The Shy Girl and the Stripper

It was a while before they calmed down again. And when they did, Sunny was shocked to see that Geo’s cock was just as hard as it had been before her meltdown.

“So,” she said, reaching down and stroking a single fingertip along the underside from tip to base.

“So,” Geo said, the hand not holding her close to his side reaching to tweak a nipple. “What position would you like to try next?”

“Um, I don’t know,” she said with a shrug. How could she admit that she wanted to try them all with him? “What about you? Do you have a favorite position?”

Geo’s brown eyes grinned, his cock twitching with excitement that not only had she overcome whatever ghosts were haunting her, but it had not dampened her enthusiasm for playing under the moon. “Oh, Sunflower, I do.”

Having a strong suspicion about what was wrong with the reverse cowgirl position, Geo positioned Sunny on her hands and knees in the middle of the blanket. He shoved their clothes to one side and moved in behind her. Leaning down, he took a moment to place a kiss in the center of each ass cheek before cupping them with his large hands.

Gently massaging her rounded mounds, he crawled into position between her legs, and pushed the blunt head of his cock into her *. He continued pushing deeper and deeper until he was fully embedded in her wet warmth.

“How you doing, baby girl?” he asked as his hands began a slow slide up her back, their large size covering almost every inch from spine to side.

She did not answer, though he saw, and felt, her muscles growing tense in the moonlight. He leaned forward until his chest brushed against her back just as she made a soft whimpering sound. Wrapping an arm around her middle, he shifted so their heads were side by side.

“Shhh, sweetheart. I’m right here. Look at me, baby girl,” he said. He turned his head and met her wide, worried eyes.

It took a few seconds, but the fear, and everything else, drained away, leaving behind a woman with needs. “Move,” she whispered before moving her head closer and kissing him.

Though it was difficult, he was able to move his cock in and out even as they continued kissing. When she pulled her lips away and dropped to her elbows, she growled, “Fuck me. Hard.” Geo knew they had broken through whatever block had been in place.

Straightening up, he wrapped his hands around her hips and began to piston his cock in and out of her *. As his balls drew up and began to tingle, he reached out with one hand and began to stroke one fingertip of her clit. He needed her to join him in Nirvana and he was too close to take his time or be delicate.

Gritting his teeth, he fought for control until Sunny lifted her head and screamed. At the same moment, her * clamped down around him, which sent his orgasm rocketing through him like a freight train. His entire body locked as he filled the condom that separated them.

As soon as his body began to respond to his brain again, he bent down, slipped his arms around her body, and pulled her with him as he settled to the blanket. They ended up lying spooned together on their sides. He separated from her long enough to deal with the condom, then pulled the blanket up and around them so they were wrapped together against the night’s cooling air.

When she stiffened against him, as if to pull away and demand to be taken back to town, he pulled her closer and kissed her temple. “Sleep, baby girl. Enjoy the peace and quiet of the universe for a while.”

She relaxed in his arms and in less than a minute was asleep, her breathing soft, slow, and even.

“I love you, Sunflower Carlyle,” Geo whispered to the night sky, as he tried to figure out what he needed to do to get to spend every night with this woman to move halfway across the country to be with him. After all, she was a writer. Couldn’t she write anywhere?

Yes, his ranch was a little remote for most people’s tastes, but they had satellite, Internet, and phone service. The mail was delivered to the mailbox out on the highway twice a week, and UPS delivered to the front door whenever they ordered stuff online. There was lots of fresh air, open land, peace, quiet, and him. What more could a woman want?

Sleep pulled him under before he figured out what kind of an offer he wanted to make her, an extended visit to the guest room, or a lifetime commitment.

Sunny took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She had slept better than she had in weeks, and felt like a new woman. Looking around, she was shocked that not only had the moon and stars faded, but the sun was up over the eastern horizon. “Oh my God,” she whispered as she fought her way free of the thick arms around her, but also the blanket that was wrapped tight around both of them. “Geo, wake up. We’ve got to get back to town.”

Feeling exposed in the early morning light, she turned her back to Geo and began to search for her clothes.

“Settle down. It’s still early,” Geo said as he slowly sat up. “We have plenty of time.”

Cooper McKenzie's books