The Keeper of the Stones

Chapter 22

Just before daybreak 15th August – Heron Getracht Fortress - Rhuaddan

“Look out!!!”

Princess Zephany suddenly screamed loudly at Jake from her position just behind him, with real urgency and alarm in her voice. The entire raiding force stood just inside the entrance to Heron Getracht fortress and it was now confronted by a rapidly growing group of young defenders who had responded to the lookout’s shouts as he’d originally challenged the party from high on the ramparts above.

When Jake had led the rebels into the courtyard, there had been a short lived but tense standoff. It was ended abruptly when Princess Zephany noticed the sudden and swift, downward movement of one of the rampart soldiers out of the corner of her eye, as he foolishly attempted to launch an attack upon Jake from above and behind. It was a fall of over twenty feet and clearly the action of an impetuous youth. But nevertheless, he was hurtling towards Jake with his sword raised threateningly and poised to strike a killer blow.

Jake responded quickly and without hesitation. He instinctively swivelled around and arched his back at the same time, swinging his sword in the fashion of his favourite ‘pull shot’ which he’d often employed on the school cricket pitch back home. Only this time, the manoeuvre produced a far more deadly result. The young airborne soldier was undone by the lightning speed of Jake’s response and he was too slow in attempting to lower his sword to block Jake’s attack. The Keeper’s blade passed underneath his own and sliced into him across his exposed torso. The youngster was dead before his body hit the floor and he fell in a crumpled heap at Jake’s feet, having been despatched expertly with unbelievable ease and speed given the surprise nature of his attack.

All of the young fortress defenders witnessed the gruesome incident. They now remained where they stood, in shock and stunned by the ferocity and effectiveness of Jake’s response. None of them seemed to know what to do. They looked at each other for guidance, then the other soldiers on the ramparts began running for the stairs which led down into the courtyard in an attempt to join the rest of their colleagues. But in doing so, they effectively removed any threat to the raiding force of another attack from above and allowed Jake and the rest of his group to turn and concentrate solely on the soldiers in front of them, who still outnumbered his party by three to one. Despite their numerical advantage over their attackers however, the young soldiers defending the fortress hesitated again and failed to seize the initiative that was theirs for the taking.

“Okay, who is in command here?” demanded Jake loudly, breaking the awkward silence. “Huh. I say again,” he began, when no response came back immediately from the young defenders, “who commands here?” Still there was no reply. Jake was surprised to hear himself shouting out his demands in a deep, manly voice that he barely recognised. It certainly didn’t belong to a fifteen year old schoolboy. The defenders continued to look around nervously at each other, none of them wanted to speak at first, but eventually it was the tallest boy in front of Jake who answered for them all.

“Srr.... He does! I mean, he did.” the boy said nervously, pointing down at the blood soaked corpse that was lying on the floor.

Jake looked around at the remainder of the group. They were all young and inexperienced soldiers, they were all scared, and they didn’t look to Jake as though they wattd to fight. Princess Zephany and the remainder of the raiding force had fanned out in an extended line facing the defenders, the experienced rebels stood ready with swords in hand, poised to attack the young soldiers before them and waiting only for Jake’s command. But it was obvious to Jake that the veteran rebel raiders had all recognised the fear in their opponent’s eyes, and they also didn’t want to fight. Everyone now looked to Jake.

“Okay, all of you, listen to me carefully!” he shouted, in the loudest, deepest voice he could muster. “My companions here are all soldiers of the Ruddite Rebellion. My identity is of no concern to you right now. It’s enough for you to know that we’re all loyal servants of King Artrex, the rightful ruler of this land and the sworn enemy of his brother, Vantrax, who you have the misfortune to serve. Our quarrel this night is not with you! It’s with Vantrax, and those soldiers who choose freely to follow him. We are soldiers. We are not murderers! We will take no pleasure in killing boys. You have your whole lives in front of you. Think very hard about your next decision. I ask you to lay down your swords now. Or my friends and I will be forced to attack. And once we begin, we’ll be unable to show you mercy!” he bellowed, hoping to shock the young boys into conceding defeat, without a fight.

Jake knew how his appearance would seem to the young defenders. He looked again at their faces, trying to gauge for himself if his words were having the desired effect. He was beginning to think that his plan was working and he was just about to continue speaking, when his eyes suddenly detected more rapid movement, this time from the soldiers in front of Verastus a little to his right.

Three of the young fortress guards had suddenly broken ranks in a determined effort to get to Jake. The first of them was now running at him as fast as he could with his sword held aloft. As he reached him, the soldier swung his sword down viciously towards Jake’s head in an all out attack. Once again, he reacted without thinking and with astonishing speed. He instinctively ducked underneath the oncoming sword and it whizzed rapidly over his head. His right arm simultaneously thrust his own sword upward and into the ribs of the attacker, in a clean, precision strike. The faultless manoeuvre was performed so quickly, and with such astonishing balance, that the first soldier had not yet fallen dead on the floor before Jake had returned to an upright stance and was facing the second of the three attackers, who followed closely behind the first.

This time, Jake parried the slashing, downward strike from his assailant before swiftly bringing his own sword down and onto the attacker’s right thigh. The velocity and strength of the strike severed the limb and caused the soldier to fall instantly onto the courtyard floor. The young boy began writhing in agony as the blood drained from his open wound, his severed limb now lying by his side.

The last and slowest of the three attackers was still running towards Jake. He was halted abruptly by the giant sword of Verastus, who struck a powerful downwards blow deliberately onto the soldier’s outstretched sword, stinging his hand fiercely and almost causing the young boy to drop it. The soldier stopped running as the power of the blow placed him off balance. He stood motionless for a split second as Verastus inched menacingly towards him. Then he threw his sword down to the ground in capitulation, the will to fight suddenly lost at the sight of his comrades’ fate and the giant figure of Verastus bearing down upon him. Verastus halted his advance as the sword hit the floor.

“I think Jake, that you have their attention” he shouted, keeping his sword positioned towards the head of the third attacker. Jake nodded at him in acknowledgement and once again he addressed all of the defenders.

“That was unfortunate and unnecessary!” he shouted angrily. “As I have said, we really do have no wish to kill you! You can plainly see that you are no match for us. I urge you to reconsider your options once again. There is no shame in walking away this night. Those of you who wish to, can go now. You will not be harmed.” he stated, his emotions still running high at having been forced to kill the young boys, when he’d hoped all along to avoid having to do so.

The young defenders looked around at each other once again, waiting to see how their colleagues would respond. Nobody seemed to want to be the first to react. But suddenly, one of them dropped his sword and began walking slowly towards the open gate, the rebels before him parting and moving to one side to allow him to leave the fortress. The remaining defenders began to follow him in small groups. Each of them laid down their weapons before exiting through the gate until finally, only a small group of four young soldiers remained standing in the courtyard, in front of Jake and Verastus. Princess Zephany and the rest of the raiding force closed up on Jake to face the young soldiers.

“Well? What is it going to be, boys?” asked Verastus, his sword still drawn threateningly and poised for action. “What is your decision? Death, or freedom?” he snarled.

The boys all looked at each other, they were all around sixteen years of age, all were older than Jake, but they now seemed like small children in comparison. The contrast in their appearance, mannerisms and confidence, was startling. Once again, it was the tallest boy who spoke for them all.

“Who... Who are you?” he asked, looking directly at Jake. “I have not seen anyone like you before. Those clothes. And the way you fight. Like... Well, like Sawdon. Only he fights with such skill.” he said, amazed.

Jake didn’t reply. His attention had been drawn immediately to the boy’s waist. He gazed down with interest at the keys that were dangling from the boy’s belt, in clear view.

“I don’t have time to answer your questions now, we must hurry! Tell me please, what are your intentions?” he asked, with his own sword still drawn but hoping sincerely that he wouldn’t have to use it again.

“I... We... We would like to join you. Join the rebellion, that is. If you will have us?” answered the boy boldly. “We are all from Rhuaddan. We are only here because we have been afraid, afraid of opposing Vantrax and Sawdon, afraid of what they might do if we did. We were told our families would be made to suffer if we did not serve them. But, we have all heard the rumours today of two strangers. It is said that the stones have returned? Is this true? Are you...?”

“Rarr! We do not have time for this, Jake! It is true, soldier. The stones are here on Rhuaddan. And this is the Keeper. I am Princess Zephany. We would be glad to have you join us.” stated Zephany impatiently, as she walked towards the soldiers sheathing her sword.

All of the young soldiers immediately dropped down upon bended knee and lowered their heads as Princess Zephany approached them. The tallest of them spoke once more, his head still bowed.

“Thank you, Princess. I am Arralf of Soreen, and I… We pledge our allegiance to you and King Artrex from this day forward unto death!”

Zephany smiled briefly at the gallant gesture, she lifted his head with her hand and invited them all to stand.

“Tell me Arralf, what are those keys you carry?” asked Jake.

“These? They are the keys to the dungeons.” answered Arralf, honestly.

Jake’s eyes widened on hearing the response he’d hoped to hear. “Do they open all of the fortress dungeons?” he asked, hardly daring to believe their apparent good fortune.

“Yes. All of them.” replied Arralf instantly.

“Then Arralf, will you and your friends help us now? And quickly?”

Arralf nodded and Jake immediately ordered five of Zephany’s horsemen to accompany the boys with instructions to unlock all the fortress’ prisoners and gather them in the courtyard as quickly as possible. Two of the other horsemen were ordered to close the fortress gate, after first calling for their colleague to join them with their horses. Then they were instructed to man the ramparts as lookouts, in case any of Vantrax’ soldiers should return unexpectedly.

Jake strode over to the well that was situated in the middle of the courtyard and drew up some water, acting as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and as if he’d done it a million times before. He offered the pale first to Zephany and then to Lord Castrad. Finally, he offered it to Verastus. Despite his own enormous thirst, he only drank himself once he was satisfied that the others had quenched theirs. As he sipped his water, Jake noticed that Verastus was smiling broadly.

“What?” he asked, curious as to what had suddenly amused his new friend. “What is it?”

“Nothing,” answered Verastus softly, turning his head away and shaking it slightly, muttering quietly under his breath so that no one else could hear him, “I shall remember this day for the rest of my years, Keeper. For today, a true leader is born.”

M J Webb's books