Lost in Distraction


I have to call her. I only have a few minutes before I have to start moving again. I asked the guys for half an hour, they can only give me fifteen until Gibbons will notice I was gone.

I push my forehead against the glass, taking a minute to compose myself. I know this isn’t going to be easy. I broke her heart, destroyed her trust, and shattered everything we had by leaving. If only I hadn’t have listened to bloody Gibbons.

Hind sight is a wonderful thing.

Who would’ve thought eight months ago when I first took the job that I would find myself in this position. I knew she was different, that the effect she was having on me was like nothing I’d ever felt before. But I never would I have thought I would be the one who ended up putting her in danger, and that my own flesh and blood would be one of the threats to her life.

I put the coins in and shakily dial the number, holding my breath while I wait for the call to connect.

It rings a few times and then I hear her voice. I stop breathing, she sounds so lost.

“Elle,” I whisper her name and she gasps in shock.

“Brax?” she replies, like she can’t quite believe it’s me.

“I don’t have much time, sweetheart, but I just had to hear your voice,” I explain, half expecting to hear the dial tone at any moment. Instead I hear her breathing heavily into the hand piece. She’s trying to compose herself.

“Are you still there, Elle?”

“Yeah, I’m here,” she sighs.

“I need to tell you something, then I’ll go and I don’t know if I’ll be able to call again for a while,” I say downheartedly.

“I don’t understand, Brax. You just disappeared without a trace, you didn’t say a single word...did I really mean nothing to you? I didn’t even know where you’d gone, I couldn’t find you!” she whimpers. “I never thought you’d leave me like everyone else, I thought you were different.”

My heart breaks all over again. I didn’t think it was possible to hurt any more than I already am. I know I don’t have long before they come after me, I have to tell her why I’ve called her.

“Sweetheart, I had to leave to keep you safe. I was told that it was the only way I could protect you. I couldn’t warn you, I couldn’t tell you anything. But I knew back then and I know it even more now, I can’t live without you. I will find a way for us. I need you to believe that,” I implore, hoping like hell she believes me.

I hear her sobbing down the phone, I wish I could wrap my arms around her right now and tell her everything will be okay. The only peace of mind I have is that Shay is still watching her.

“I don’t understand. I’m not in any danger, Brax. Nobody can hurt me except you. I love you, I can’t do this without you. I’m broken.”

Her words cut through me like a knife.

“I don’t know how to carry on without you. I haven’t even left the apartment since you left, in case you came back.” Hearing her words strengthens my resolve, I have to be with her again and I’ll damn well move heaven and earth to make that happen.

“I love you too, Elle. You have to believe me that I didn’t want to leave. I need to be with you. I don’t have long before I’m going to have to go, they’re going to be coming for me soon. If this is gonna work, I need to get going now.” I look around, checking that I haven’t been noticed yet, letting out a deep breath when I can’t see anybody.

“This is what I need you to do. I need you to lose the tail that’s watching you outside your building and meet me at the bandstand in Woldenberg Park, New Orleans, down by the water. I’ll meet you there midnight, Friday. You think you can do that for me, darlin?” I‘m desperate now. My phone starts buzzing on my hip, my signal that I have to start moving.

“What tail? Who’s watching me, Brax? What is going on?” she says frantically. I know she’s worried now.

“I need you to listen to me. Can you do it? Can you meet me?”

“Yes! Yes I’ll be there. I’ll hire a car, I’ll lose whatever tail I have. You promise you’ll be there? I have to be with you,” she says frantically. She sounds hopeful now, so different from when she first answered, although there is still a tinge of concern in her voice.

“You will be there, won’t you?” she asks tentatively.

With a smile I answer her, my heart is full to bursting again.

“Of course, baby, I’m coming for you. I can’t live without you, either. I knew I couldn’t but the only way is to leave. We can be together, babe. Just you and me. I love you, please remember that,” I plead, hoping like hell she believes me. These past five days have been hell without her by my side. “I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you in five days. Only five more nights then we’ll never be apart again.”

“I’m counting down the days, Brax. I need to see you and kiss you. I can’t be without you.”

“I know hon, I need you too. I’ll see you soon. Just be careful okay, whatever you do, be careful. If you think you are being followed or feel in any danger at all, don’t meet me. Go somewhere with your phone and wait for my call. Promise me, Elle. I can’t lose you either.”

“I’ll be careful. Love you always.”

“You too. Until Friday.”

“Bye, baby,” she says, her voice shaky with tears. This will be the last time I have to say goodbye to her. In five nights time she’ll be in my arms again. I’ll be whole. It wasn’t what I’d planned, but I can’t deny it any longer.

Screw the organization, screw the assignment, screw the boss and Brimstone and especially that prick of a father, Evans. I’m the only one that can keep her safe, I have to. She’s all I have and all I want.

As I go to hang up the phone, I hear a gun shot over the phone.

I hear Brax hanging up the phone and I’m just about to hang up myself when I hear a gun shot in the background. Oh my god. Please don’t let it be Brax.

I’m terrified. It’s happening all over again. I’m going to lose him.

“Brax!” I sob into the phone. I can’t stop my whole body from shaking and I feel myself shutting down again. My chest is burning. This must be what it feels like to have a broken heart.

All of a sudden it hits me. I didn’t hear the gunshot over the phone and the burning in my side that I thought was my heart breaking feels wet as pain rips through me.

The realization suddenly hits me. Brax is okay, it’s me that’s not.

It was here, in my apartment.

I hear footsteps and a thud against the wall outside my bedroom.

I scream in pain and then fear as it dawns on me.

I’m not alone.

Lost & Found (Lost #2) will be released in September 2013

(Lost #2)

What would you do if you were told that everything you had ever believed in and everything you had ever known, was a lie?

Elle’s life is altered forever after an unexpected phone call and an unwelcome visitor. Trying to put her life back together, Brax’s last words continue to echo through her mind. Why she is being followed and why is she suddenly in danger? The fact that Brax knew about it all and still left her alone, breaks her fragile heart all over again.

Brax will never forgive himself for leaving Elle at a time when she needed him the most, even if he believed it was the only way to protect her. As he makes his way back to her life, he is determined to win her back, regain her trust and help rebuild her for the second time. His return proves he is the same man, yet Elle sees in his eyes a haunted look she knows all too well.

When a confession leaves Elle reeling, her entire life unravels around her. She begins to understand that the people she trusts the most have put her in grave danger and the people who have been protecting her actually want to cause her harm.

Elle soon discovers that the old adage is true, you have to become lost before you can be found.


There are so many people to thank that I’m scared I’m going to forget somebody.

Firstly I’d like to say a big thank you to my husband and my two lovely daughters, you were understanding and patient and put up with a grumpy wife and mummy when things didn’t go my way or when I couldn’t tear myself away from the computer because Brax and Elle needed me. I love you all to the moon and back and I hope this book makes you proud.

To Jennifer Roberts-Hall. This book would be nothing without your mad editing skills, hilarious comments and laughter. I can’t wait to work with you again soon.

To Katie & Alisha. Your total faith in me right from the beginning has been awe inspiring. Initially I was scared to tell anyone in real life that I was writing a book, let alone a romance suspense novel series but as soon as you found out, you were behind me 100%, hounding me to read it, and falling in love with Brax and Elle like I had. I will honor and cherish both of your friendships for the rest of my life.

To Cris & Nikki. Right from the beginning, from the moment I messaged you asking if you’d like to read a little story I was writing, you have been amongst my biggest cheerleaders. Both of you claimed a book boyfriend before the end of chapter 1 and you have stayed strong in your devotion to both the story, and the characters. We may have never met in person, but I truly believe you girls were meant to come into my life and through your reading, suggestions, love, and support, you helped make this story come to life. Book besties for life!

To Kelsie, you are truly like a sister from another mister to me. We live on opposites sides of the world but our friendship is one I cherish daily. You’ve been inspirational, helpful, motivating and supportive. On my bad days when I was full of self-doubt, you’d tell me to stop being silly and keep going. You spent lots of time going over and over my cover with me until we were both happy with it. I almost feel like you’re just as proud of this book as I am and that is something I’ll hold dear to my heart forever. Looking forward to future wine skype dates and my future visit so that I can experience the greatness that is fried pickles and your hair styling prowess.

To Michelle Leighton, Katie Ashley, Michelle A. Valentine, Emily Snow. You have all inspired and helped me in your own unique ways.

Michelle Leighton, you were just you. I showed you my prologue and you told me I HAD to write the story, you pushed me to get Brax and Elle out of my head and written down. I still want to be you when I grow up ;)

Katie Ashley, your help early on was invaluable. I learned so much just from the few chapters you went through and look forward to working with you in the future (and hearing stories about EW).

Michelle A. Valentine, you helped start this whole journey for me. I cheekily asked for an ARC, you obliged and from there, a mutual love of Adam Levine, music, and writing kept us going. You also brought me into the RTH group and in turn, introduced me to the coolest, dirtiest, most helpful bunch of girls I’ll ever meet.

Emily Snow, you let me type away and basically talk myself into designing my own cover then helped me perfect it and let me bounce ideas off you. I appreciate your sharing of knowledge and the confidence you gave me to bite the bullet and just do it. You also encouraged me to keep writing this story and for that, I thank you.

Jenny Aspinall, you recommended my editor, you answered my questions, you gave me your opinion and advice, and supported me and the novel all the way through. I hope you fell in love with Brax even more as you read through this book.

Stacey Bentley, you’re my chat buddy, my book buddy, and someone I feel honored to call a dear friend. Thank you for your support, your words of wisdom, your sending of photos of half-naked men to me, and for making me feel like we were in this debut novel journey together.

Kristy Louise, where do I begin. You rock. Pure and simple. Your passion for books and reading and for supporting new and established authors is inspirational. You made me smile, you made me laugh, and I look forward to continuing our rambling chats about everything and nothing.

Missy MacKenzie Swain, you’re just awesome. You loved the book as much as I did, you read along with us and emailed me straight away with all of your reactions, thoughts, and praise. Love your work.

To the RTH girls. You girls have been an essential lifeline. You helped me with my Americanisms, read my love scenes over and over (mainly cause you’re all perverts like me), encouraged me, supported me, put up with my ramblings, and pimped the hell out of me. I can’t wait to return the favor some day and show you how thankful I truly am for your support and love.

Lastly, I want to thank all of the blogs and bloggers out there that support indie authors like myself. It’s a very daunting task writing a book, and then having to push and promote yourself in the big bad world, with promises of producing a book that people will enjoy and want to read. I hope I have achieved at least that, if nothing else. Without the support of the following blogs and all of the other awesome book bloggers out there, the publication of this book would not have been possible.

Book Addict Mumma, The Book Avenue, Book Enthusiast, Flirty & Dirty, Iloveindie, Kindlehooked, Momma’s Books, Book Junkies Anonymous, Readingdelightz.blogspot.co.nz, Shhh Mom’s Reading, Stick Girl Book Reviews, Sugar & Spice, The Little Black Book Blog, & TotallyBooked.

BJ Harvey's books