The Keeper of the Stones

Chapter 24

Morning of 15th August – Heron Getracht Fortress - Rhuaddan

Jake stood motionless in the courtyard of Heron Getracht fortress, gazing up in awe at the mighty structures that now surrounded him. He was astounded and amazed by their size and magnificence and, now that the action was over, he couldn’t believe that his small rebel force had taken the imposing fortification so easily, with so little loss of life. He was still looking up at the tower when he was approached by Princess Zephany.

“You are a complete mystery aren’t you, Jake?” she said. “It is like… Cha! I cannot work you out. I do not mean to offend you, but… Well, you are just a boy. You are my age. You are not from this land and, from what I hear from others, your life so far has been a comfortable one in your world, free from peril or danger. And yet, I have watched you closely since we met Jake, you were as calm when you were attacked as the most experienced of our warriors. You showed no fear or hesitation. You reacted as a great warrior would have. You wield that sword of yours with the skill of Knesh. And you seem somehow to have his understanding and knowledge of warfare. How is all that possible?” she asked, in her soft voice. “It is not… Well, natural.”

Jake thought about it for a brief moment before reaching the inevitable conclusion that she was right. ‘I’d probably be asking the same questions of her, if the roles were reversed.’ he thought. He shrugged his shoulders a little as he replied.

“Listen, to tell you the truth, Princess, I don’t really know what to say to ya. I mean, a lot of what is happening, what has happened, is as much of a surprise to me as anyone else. I can’t explain it properly but, I know it isn’t me doing all these things. It’s the stones. All this fighting, the confidence I have all of a sudden. I’m not that person, really. It’s the stones, they’ve changed me. I’m doing things, saying things, that I would never have done before I opened that box. They’ve changed me completely. Actually, it’s really scary if I stop and think about it. Believe me, I’m trying my hardest not to think about it, Princess! Something happened to me when I found that box. And I really don’t know how to undo it.” answered Jake, as he stared into Zephany’s eyes. “…To be totally honest with ya, I’m not even sure I want to undo it. Aaghhh, I can’t believe I’ve just said that!” he added, amazed by his own admission.

“Chaarr. I am not sure you are giving yourself enough credit, Jake.” Zephany replied. “From what I understand, the stones can only bring out what was already inside of you. Do not be so quick to dismiss your own part in all of this. The things you have already achieved. You can gain knowledge and skill instantly, I grant you. But the way you talk to people, the way you inspire confidence in those around you, the trust that others seem to place in you so readily, despite your age... No Jake, the stones cannot give you that. All of that, is down to you!”

Jake blushed a little and smiled coyly. Princess Zephany was a bright, intelligent and confident young girl. ‘You know, I bet you would be tremendous fun to be around in different circumstances,’ he thought, ‘a real livewire. And you’my age, in another time or place?’ He quickly shook his head to dismiss the idea as soon as it entered his mind, deciding that he already had enough to worry about at the moment without complicating things further.

“Whatever your secret is, Jake, there is no doubt to all of us now that you truly are the Keeper. We all must bow to your knowledge and skill now. Even those of us of royal blood will willingly serve you, it is clearly in our best interests. You only have to command us and we will follow you. I have seen the influence you have had on my people first hand, it cannot be denied, and I believe that you will help them, help us. I make this vow to you now, Jake; my sword and bow are yours. I am glad that you have come to Rhuaddan and I truly believe that together, we will achieve great things.” Zephany added, smiling broadly as she leant forward to kiss him gently on the cheek.

Jake couldn’t stop himself from blushing further at the sudden show of affection from the young Princess. As she pulled away from him he allowed his mind to wonder again if there could possibly have been more to it. Affection perhaps? For the briefest of moments their eyes met and there was an uneasy, awkward silence between them. It ended when their attention was suddenly drawn to one of the stone buildings which surrounded the courtyard. Two of the young soldiers who had stayed with Arralf when the remaining defenders of the fortress had fled, emerged triumphantly from the shadows of the doorway. They were leading a group of dazed and bedraggled prisoners, all of whom were now shielding their eyes as they stepped out of the darkness and into the bright sunlight.

Within moments the scene was repeated throughout the entire fortress. Group after group appeared from the darkness of the buildings, until the courtyard was filled with prisoners of all races and creeds. They hurried as best they could to greet each other, openly displaying a wide range of differing emotions. Some were laughing, some were crying, but all of them were clearly overjoyed to be free. They were ghostly white in complexion and most of them were hungry and thirsty, having survived for so long on meagre rations and little exercise. Despite the obvious time constraints of their mission, Jake ordered his soldiers to round up whatever food they could and distribute it amongst the prisoners, whilst Zephany took four of her soldiers and gave out some water.

Lord Castrad then appeared from the dungeon stairs which were situated next to the tower room. He was overcome with joy and shouting gleefully to Jake as he escorted a prisoner he was supporting with an arm around her waist. She was dressed in the ripped and worn remnants of what was once a fine regal dress, maroon in colour and embroidered throughout with expensive gold needlework. She shielded her eyes from the sun briefly as they exited the building. When they’d adjusted, she caught sight of the massed crowd of prisoners sitting around the well in the courtyard and immediately shrugged off Castrad’s arm to walk unaided. It was a deliberate show of defiance and pride from the freed prisoner that Castrad was delighted to see and fully understood. All of the prisoners suddenly began cheering and clapping loudly as Castrad walked with her to the well, where Jake and Zephany were waiting.

“Jake! This is a tremendous honour for me. It is a day I never thought I would see. It is all thanks to you, Jake. I will never forget it, I swear! From this day forward, I am eternally in your debt. I would like for you to meet my cousin, Her Majesty Queen Bressial of Nadjan!” stated Castrad joyfully, with a tear in his eye.

Queen Bressial smiled cordially and then placed a reassuring hand on Castrad arm.

“Maam.” answered Jake formally as he bowed his head, unsure as to how to properly address the Queen. “It is an honour and a privilege to meet you.”

Queen Bressial looked slightly bemused for a moment. She stared disbelievingly at Jake’s clothes. “Th… Thankyou. Jake, is it? I apologise for my reaction to you young man, but we are not used to seeing such attire. Have I been away for that long cousin?” she asked, turning to look at Castrad and Zephany.

The whole group of rebels burst into spontaneous laughter. It spread rapidly to all of the surrounding prisoners, Queen Bressial eventually managing to see the funny side of the incident when everything was later explained to her by Lord Castrad.

About an hour or so later, all the explanations had been given and all the prisoners released, fed and watered. In the courtyard now there were around three hundred prisoners, all of the dungeons having been full at the time of the raid. They were all talking to each other or trying to find lost friends. Everyone was in high spirits as they waited to see what would happen next. Finally, Princess Zephany leant over again to whisper to Jake.

“It is time, Jake. We have to move, my father and Knesh…”

“Yes, okay I know. Thank you.” interrupted Jake. He jumped up onto the wall of the well, standing on the stones and holding onto the wooden roof support to deliver his address. He gazed around at the crowd before him. They had all fallen silent now as they waited patiently for him to speak.

“Friends! I hope I may call you friends? You don’t know me, so I’ll begin by saying to you, rather obviously, that I’m not from Rhuaddan. I come from a distant land. Well, another world actually. Huh… That seems so strange to say. Some of you will have had the fortune to know my grandfather, Harry. You will have known him as, the Keeper. He came here a long time ago, to help you all. I am his direct descendant. I have come here to aid King Artrex and the Ruddite Rebellion. And I have brought the stones with me. They are here on Rhuaddan, though they are in need of repair.” he shouted, as loudly as he could.

Jake hesitated, he’d meant to say more, but a ripple of concerned conversation and unease now swept through the audience and distracted him.

Suddenly, from her position to his right, Queen Bressial stepped forward, sensing that he needed a little support to deliver the remainder of his speech. She stood by Jake’s side and said nothing. But the whole crowd of prisoners in front of them stopped talking immediately and focussed all their attention back onto the two figures in front of them.

“Err… Thank you.” said Jake. “Friends, listen to me now. You are all free to go as you please! Free to return to your homes and families. To whatever life you may have waiting for you. We demand nothing of you. But, we are going south. To meet with King Artrex and raise an army that will finally defeat Vantrax and free your people! We will unite all those in this land who oppose tyranny and evil. I know that this is a lot to ask of you all, especially now, having been prisoners for so long, but we have little time and we need your help. We would like you all to join us. I can promise you nothing in return for your allegiance, except that I will not rest until the stones are restored and I complete my grandfather’s work. I promise you all that I will see this thing through and stand by you to the end. Whatever happens, I will not let you own! But, I must ask of you all, right here and now, what is your decision?” he shouted loudly to the entire crowd.

The prisoners looked around at each other and began discussing the speech, trying to decide what to do. Once again, it was Queen Bressial who determined to act. She put up her hand and the noise stopped immediately. Everyone remained silent as she spoke in a calm but commanding voice.

“Loyal subjects. Dear friends. Your suffering and sorrow has been great these past years. We have watched it with a heavy heart and a frustration inside that is beyond measure. We have shared your pain and your heartache. If we could have…”

She stopped herself briefly as her emotions overcame her. Bressial fought back her tears and looked over at Castrad for a moment.

“…We desire peace above all! It is always uppermost in our thoughts. We are so very tired of fighting. We long to live out our remaining days in harmony. But my friends, that is never going to happen whilst Vantrax remains in power!! Ask of yourselves now, what lives do you have left to go to? How will you live? In servitude? In slavery? In fear? Then, what was our sacrifice for? What have we to show for all those lost years? I ask nothing of you my friends. But I am following this young boy. He has shown that he is the Keeper reborn. He has proven by taking this mighty fortress and releasing us all, that he has courage and skill. I have told you my decision. Now, who amongst you will follow him?”

The prisoners in the courtyard suddenly stood up on their feet. They all began cheering and clapping wildly in a mass celebration and statement of intent. Jake turned to Bressial and mouthed, ‘Thank you’ silently to her, before putting up his hand to stop the noise. The prisoners all fell silent once more, as Jake spoke to them again.

“Okay. Thank you all. We have a lot of work to do then. Go now and search the fortress, take for yourselves horses, weapons, food and clothes. Whatever you need. But, be back in this courtyard in half an hour. When you return we will make for Lidzenstor!” he declared boldly.

The prisoners began to disperse. The entire contingent of rebels around him appeared to be shocked by Jake’s unexpected announcement. No one was more shocked than the Princess.

“Lidzenstor?” she asked, once the noise had died down and she had Jake alone.

“Yes. Lidzenstor. We’re going to free the slaves there. And then we’ll free those in the mines at Berok, Periknar and Dingarth. Verastus has informed me of the mines, and he says that they hold many potential recruits. The delay in our journey will be minimal according to him. They’re not far from the route we must take to Soreen. And just think of the damage it’ll cause to Vantrax’ operations. And his reputation. He relies on the wealth of those mines to pay his armies.” said Jake, by way of a belated explanation.

Zephany stared straight at Verastus in complete astonishment. “And just exactly how long have you two been planning this?” she asked firmly.

Verastus looked sheepishly at her, unsure if she was offended at being excluded from the planning for the operation, as her royal status warranted. “I… I have been thinking of it from the start, Princess.” he admitted. “Though I have only recently told Jake, and I never thought he would agree to it.” he added in his defence.

Zephany smiled broadly. Then shelaughed out loud at them both.

“Ha ha ha. So be it, Keeper!” she said, as she turned to look at Jake. “I can see that life with you two, is going to be anything but dull.”

M J Webb's books