The Shy Girl and the Stripper

When he snuggled up close beside her side and began to drop kisses along her jawline, Sunny could do nothing but cooperate. His morning scruff felt so good against her skin as he dragged his cheeks over her chest and belly. She began to pant when one hand began to play with a nipple at the same time his mouth descended on the other. Her hips began to shift in a want for his attention.

It wasn’t long before they got it. His hand left her breast and stroked its way to her belly button, circling and dipping into the indentation several times before moving farther down her body. She pulled in a breath and spread her legs wider when his fingers found the top of her slit. They traced the puffy lips down to her * and then back up again.

At the same time, Geo began to kiss, lick, and nip his way down her body until he reached her mons. Only then did he lift his head to look up at her with surprised glee. “No fur?”

Her cheeks burned as she shrugged. “I had it waxed for my fourth book and found I liked it.”

“Well, I think you’ll really like it after this,” he said, his voice deepening. Pushing her legs farther apart, she moved so he was lying between them, his face just an inch above her crease. “And I know I’m going to enjoy it.”

Sliding one finger into her *, he began to lick up and down over her lower lips. With each pass, he pressed a little deeper between the aroused, engorged flesh. Finally the tip of his tongue reached and stroked her clit. That single, simple touch set off something she had never felt before. Her entire body jolted, and she cried out as she came for the first time at a man’s hand.

Geo paused a handful of seconds to let her settle just a little before he started again. Sliding a thick, callused finger into her, he added another sensation to those already building in her. Then he set about teasing her, keeping her on a high simmer of arousal as he traced up and down her midline, circling her clit.

She flew higher than she ever had before, but needed just a little more. “Geo,” she begged as he added a second finger in her *.

Instead of reprimanding her for being needy or demanding, he flattened his tongue and stroked it firmly over her skin from where his fingers continued sliding in and out in a slow easy rhythm, up and over her clit. Once he reached the top of her slit, he retreated, taking her clit between his lips and sucking on it.

Sunny heard someone scream as she began to thrash on the mattress, her body completely out of her control. And then her mind followed her body, and checked out. For the first time in her life, Sunny was not worrying about a dozen things at once.

When she came back to herself, Geo was holding her close, one arm around her shoulders, his other wrapped around her waist, and one leg thrown over her thighs. It was warm, and comforting, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to move, though the thick iron bar pressing against her middle did bring more wanton thoughts to mind.

Could Geo be right that there was something more than just animal attraction between them?

“Of course, I’m right.” Geo answered the question she had not been aware she asked out loud. “I’m always right.”

His superior tone made Sunny giggle then slide her hands between them to his chest. She pushed him over onto his back. “You may be right, but it’s my turn to play.”

“But that was just one,” Geo said even as he released her.

“No, I think that was more like a dozen. I have never, ever felt like that before,” she admitted, her cheeks burning as she studied his chest instead of looking into his eyes.

“Well, that’s all the more reason for me to keep playing. You are so beautifully responsive, and taste so sweet.”

His words, spoken in that deep, gentle voice, made Sunny have to shove her shyness back out of the room. This was not the time to back away from what she wanted, which was a ride on Geo’s cock.

“Stay right here. Don’t move,” she said, patting his chest before she scrambled off the bed and hurried to his room.

“What are you doing?” he called behind her as she found what she was looking for and quickly retraced her steps.

“This,” she said, putting on his straw cowboy hat and crawling onto the bed on his left side.

Geo’s chuckles turned into a hiss of indrawn breath when she wrapped one hand around his cock and lifted it.

Throwing one leg across his body, Sunny shifted her weight, then moved into position. Her wide-open * kissed the mushroom head of his cock just before she settled over it fully, not stopping until her ass cheeks met Geo’s thighs.

“Oh, shit,” he breathed as his hands came up and wrapped themselves tight around her hips. “Don’t move yet, or I won’t last eight seconds.”

Cooper McKenzie's books