The Shy Girl and the Stripper

He felt her head move up and down in an affirmative answer. “Good. Now, hurry up with your war paint. I’m hungry.”

After brushing a kiss on the top of her head, he released her and retreated. It may have been too soon to exert that type of dominance on her, but she still seemed to have doubts that when he said something, he meant it. He only hoped that little spanking wouldn’t undo all the forward progression he felt they had been making toward being a long-term couple.

Chapter Seven

Being in the same room with Geo during the next two days’ meetings but not being able to hold his hand or cuddle with him was hard. Thankfully, the women who wanted to talk with her, meet her, and hug her kept her attention diverted just enough that she did not attack anyone who was flirting with her man. At the meals, there always seemed to be an empty seat beside her that Geo managed to claim, even for a few minutes before he had to return to his duties as host.

Those moments were the most trying of all, at least for Sunny. She was appalled at herself when her body fought to move closer to Geo. She wanted to move into his lap and cuddle with the man. Her * grew damp and ready at the scent of his cologne. She felt the hard, protective casing around her heart melt a little more each time his gaze met hers and he gave her a smile and a wink. Not the fake smile he used with most of the women. This one was real. And just for her.

At least she hoped it was. But with so many people around them both, it was difficult to tell.

Then there were the times when they left the ballroom at the same time. She was not sure if it was Geo following her or not, but every time she stepped out of the bathroom, there he was, as if waiting for her. He would then take her hand and pull her into the men’s room. Then, pushing the door closed, he would crowd her against it and give her a much-needed kiss and cuddle.

It always seemed too short when he pulled back with a sigh. “Thanks, I needed that.” Then he would open the door, check to make sure no one was in sight, and then lead her back to the ballroom where they parted. She would always return and see him come in a different door a few minutes later.

Saturday afternoon, after the last formal meeting, she took her time heading to the elevator to allow everyone else to use it before she got there. She was tired from smiling and talking and being polite. She needed some alone time to try to get herself back under control, but did not want to hurt anyone’s feelings to get it.

Stepping into the empty elevator, she sighed and felt her shoulders unknot just a bit. Geo stepped in just as the doors were closing. He smiled as he moved to stand beside her. Once the doors slid closed and the car began to move, he turned and backed her into the corner.

“I’ve been wantching you all day.”

“Wantching? I don’t know what that is.”

He leaned closer, his voice dropping an octave and setting her * to weeping with need. “Would you prefer I said watchning?”

Sunny’s need to be alone vanished in a puff of smoke as her hands moved to the waistband of his jeans. She smiled and licked her lips before responding, “I don’t know what that means, either.”

He shifted them so her back was to the wall instead of the corner. Then he moved in closer. His voice dropped even further as he leaned in until his lips were an inch from hers. “They mean the same thing. I’ve been watching and wanting you all day.”

Brushing his lips back and forth over hers, he took the hand not holding her briefcase, and pulled it to the front of his jeans. Then he pressed her palm over his hard-as-granite erection. “See?”

Her heart picked up speed as her eyes went wide. “Oh, my,” she managed to breathe as her entire face grew warm. “I like it. I’ve been wantching you all day, too.”

Before he could respond further, the elevator stopped its upward motion. He stepped back just as the doors slid open. With a smirk, Geo half bowed with a flourish of one hand. “After you.”

Seeing someone outside waiting to use the elevator, Sunny dropped her head and hurried out of the car. She did not make it far. Someone grabbed her arm, and jerked her to a stop. Looking up, she found herself face-to-face with Gigi, the one person she had worked to avoid.

Gigi studied her for a moment before looking over her shoulder at Geo. “What the hell? Are you okay, Sunny?”

“I’m fine. Nothing happened,” Sunny assured her, giving her a smile of nervous bravado.

Gigi looked at her with narrowed eyes for a few more seconds before releasing her arm. “Bullshit.”

Sunny watched helplessly as Gigi turned to her brother. “What did I tell you?”

Geo crossed his arms and grinned down at her. “Smile, be nice to the ladies, and don’t be naked with any of them.”

“Sunny, could you please leave us. I have a few choice words to share with my brother, and I don’t want to embarrass you.”

Cooper McKenzie's books