The Shy Girl and the Stripper


“Nope,” he answered, watching her closely, as if he expected her head to explode at any second.

Though her nerves jangled a bit, she actually felt more confident than she had in years. Even sitting naked on a man’s lap while he remained partially clothed did not bother her. Though she really wanted him naked, she knew Gigi would kill them both if she found out. Because if she found out, that meant other conference attendees had found out. And that would just suck.

“That’s okay. We’ll just have to work around these,” she said, sliding one index finger between his skin and the elastic waistband of the boxers. He sucked in a sharp breath but did not stop her as she dragged the finger left and right across his body.

Pulling her finger free again, Sunny traced down the front to the opening of the boxers. Her heart began to pick up speed like a train just leaving the station. Her grin was so wide the muscles were cramping as she went fishing for cock.

Before she could do more than stroke the back of her fingertips along the side of his shaft, Geo grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand out.

“Hey, I was playing in there,” she protested, not fighting him as he took hold of her other hand and forced both behind her back.

“Yes, but this is my rodeo, darlin’,” he said with a sexy grin as he forced her back to arch a little farther. This move pushed her tits up and closer to his face. “Now, is there anything you don’t like, or won’t at least try once?”

He licked one nipple and then sucked it into his mouth while he waited for her answer.

Sunny shook her head as arousal grew in her like bread dough with too much yeast. She swallowed hard before whispering, “Just don’t think bad of me when this is all over.”

Geo’s lips made a popping sound as he pulled off her breast. “Never happen, baby girl. Now I believe I promised you a screaming orgasm times three.” His grin grew as he winked at her.

“You don’t have to,” she started to argue before screaming, “Geo!”

With seemingly no effort on his part, he flipped her off his lap and onto her back so she ended up catty-corner across the large mattress. He leaned over her and gave her a smile that sent her * into spasms.

“Now you lie there and behave. I’ll be right back, and then we’ll get started on melting all your tension away.”

Chapter Six

Though she still looked too tense for his liking, Geo saw acceptance in Sunny’s eyes. Kissing the base of her throat, he pushed off the bed.


“Hush, now, I’ll be right back,” he said turning and crossing the room to the open connecting door in three strides. Once in his room, he found the drugstore bag and dumped it on his bed. Grabbing the lube, just in case, he debated a moment over the three boxes of condoms.

With a grin, he picked up two of the small square boxes and headed back to Sunny’s room. Once there, he went to her bathroom and flipped on the light. Being in the dark to sleep was one thing, but for what he had in mind, he needed enough light to see his woman’s face. While he was there, he grabbed a soft white washcloth from the pile of clean towels.

Returning to the bedroom, he pushed his boxers down his legs and stepped out of them as he crossed the room. Sunny was right where he left her, her eyes closed, and looking uneasy.

“Sunflower?” he asked as he climbed onto the bed and settled down beside her. “You having second thoughts, baby girl?”

She opened her eyes and they were glistening with unshed tears. “No, but I don’t want you to get in trouble with Gigi.”

Geo frowned, wishing like hell he could be inside this woman’s brain and figure out how she thought. “What do you mean? Why would I get in trouble with my sister?”

Sunny met his gaze for a moment before dropping her eyes. “You’re not supposed to be naked with the ladies,” she reminded him.

“Hmmm, you’re right,” Geo said. From all he knew about her, Sunflower Carlyle was a loyal friend who would never lie, or break a promise, if she could help it.

“Okay, how about this.” He dropped the washcloth, bottle of lube, and one of the boxes of condoms at the head of the bed. The other box he opened, pulling out the short strip of condoms. Opening one, he quickly rolled it down his erection. “I’m not naked any longer.”

The other two condoms joined the rest of their supplies.

Sunny watched his every move with wide eyes and a hesitant expression. “I don’t think that’s exactly what Gigi meant,” she pointed out with a smirk.

“I don’t care. I’ve got flesh covered. Besides, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt me. Now turn off that busy brain of yours, and let me love on you.”

Cooper McKenzie's books