The Shy Girl and the Stripper

“Sunflower Carlyle, I know exactly the kind of woman you are, and, as I have told you several times over the past however-many hours since we’ve met, you are exactly the kind of woman I want and need in my life. I just wonder how many more times I will have to repeat myself before you finally believe me.”

Though his embrace was warm, and he was saying all the right things, Sunny stayed curled up with her knees pulled to her chest. “I just don’t understand,” she said, softly. “I’m a scared little mouse with a too-active imagination who writes stories about women who are far more brave and bold and beautiful than I’ll ever be.”

She yelped when a hand came down hard on the outside part of her ass cheek. Tilting her head back, she looked up to see Geo frowning, obviously displeased by something. “What?”

“Don’t ever talk about yourself like that again. To be able to write stories like you do takes a talent few people in this world possess. Yes, you may be shy but you are beautiful, and there is such bravery inside your heart. You may be shy, but you stepped on an airplane, came halfway across the country, and yesterday you smiled, and talked, and shared your craft with strangers. You think you are playing a role, showing these people a phony you, but the Sunny Carlyle I saw yesterday is you. You made those women so happy when you spoke to them, shook their hands, or exchanged a hug. And that, my sweet Sunflower, shows me that you are brave beyond measure.”

Geo stopped talking and gave her a few minutes to think about his words. “Now, about this thing between us. I stand by every syllable I have said to you since we met at the airport. Yes, I want you in my bed”—he paused for a three count—“but more important to me than spending this time together, is building something between us that will last, hopefully for the rest of our lives. Yes, I want to make you come so hard and long that you cannot walk afterward, but it won’t be just having sex. It will be making a commitment. It will be making love.”

Sunny stared at him, her brain dissecting his words. Something welled up inside her she had never felt before. Bravery. For the first time in her life, she felt bold. She felt confident. She felt she could handle any challenge the world threw at her, as long as this man was at her side. And whether it lasted three days, or three years, or the rest of her life, she would treasure every second of her time with Geo Hartland.

“Okay,” she said with a small smile.

“Okay? Okay what?”

That stopped her for a few seconds. Then her mouth opened and words started coming out without her too-critical brain filtering them first.

“I don’t know whether you’ll still be talking to me at the end of the weekend, or ever want to see me again, but I’m in.” Sliding her hand between their lower bodies, she rubbed it over the erect cock that pressed into her hip like a steel rod.

When he made no response, she looked up as she began to slide her hand up and down his cloth-covered erection. “But let’s not talk about the future until you finish your duties to Gigi because I have to tell you, watching you take off your clothes and flirt with other women is not something I will be able to watch very often.”

Uncurling her body, she knelt beside him instead of remaining on his lap. Sliding her panties down to her knees, she then rocked back on her ass, lifted her legs, and pulled them the rest of the way down her legs. Once they were off her toes, she tossed them over her shoulder. Geo looked a little shocked when she hesitated only a second before pulling her nightshirt over her head, and sending it flying after her panties.

“You okay?” she asked as she threw a leg across his lap and straddled his body, her wet * just an inch from his cloth-covered cock. She leaned close, his body radiating heat in the cool room. It made her want to close the last inches that separated them and cuddle. “Geo?”

He slid his hands up her arms, and began to massage her shoulders gently. “Who are you, and what have you done with the uber-shy little Sunflower who was here just a few minutes ago?”

Sunny smiled as her hands traced over his shirt. She admired the hidden ridges and valleys of muscle and tendon that covered Geo’s upper body. “I decided she needed a vacation, so I sent her to the rodeo for the weekend. Maybe she’ll learn how to be brave from the bronc riders or something.”

Leaning in, she kissed him, more aggressive than she ever had been in her life. At the same time she wondered how long Geo would allow her to run the show before taking over. Sitting back, she stared at his chest.

Needing something to do with her hands before she started wringing them, she began to pluck at his nipples that pushed at the soft cotton material. She smirked at the manly growl she received in approval. The next obvious step in this encounter was to get the man out of his clothes.

Then she remembered his promise to Gigi.

That did not stop her as she traced random patterns down the front of his shirt to the bottom hem. When she began to push the bottom of the shirt up his torso, Geo went into action. Before she could blink twice, he crossed his arms, pulled the shirt over his head, and tossed it across the room to join her clothes on the floor.

Cooper McKenzie's books