The Shy Girl and the Stripper

Sunny looked from the obviously angry woman to Geo, who met her gaze with a sexy grin and a wink. “It’s okay, baby girl. I’ll be right along.”

Nerves jangling, she turned and headed to her room. She could feel Geo watching her retreat. Not sure why she did it, she added a little extra twitch to her hips as she walked away. She did not stop until she reached her room.

Geo could not help but grin as his beautiful Sunflower walked away with her head up and shoulders back. She looked like a different woman than the one he had met at the airport. Amazing what a couple of days could do. Finally, he turned his attention to his sister. “You wanted to say something to me?”

“Leave her the fuck alone.” Gigi practically growled the words, and he could see something serious had upset his sister.

But this was his woman they were talking about, and the last thing he planned on doing was leaving her alone At least not until they had been married for twenty or thirty years. Then maybe he would be able to let her out of his sight for more than a few hours.

“Isn’t that for her to decide?” Geo fought to hold on to his patience. He needed to walk away as the temptation to slap his sister grew hard and fast. Turning his thoughts to more pleasant things, he wondered if he could talk Sunny into another go-round of rodeo rider before dinner.

Gigi took a deep breath and stared off into space for long, long seconds. Finally, she released the breath on a sigh. “Sunny has had a series of bad relationships. The last thing she needs is a three-day affair with a man who will probably forget her name before she gets on the airplane home. Leave her alone. If you really can’t go three nights without a woman, choose one of the sweet young things who know how the game is played. Sunny doesn’t understand the game and can’t handle the consequences. Especially right now.”

While Geo applauded Gigi’s gumption, her suggestion that he only wanted Sunny for a night or two offended him. “And what makes you think I’ll let her go after the conference is over?”

Gigi looked too serious. “Sunny has serious things to deal with at home. Besides, you’re my brother. And while I love you, I know you’re a rogue. You’ve never dated one woman for more than a couple of months at a time. Sunny needs a man who will give her more than a couple of nights of hot sex. She’s a dented toy, and you playing with her, then tossing her aside could shatter what’s left of her heart. Please, do me and her a favor. Just leave her the hell alone.”

Taking a breath, Geo looked at his sister, his expression deadly serious. “Sunny is different than any other woman I have ever met. She’s special. I knew it when I read her books, and that feeling has grown stronger since the moment I met her at the airport. Please do me a favor and back the fuck off.”

Having said his piece, Geo turned and walked away, not stopping until he reached his door. Once there he took several breaths to calm down before he slid his key into the lock. He needed to calm down. He could not have his disagreement with Gigi affecting his growing relationship with sweet, sweet Sunflower.

Closing and locking the door behind him, he headed straight for the connecting door. “Sunflower?”

She stepped out of the bathroom. “Did you get in trouble?”

He smiled as he crossed to her and pulled her close for a hug. “All is well, baby girl. Gigi was just being her usual pain in my ass.”

Sunny was not sure what to think when Geo did not strip them both naked and ease the erection that was pushing hard at the zipper of his jeans. The men in her past would have done that without a second thought. Instead, Geo released her long enough to pull off his boots. Then he took her hand and led her across the room to the bed she had pulled together earlier.

“Lose whatever isn’t comfortable,” he said as he pulled the covers back.

Since she was already barefoot, Sunny thought a moment before shucking off her slacks before crawling into bed. She turned just in time to see Geo drop his jeans, leaving him in a pair of rainbow-striped briefs and his convention T-shirt.

“Cute shorts,” she said with a smirk.

“Thanks,” he said, turning a circle to show her all sides before joining her and pulling the covers up over them both.

He settled on his back, then positioned her beside him with her head on his chest.

“So, what are we doing?” she asked after nearly a minute when she could not take the silence any longer.

“We’re being quiet and relaxing, maybe even taking a nap,” he said, his voice deep and rumbling through his chest. “Now, close your eyes and rest.”

Cooper McKenzie's books