The Shy Girl and the Stripper

Looking into the midnight sky full of stars, all at once she felt very small, yet at the same time, infinitely powerful. Pulling her hand from Geo’s she began to turn circles, lifting her arms as she whirled, feeling free and wild and as if all the energy in the world was filling her, replacing the overly excited, charged-up sexual energy she had been feeling for the past three days.

She whirled faster and faster, feeling like she was becoming one with the earth and the sky and universe. The exchange of energy filled her with a happiness she would never be able to describe to anyone. It bubbled up, needing release from her soul, so she began to laugh. Even when she grew dizzy and ended up tripping over her feet, falling, and rolling in the grass, she continued laughing. For the first time in recent memory, she felt fully alive, awake, and out of the confining box she had spent most of her life residing in.

When Geo picked her up from the ground and hugged her, the laughter slowly died away, to be replaced by a sexual need that began on the cellular level. She needed this man. Right here, right now. She needed to be one with this man as Eve had been with Adam in the garden at the beginning of time.

Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she kissed her way up his neck to his ear. “Dance for me, cowboy,” she whispered.

He pulled back and smiled at her, moonlight glinting off his teeth. “Yes, ma’am.”

It wasn’t until he set her down that she noticed he had been busy while she had slipped the bonds of polite society, and become one with the universe. A blanket lay spread out on the grass, a small stool sitting nearby.

Geo led her to the stool. “Why don’t you sit here, baby girl,” he said, leading her to the small stool.

She sat without question, then pulled him down for a long, slow kiss before releasing him.

Moving around to the other side of the blanket, Geo wished he had brought music with him. But then he looked at the woman and knew music would only intrude on the mood. Stopping a moment to pull off his boots, he turned his back on his audience of one.

Closing his eyes, Geo began to swing hips side to side. Then, he began to dance.

Sunny watched, in awe of the grace of Geo’s every movements. Having witnessed the first minutes of his performance the night before, she knew this was not how he had danced in the ballroom. It was as if he was making things up as he went. He moved easily, as if dancing to music only he heard. Music that was the opposite of the loud, staccato music Gigi had played two nights before.

Slowly Geo pulled his shirt open, one snap at a time. Pulling the tails from his jeans, he slowly worked it down his arms before swirling it with one hand over his head. Then he tossed it onto the blanket between them and began to move. He danced around the blanket, then circled her, stopping just long enough to draw fingertips across the top of one shoulder, across the back her neck, and then over the other as he passed behind her. Heat flashed through Sunny, and she sucked a sharp breath as sexual heat flared in her.

She reached out to grab him, but he moved just out of reach and returned to what had become his stage on the other side of the blanket. This time, he released the button at the waistband of his jeans before slowly shifting his hips left and right as his hand slid over the front of his jeans to cover his erection in an almost obscene gesture.

Sunny’s * overflowing, her nipples knotting up and every fiber in her being wanted nothing more than to go to Geo, toss him to the ground, and have her way with him.

He seemed to understand that, for he smiled at her. “Don’t move, or I’ll stop.”

With a whiny sigh, Sunny forced herself to remain on the stool, She knotted her fingers together in her lap even as her bottom lip poked out just a little bit in a halfhearted pout.

“I know, sweetheart, I’m needing, too,” Geo admitted as he slowly slid the zipper down its track, one millimeter at a time. His hips continued rocking to the slow beat of the music that only he heard. As soon as the zipper parted, his cock bulged through the separated panels, happy to be free of the constricting denim.

Pushing his jeans and wiggling his ass, he worked the jeans down and off his long legs. In the next second, they followed his shirt onto the blanket between them.

After turning and showing her his perfect, muscular back and ass for several seconds, he once again danced toward her, his hard cock putting a serious strain on the front of his briefs.

Needing him to hurry the hell up, Sunny reached for the buttons on her sweater. When she reached the fastening on her front-clasp bra, she slipped that open as well. By the time he was beside her again, she was slipping out of her sweater and bra, tossing them both on the pile of clothes. Feeling brazen, she cupped her hands under her breasts and held them up, an offering to Geo, or the moon and stars, she wasn’t sure which. Nor did she care.

Geo smiled and shook his head. “That is surely a beautiful sight.”

Cooper McKenzie's books