The Keeper of the Stones

Chapter 12

14th August – Tower Room, Heron Getracht Fortress – Rhuaddan

“Go and organize some search parties, now!” ordered Sawdon angrily. “Let us see if we can salvage something from this mess and get those stones. I want to move quickly, so hurry!” he shouted fiercely to Adrob, who raced off immediately down the stairway and shouted out his own orders as he reached the courtyard below to the soldiers who were still gathered there. The whole fortress immediately became a hive of activity as those detailed gathered their equipment and began readying their horses. Back in the tower room, Sawdon shouted loly again, this time for Nytig, seconds later the manservant appeared, hurrying nervously into the room as fast as his deformed body would allow but being very careful to give Sawdon a wide berth as he approached the exhausted King Vantrax.

“Sire, what can I do for you? Some water perhaps?” he enquired of his master.

Vantrax looked up at him from his chair and nodded a feeble response, which was all that he could muster. Nytig limped over to a table where a jug of water and some goblets lay, he poured some water from the jug, almost spilling it with his clumsiness, then he brought it quickly back to the King and placed it into his hands. The evil wizard took a few sips, it seemed to revive him a little and he sat back in his chair, still feeling very weak, but now wanting to talk. He looked up at Sawdon.

“You have to get those stones.” he said, in a weak, uncharacteristic voice. “The power they wield is limitless.” He paused to catch his breath. “This slave, Verastus, what do you know of him?”

“Sire, he was captured on Falor some years ago, we tried to persuade him to fight, he refused. Despite our best efforts, he… But, you met him my Lord. He was brought before you when he tried to escape, after resisting torture in the dungeons. You spoke to him, he showed you defiance, and he refused to fight. He was sent to the mines. Large creature, hair covered his face, and he had an unusual growth of it on his jaw.”

“Ah yes, yes, I remember now. What do you think, Sawdon? What danger is he to us? How will he aid these boys if he joins them?”

“In truth, I do not know sire. He has strength, but he would not fight. That would indicate some degree of intelligence. But, I cannot say if he is a strong warrior. He has a resolve that may make him dangerous, if he joins the fight against us. If he does aid these boys, I believe that they will try to reach your brother and his rebels. They are alone sire, in a foreign land, if Verastus has talked to them they will surely have learned of our history, and our present maybe. The logical step for them to take would be to seek friends and allies, wherever they can. And in that, they have only one option. But this is all irrelevant, they will return home the first time they are able? At their very first opportunity.” Sawdon suggested, amazed at himself for taking so long to reach the obvious conclusion.

“Yes, Sawdon. I agree. That would be the right decision for them to take. But, we have heard no sounds, have we? We have seen no light. Why do you suppose that is?” asked Vantrax, his strength and energy returning with each second he rested. He shouted out loud as he realized the opportunity presented by the answer to his own question. “Raarr! They have not yet departed, Sawdon. Perhaps, they have forgotten how? Perhaps this Verastus has killed them both and taken the stones for himself? They would be of no use to him of course, he would not be able to open the box, but he would not know that, would he? Whatever has happened, time is of the essence. We must hurry! The stones are still here and we must seize them. Divide your men into three groups, we do not have large numbers as the Northern Army has taken my foot soldiers, but there are only three of them.” he stated confidently, standing up to study the map on the table. After a few seconds, he turned to Sawdon again.

“Their most likely route is to the west, toward the Forest of Erriard as you have said. You will lead your party in that direction. But you will send others to the north and northeast. The northern group are to head towards the Herfion Mntains, to try to pick up their trail. This group can join with you later if we are right, and if they are able. The third party to the north east are to search the lands between the Herfion Mountains and the coast. It is unlikely that this slave has ships waiting for him, but he did head that way, and it is the least obvious route to take, therefore it is the smartest route for any creature being pursued and trying to evade capture.”

Sawdon was sure he understood the logic behind the orders and he nodded. “Very well my Lord, it shall be done.” he answered obediently, as he began walking towards the stairs.

He was stopped as he reached the top by Vantrax’ voice calling after him. “Sawdon! I am in no mood for failure!” he shouted angrily, without turning his head and still staring intently at the map. “This situation can easily escalate into something we do not want. I would like a quick end to this particular problem. I do not want those boys to reach my brother! Do I make myself clear?” he shouted loudly.

“Yes sire. Perfectly.” the mighty warrior replied. “I will kill them all if I see them. You shall have the stones my Lord. But, if they do reach Erriard, we will need a larger force than I shall have with me. When will Strymos and your army be ready?”

“Soon, Sawdon, soon. But not soon enough I fear.” replied a frustrated Vantrax. “If their plan is to reach the rebels, we have to assume that they have the horses my soldiers very kindly left to them. In which case, they have a head start on you. I seriously doubt that Strymos has started to move as yet, unfortunately it does take some time to move an army, and a great deal of them are on foot.”

“I understand completely sire. We will ride hard.” replied Sawdon as he left the room, giving a passing growl in Nytig’s direction.

The servant flinched and slithered over to Vantrax’ side, he grabbed the empty goblet from the table. “Is there anything else you require of me sire?”

Vantrax suddenly screamed out loud with frustration, making Nytig jump and drop the goblet. The stones he’d been seeking for so long were now tantalisingly close to finally being his. But at this moment, he still felt completely helpless. He could do nothing more to ensure their capture. And once again, it seemed to him that his cursed brother may intervene in his affairs to thwart him. All he could do now was wait to see what would happen.

“No, Nytig. Get out of my sight and leave me alone!” he raged.

Sawdon strode purposefully out into the courtyard where Adrob and a group of soldiers on horseback were waiting for him. A young blacksmith’s apprentice walked forward with Sawdon’s horse and handed him the reigns. The mighty warrior mounted it swiftly. “Adrob! You will take five men and search the area around the Herfion Mountains. Try to pick up their trail from the point of the last sighting. If you find it, follow it in whichever direction it leads. If you find the strangers, kill them all. But bring the stones back to King Vantrax. I need not tell you the penalty for treachery, Adrob. Your trail may lead you to me and my party, for I will take five men west towards the Forest of Erriard, across the Astelli Plains. The rest of you will search the area to the northeast, near the coast, with the same orders. Do you all understand me?” Sawdon asked of the collection of warriors before him, with all the natural authority of an experienced soldier and leader of men. “Yes Gerada!” came their collective reply.

The soldiers quickly divided into their respective groups and then galloped rapidly out of the fortress gates. Sawdon and his party headed out across the Astelli Plains, they made good progress and pushed their horses hard, but they had to stop at every little village or ruin they passed to search for a trail that might confirm that the boys had travelled that way, and they always had to be alert for the possibility of a rebel ambush.

They’d been riding for some time when the lead horseman suddenly placed his hand up in the air and brought them all to a halt. He dismounted and crouched down on his haunches, examining closely the soft earth around his feet. “My Lord Sawdon!” he shouted. “A trail. Horses, two. The second of them makes a deeper mark, heavier.” He raced forward a few yards on foot, following the horse’s tracks and staring down at the floor, pointing out each new track he found. “There! And there! They are definitely heading for Erriard. We have them!” he shouted out excitedly.

“You fool. We have nothing!” barked Sawdon furiously. “If they reach Erriard, we have lost them. Get on your horse quickly!” he ordered.

The soldier mounted his horse as fast as he could and galloped after his comrades at high speed in the direction of the forest, which could be seen far away on the horizon. All six horsemen were pushing their horses to the limit of their endurance and speed, with Sawdon leading the way. His horse began blowing hard, it quickly became exhausted at the relentless pace the warrior maintained. Then, as he crested a ridge, he caught a glimpse of something in the distance and halted immediately for a better look, allowing the group of soldiers to catch up with him.

Sawdon’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared, with his superior eyesight he could see what looked like small dots on the horizon. “There!” he shouted, as he shook his head violently to clear his senses and looked again. “Horsesoldiers. It is them! They are with a group of rebels. We have to close the distance between us before they run. Charge!” he roared.

They hadn’t galloped far when Sawdon saw the horses near the forest move. He halted the charge and watched with frustration, anger and dismay as they formed up perfectly and rode swiftly into the forest, disappearing out of sight and into the darkness. He gazed down at his exhausted mount, it was sweating profusely and gasping for breath, the other horses were in a similar state and he knew that the chase was over.


Sawdon’s mighty roar terrified everyone around him and seemed to echo in the air for some time.

“Why have we stopped, Gerada? Why are we not following them into the forest?” asked one of the younger soldiers in his group.

Sawdon looked at him in disbelief, astonished at the young soldier’s naivety. “Listen to me now,” he growled, “and you may learn something that could keep you alive. I follow my King’s commands, but I have not lived this long by being foolish. We are six. They are… Who knows how many? They have already seen us. If I were them, I would want me to follow. I would be waiting in there to ambush us in the trees, hoping to kill us before we can report sighting them to King Vantrax. I would be praying that I was that stupid. Chasing after them into the trees would be a mistake. And it is one I will not make. No, we will re them, Irt back to Vantrax, we will return with the entire Northern Army. We have little choice now, we must attack. And we will attack with all the forces at our disposal. We cannot delay. Relax now while you can boy, the smell of war is in the air!!!”

M J Webb's books