly close distance.

“What is wrong little facqs?” he asked, mocking the shell-shocked servant and intentionally placing his teeth-filled face even closer to him. “You seem to have lost your colour all of a sudden, are you ill?” he enquired through his laughter.

Nytig attempted a feeble response, but the sound he emitted was a pathetic squeak, barely audible to the warrior who was less than an inch away. “What? N-no… No my Lord Sawdon, I am fine.” He turned and looked despondently at Vantrax, having now resigned himself to the certainty of his unknown task, given Sawdon’s reaction. “I am here to do as you please, my King.” he said dejectedly.

“Good Nytig. Excellent. I am glad that you realise it. Listen to me carefully. You, my foul-smelling servant, are going to Erriard forest!” said Vantrax, attempting to explain his plan.

“Srr… Erriard?” interrupted a shocked Nytig, gulping hard at hearing the destination. “But the rebels are at Erriard. I...”

“Yes, Erriard!” snapped Vantrax angrily. “Are you deaf? Do not interrupt me again, or it will be the last thing you do! You are going to the Forest of Erriard. And I am well aware of my brother’s location, you stupid... I do not need reminding of the thorn in my side that needs to be plucked! Listen to me and listen well. You will leave in a few moments with some of my Personal Guard. They will take you on horseback to within a safe distance of the forest, but out of sight of the rebel scouts. There you will dismount and go on foot, alone. Do you understand?” he asked the bewildered and frightened servant.

Nytig stared up at Vantrax and then at Sawdon, it all seemed to him like a terrible nightmare. But somehow, he knew he wasn’t going to wake up this time and find that he was dreaming. He began to shiver at the thought of what the King would say next. “I- I think so… I mean, no.” answered Nytig, trying to be honest but unsure as to the correct response to the question.

Vantrax became even more frustrated and annoyed at his servant’s lack of intelligence. “You stupid rachtis! You are to make believe you have escaped from my fortress. You will run as if being pursued by my soldiers. They will follow you just far enough behind to make it look as if they are really chasing you. Naaa... You dim witted ptol! You will run straight into the arms of my enemy. The rebels will have no choice but to take you to my brother. Once there, I expect you will be questioned, may then tortured.”

Nytig swallowed hard once more at the mention of torture. He was no hero, he’d never wanted to be one. He wasn’t looking forward to ‘walking into the lion’s den’, but that is exactly where he now seemed destined to go. It had all been decided in his absence, he hadn’t been consulted and he knew he really didn’t have a choice in the matter. There was nothing he could do but accept his fate, if he wanted to stay alive. He knew his master well, and he was certain that King Vantrax would not tolerate disobedience. He glanced at Sawdon with hate-filled eyes, the warrior was still laughing hard at the obvious discomfort on his face. King Vantrax continued to deliver his instructions.

“…You are not to ‘confess’ too early under torture, Nytig. That may not seem believable to the enemy. You are to hold out bravely for a while, before revealing that I am personally at the head of my Northern Army. Tell them that I command, and that we are fast approaching Erriard forest, having marched all through the night with my tired and wearisome force.” he said, deliberately slowing his speech and emphasising his words so that Nytig would understand his meaning.

“But, I… I do not…” began Nytig, still unsure of the reasoning behind the plan, despite Vantrax’ best efforts.

“Raaarghh! By the…! How stupid can one slave be? Listen! I am the bait that will force my brother to fight. He will not be able to resist the chance to face me after all this time, I guarantee it!” Vantrax screamed in exasperation.

“Excellent!” shouted Sawdon triumphantly, now becoming awash with excitement at the very real prospect of battle. “Artrex will surely fight if he knows you are there. He is a warrior. He will not be able to deny himself the opportunity of facing you on the field of honour. Rarr! A clever plan.”

“Quite.” replied Vantrax, staring at Nytig to ensure he was satisfied that his servant finally understood. “Now, you will keep your eyes open for the stones, Nytig. If you do see them, you are to attempt to steal them and escape. Bring the stones to me. But at the very least, you will locate their whereabouts so that we will be able to retrieve them once we have defeated their army. Srrr, you will have to have some plausible reason for escaping, for running away from Heron Getracht. Ahh! I suggest you tell them that I am a terrible, vicious master who treats you badly. And that you cannot stand working for me one day longer. Can you do that?” he asked sincerely.

Nytig looked back at his master, he knew that his own thoughts and opinions were completely immaterial at this stage, the plan was already decided upon and he could do nothing to change it. He certainly wasn’t going to start being honest with Vantrax now. That would achieve nothing but to accelerate his own demise. No, honesty was the last thing on Nytig’s mind at this point.

“I... I will try sire.” he answered feebly, before turning and trudging slowly away, with Sawdon’s continual laughter still ringing in his ears.

The mighty Thargw watched Nytig exit the room, his laughter subsided as the unfortunate servant disappeared from sight. After a second or two, he spoke openly to Vantrax. “Tell me sire, do you honestly think that halfwit inbreed will do as he is told? He is not the most reliable of servants. I can never understand why you tolerate him? Is it really wise to trust him with such an important task?” he asked, in a calm, deep voice.

“He has no cheed wn the matter, Sawdon. If he values his life that is. You are right though, he is not the best servant I could have, and his personal hygiene is atrocious. But that is exactly why he is expendable. And believable. In any event, my soldiers will kill him if he attempts to run. And once in the hands of the rebels, he will only be conveying the truth; that I am personally leading my army and that I stand before them at last, ready to do battle. I am simply ensuring that my brother is made aware of my presence. After that, his desire for a reckoning and wish to put an end to this conflict between us, will do the rest. That, and his ego. He will fight, Sawdon. He has to! And once battle has commenced, then strength, numbers and cunning will win the day. And maybe a spell or two.” said Vantrax ominously, as he suddenly erupted into fiendish laughter.

Sawdon laughed along with his King. His mind began wandering, making battle plans that he couldn’t wait to enact. Their laughter faded out naturally and Vantrax placed his hand on Sawdon’s shoulder in a rare show of comradeship.

“Come now, Sawdon. Let us go and prepare. You and I must ride to Strymos immediately. We have to give him the good news that he is relieved of his command. Now you may get excited, Sawdon. Now you can make your plans for the destruction of all those who would oppose me. We have waited for this day for a long, long time. The game has begun. Our destiny awaits!”

M J Webb's books