Lost in Distraction

Chapter Eighteen

I wake up in next morning feeling a little worse for wear, but as I look over and see my gorgeous girl sleeping peacefully beside me my heart feels full. She amazed me last night, totally blew my socks off. She is so damn sexy and the fact that we got each other so worked up that we had to have each other right there and then in the bar, blows my mind. I was surprised that I was able to concentrate on anything other than her all night. She looked so f*cking hot, I’m surprised I didn’t have to fend other guys off her.

We got home about 2 a.m., after Shay bundled us into a cab and sent us on our way. He had the biggest smirk on his face, like he knew what we’d gotten up to. . As he put me in the cab I heard him mutter, “lucky bastard,” and I cracked up laughing. I’m guessing he saw us come out of the photo booth.

When we finally got home, I made sure to take my time removing and inspecting every little scrap of clothing she had been wearing, paying close attention to the gorgeous corset set she bought. That is piece of lingerie that will definitely be used again—and soon. She gave me another treat when we got home, taking my breath away by standing at the end of the bed, wearing nothing but the corset, stockings and heels.

Even remembering it is making me hard.

I grab my phone to send Shay a text. I want to make sure he had a good night and got home safe.

Brax: Hey man, thanks for a great party last night. We had a good time. What time did you get home?

A few hours have now passed with no reply from Shay. I decide to call the bastard. If he’s ignoring me, it’ll make the call all the more enjoyable. I let it ring until the dial tone sounds and try again straight away, but still no answer. This is totally unlike him. It doesn’t matter what condition we’re in, we always answer the phone. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach that I can’t ignore. I decide to give him a few more hours to get back to me before I start making calls and asking questions.

Elle wakes up to find me frowning at my phone in my hand. She rolls over towards me, propping her head up with her hand.

“What’s up, babe?” she asks.

“Shay’s not answering,” I reply, shaking my head. I can’t explain to her exactly why I’m getting worried, but she can tell I’m not happy.

“He’s probably just hung over, babe, give him some time to recover,” she muses with a laugh.

“Nope, it’s not what we do. He always answers,” I bite back. She looks shocked by my response.

“Well I’m sure he is okay. Let’s just relax until he calls back,” she replies quietly.

“I suppose.”

I know I’m not paying full attention to Elle and I’m aware how unfair that is, but Shay going offline is not what I need right now. We’ve got too many loose ends and questions hanging above our heads. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Elle looking at me, I smile down at her, trying to hide my concern. I don’t need her worrying too.

By 2 p.m. when I still haven’t heard from Shay, it dawns on me that something has happened. This is totally out of character for him. Shit. I was so distracted by Elle last night I didn’t even think about the job. For one night I wanted to feel normal, I wanted to have a great night out with the love of my life and my best friend.

I pull out my laptop and dial in to our secure server to check Shay’s GPS location. The one thing Shay and I are mindful of is the use of technology to make our jobs easier. Having GPS trackers on our cars and phones is just one of the things we use.

Checking the system, I see that his cell phone has not moved for over twelve hours. It is showing as being in the parking lot opposite Stages Bar. I quickly grab my phone and look up the bar’s phone number before dialing.

When the manager answers, I ask what time Shay left. He tells me that everybody was out at 3 a.m. when he locked up. Dammit, Shay! Rule number one is never put your phone out of reach, he knows that. I still don’t understand why his phone is still in the parking lot—maybe he fell asleep in his car.

I look back at my computer to trace Shay’s car. I stare at the screen in shock when I see his car is in Boston—that can’t be right. I remember when we left Shay at the bar, he told me he was heading back inside to rejoin the celebration. He seemed happy and slightly drunk, but still aware of where he was and what he was doing.

I’m busy looking up exactly where in Boston his car is when I hear the shrill of my phone, telling me that I have a new message.

I grab my phone, hoping its Shay texting me back to tell me he is fine.

Unknown: You lost track of your boy, Braxton. Silly thing to do.

Brax: Tell me where he is.

Unknown: Daddy thought you needed to be taught a lesson in respect.

Brax: F*ck respect, call me now!

My phone rings and I know who it is before I even answer.

“Braxton,” he says smugly.

“Where the f*ck is Shay?” I yell down the phone.

Elle is in the shower so I know she can’t hear me, but right now I don’t care. Right now I’m lacking the patience to deal with this and cover my ass with her.

“Now, now, boy. He’s fine. He’s just sleeping off a rather hard night,” he replies with a chuckle.

Damn, I could throttle him right now!

“Like hell he is. Why is his car in Boston?” I demand. I’m seething and getting more and more annoyed as the seconds tick by.

“I see you’re using that smart mind of yours. Good to hear, my boy. I needed to send a message to you. I did tell you to keep your nose out of it, remember?”

“I’m not your boy and you know damn well that Shay has nothing to do with you and me. You better let him go before this shit starts getting serious,” I tell him.

“Brax, you listen to me,” he scolds. “This shit is already serious. You don’t know what or who you’re dealing with. I’ve been looking into what your friend Brimstone has been up to, and he is more dangerous that you think. You are too wrapped up in your girl and you dropped the ball. This is all on you.”

Dammit. How on earth am I related to this monster?

“What do you want?” I demand.

“I want you two to work for me, and I want you to stay out of the girl’s business. Even better, stay away from the girl,” he says, his voice low and serious now.

“Ain’t going to happen, pops. I’m not leaving her and I told you a long time ago, I’d rather die than work for you,” I reply, realizing that this was Evans game plan all along.

“Well well, I think it’s time you rethink your priorities, don’t you? Girls come and go, but you and Shay are few and far between, don’t you agree?”

I punch the coffee table, the force reverberating through my arm.

“Well, I’ll leave you to ponder that. Shay will be back before you know it,” he says before hanging up on me.

I run my fingers through my hair. What do I do now?

I walk out of the bedroom after my shower to find Brax pacing in the living room. This is starting to become a common occurrence.

“What’s wrong, babe?” I ask, walking towards him.

“Everything’s going wrong,” he murmurs quietly.

“What do you mean?” I ask, getting worried he is talking about our relationship.

He shakes his head. “Nothing hon, you don’t need to worry about me. You look beautiful, by the way. Have I told you that today?” he says, a clear attempt to change the subject.

I eye him suspiciously. I know something is wrong and I know he’s trying to protect me from the truth. I suddenly have a horrifying thought.

“Has…Has there been another note?” I ask, my voice shaky.

“Oh, no. No Elle. Nothing like that, I swear,” he answers, pulling me into his chest as he embraces me. I instantly relax at the closeness. I feel cocooned in his arms, like nothing can touch me when he’s with me.

F*ck! This whole situation is a shit fight. What the hell happened last night? I remember seeing B and Elle off in a taxi and then heading back inside to finish off the party. I remember I was the last to leave the bar and was walking towards my car. I’d been careful not to drink because I knew Brax was drinking and the agreement is that one of us always stays sober. Now I’m in a concrete room somewhere, on a dingy mattress on the floor. I sit up, rubbing my sore head and searching for any clue as to where I am.

I hear a voice on the other side of the door and although I recognize it, I can’t pinpoint exactly who it is. I scan my mind for who it might be, but I’m distracted by my pounding headache. I rub the back of my head and feel an all too familiar bump. Damn them, they knocked me out.

It all starts coming back to me. I remember heading towards my car with my keys in hand, ready to unlock the door when everything went black. They must have knocked me out. They better wish they were dead once I get out of here.

I think of Brax, he’ll know something is up by now. He would have tracked me by my phone. Shit! Where is my phone? I check my pockets, but I can’t find it. They must have taken it, or chucked it. Hopefully he can still track my car, but that will only work if they moved me in my car. Dammit, I need to get to a phone, anywhere, as long as it’s away from these idiots.

I hear the voice again, he must be on the phone.

“Brax, you listen to me.”

I know who it is now, it’s Evans. I knew he’d do something soon, he’s been getting antsy. Ever since Brax went to see him at the warehouse I know he’s been watching us closely. I’m not stupid. I know he wants us to work for him, he even offered me a cool hundred grand for us to work for him, but I know Brax will never let that happen and no amount of money in the world could make me betray him. He has never hated anyone as much as he hates Evans. There is too much family history there that will never change the way he feels him, even if he is blood.

“Frankie, get Shay out of there, I want to speak to him,” I hear Evans bellow at one of his men.

Sure enough, the metal door to the room I’m in starts shakes as it is being unlocked and a disheveled looking teenager comes in with a gun pointed at me.

“Up on your feet,” he demands. I’m not stupid. I have a gun pointed to my head. Even if the guy holding it is shaking like a leaf, you never take on a guy with a gun. Not without having some advantage, anyway.

I jump to my feet, making the boy flinch. I can’t help but grin at him. He’s in way over his head here and he knows it. He points to the door and walks behind me. I walk out the door, taking note of the hallway I’m being led down, how many doors are off it, whether there are any fire alarms or signs on the doors, and any exits I could take. He leads me towards a door at the end of the hallway. Opening it up, I see Evans and a couple of his henchman sitting behind a desk, the slimy grin on Evans’ face tells me that he thinks he’s done well with this little stunt.

“Shay, nice of you to join us. Have a good sleep?” he says with a chuckle. I clench my fists at my side. Damn, this man grates me like no other.

“Have fun knocking me out?” I retort, looking him straight in the eye.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Par for the course” he says. He pauses, like he’s pondering his next move. “I’ve spoken to Brax this morning, he knows I’ve got you and he even knows where we are. But there is no need for him to come all the way up here now, I think I’ve gotten the message across. You’re free to go.”

What? Just like that. Something isn’t right here; this is all seeming a bit too easy.

“Just like that?” I scoff. “You gave me a sore back from sleeping on a hard ass mattress and a killer headache for a stupid message?”

They all start laughing, but Evans goes dead serious all of a sudden.

“Yes Shay, just like that. You’ve served your purpose, now you are free to go. Just pass on my regards to my son,” he adds.

“He’s not your son, you gave up that right,” I say spitefully before turning towards the door.

I’m not stupid, and I’m definitely not sticking around this shithole any longer. I back away towards the door, shutting it behind me. Walking down the hallway, I try every closed door until I find the exit. I walk out into daylight, my eyes taking a few minutes to adjust after being stuck in the dark for so long. Sure enough, in front of the door is my car with my keys in the ignition.

I jump in and start the car, skidding out of the parking lot and heading in the first direction I choose. I know I need to find a payphone and call Brax as soon as possible.

It’s 3 p.m. and there is still no word from Shay. I have a bad feeling that Evans did this just for fun, it’s his sick way of sending me a message about working for him. He knows that’ll never happen. In fact, he’ll be rotting in hell well before I even contemplate the idea.

My phone rings and I jump to my feet to answer it. Elle sits up straight away. She’s busy studying beside me on the couch, but I couldn’t concentrate on my textbook. My mind is too busy elsewhere.

I look at the caller ID and see that it’s from a blocked number again.

“Shay?” I answer.

“Yeah, bro. Can you talk?” he asks.

I look at Elle and nod to her so she knows it is Shay and that he’s okay before I disappear into the bedroom.

“Yeah, man. I can now. What the f*ck happened?”

“Evans decided to send us a message in his sick f*cked up way. I’ve got a sore head but that’s all they did,” he explains.

“Thank god for that,” I say, relieved. “I shouldn’t have left until you were safe in your car.”

“It’s okay, B. I’m fine. I’ve figured out where I am now so I’m going to start driving back. Should take me about four hours to get back, then I need to go find my phone. I don’t have a clue where it is.”

“Doesn’t matter, bro, you’re fine now. So the message was all about me leaving Elle alone and us working for him?” I ask.

He laughs. “Seems that way, but f*ck knows. I didn’t hear anything until I heard him yelling at you on the phone.”

“Dammit, sorry bro. I didn’t want you brought into this shit.”

“Brax, I’ve got your back always. Okay? You know that and I know you’ve got mine. We’re sweet,” he adds.

“Okay, well can you pop round when you get back? Elle’s worried about you. She just knows you disappeared, nothing else, obviously,” I explain carefully.

“Yeah, bro. See you soon.”

“And go pick up a burner phone somewhere. Your phone is lying in the parking lot across the road from the bar. Did they chuck it?”

“They must have. It’s all good, I’ll get a burner and go collect mine after I’ve seen you,” he adds before hanging up.

BJ Harvey's books