The Shy Girl and the Stripper

His voice had dropped an octave, proving he was nearing the limit of his seemingly boundless control. And since her need had become a physical ache, she decided it was time to hurry this seduction along.

“I need you, Geo,” she moaned. She closed her eyes as she dropped one hand to pull at the skirt that still covered her from waist to knees. “I need you sooooo bad.”

She heard him mutter, “Oh hell,” just seconds before he swept her up from the stool into his thick, muscular arms.

Before she could react to his sudden movement, he knelt onto the blanket and laid her out, quickly stripping off the rest of her clothes before tossing her briefs down as well before lying down beside her.

Wrapping a hand around the back of her head, he fisted her hair and held her still as he kissed her. It was a long, hard, deep melding of lips and teeth and tongues, the fire between them a wildfire raging out of control as it swept from one to the other and back again.

She needed more than hugging and kissing. Reaching under the pillow where she had stashed the contents of the third box of condoms earlier, she pulled one out. Ripping it open, she forced Geo onto his back. After licking the head clean, then taking the entire length into her mouth and bobbing up and down several times, she pulled off with a pop that made her smile and him groan. She shifted to evade his seeking arms as she unrolled the condom down his considerable length.

“So, cowboy,” she said, pulling out her Mae West impression, which included a shoulder roll and saucy lift of the eyebrows. “How do you want me tonight?”

Geo smiled. “Ladies choice to start, as long as I’m deep inside that hot, wet, tight * of yours in the next ten seconds.”

“Hmmm,” she said, taking the condom he handed her and quickly sheathing his cock. Then she moved to straddle his pelvis, so she faced his feet. “We did cowgirl last night, how about reversing it tonight.”

“Sounds good to me,” he said, his voice deep and growly.

He hissed as she took his cock in one hand, lifting it so she could mount him. At the same time, she sucked a breath when his hands cupped her ass cheeks, spreading them and sliding his thumbs down the valley in between.

His blunt head entered, and she eased her way down his length with a sigh. She began to ride, this position not nearly as fun as the others. She wanted to see his face, needed to read his expression, and wanted to know that when he looked at her, he saw her and not some other woman.

All at once, the voices were back. What do you mean you want to ride my cock? That’s how sluts do it. She completed one more down stroke and then froze. Nice women don’t suck a man’s cock, only whores do.

Though she heard Geo say her name, she could not answer him. She was trapped in a past she could not seem to outrun by time, or distance. Tears welled up and overflowed as she began to tremble, a cold chill racing through her body.

Not able to continue, she lifted up and off Geo’s cock and threw herself sideways onto the mattress. Hiding her face in the bed, she was certain he would hate her now.

“Shhh, baby girl. Don’t cry,” Geo said, somehow wrapping his body around hers and holding her with a gentle strength she had never felt before. “It’s all right.”

“No, it’s not,” she said through her tears. “You should hate me.”

A hand cupped her face and turned her head, forcing her body to turn with it. He wiped her tears away with the backs of his fingers then hugged her tight again. She felt his gentle, fuzzy teddy-bear energy surround her, easing the cold, and chasing away the memories. But his kindness did not make her feel better. It added another layer of guilt to all that she was already feeling.

“Tell me where your mind went,” he asked.

Chapter Nine

“I don’t like that position,” she said, afraid to tell him that the past had reached out and bit her in the ass.

“Okay,” he said slowly. “But there was something else. A memory perhaps?”

How did he do that? How did he know exactly what was going on in her mind? No one else had ever done that before. Slowly she moved her head up and down in an affirmative motion.

Opening her eyes, she peered up at him, wishing the moonlight was not as bright as it was. “Voices from my past, reminding me of what a slut I am. For wanting to have sex in anything except the missionary position,” she explained in a whisper as tears once again blurred her vision.

Geo looked solemn as he studied her for a long time before his lips curved up in a smile. “What Neanderthal thinking,” he finally said. “Sounds like whoever he is needs a copy of the Kama Sutra for Christmas.”

Geo’s comment and suggestion had Sunny’s emotions pinging off in another direction, and she began to giggle. “And maybe a blow-up doll to practice with.”

“Or two, anatomically correct, of course,” Geo added as he began to chuckle, which only had her laughing harder.

Cooper McKenzie's books