Lost in Distraction

Chapter Twenty-One

One month later

“Elle?” I call out, putting my messenger bag down on the couch as I walk through the door. I’ve been in class all day and all I want to do is see my girl and relax. I find her lying on her stomach sideways across the bed, reading a book. I stand in the doorway and watch her as she remains blissfully unaware of everything going on around her.

I wish I could keep her that way forever.

It’s been eight months since I met Elle and my life has changed forever. I never envisioned myself being in a loving relationship and being this happy with someone. I never believed in it before, but Elle is my soul mate. I can’t imagine her not being in my life. She is radiant, the darkness that surrounded her for so long is now a thing of the past. After pushing my way into her life, and doing everything I could to break down her walls, I finally got that spark of hers to catch alight and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that her fire never goes out again.

In the past month, Shay and I have intercepted two more threatening notes left in her mailbox. One of them even contained an old soft toy with a note stating that the wrong sister died. We can’t link them to anyone and whoever is sending them is being super careful not to leave any trace of themselves on the notes or even the envelopes they are sent in. All of the notes have even looked different. Shay has spent hours watching the apartment building, keeping an eye out for anybody out of the ordinary hanging around or leaving mail, but we just haven’t caught a break.

Our contact in Los Angeles has not been able to find any more dirt on Brimstone and we haven’t been able to flip any of his staff members either. I still go straight through the boss man with my information updates, bypassing Gibbons wherever possible. After Shay was taken to Boston and Gibbons missed it, both Shay and I decided that we can’t trust him. But, because he is still our supervisor, we have to report in to him now and then. We have just been withholding any detailed information.

I stand and watch Elle, smiling when she starts fidgeting and tapping her toes against the bed. She’s concentrating on the book and looks so damn cute while she does it. I quietly walk up to her feet and run my hands up her legs slowly, but firmly. She jumps when I first touch her, but as I get higher up her calves, putting my weight on her as I ease up her body, I hear a soft groan come from her mouth and god dammit if that doesn’t change my original plan to only snuggle up to her.

“You’ll have to be quick, lover. My boyfriend will be home any minute,” she says seductively.

“I’m never quick when I’m with you darlin’,” I whisper roughly in her ear.

I roll her over underneath me, making sure to touch and kiss every inch of skin I can reach on my way up to her mouth. When I reach up to her face, she turns and gives me a sly smile.

“Hi to you, too,” she says before brushing her lips against mine.

I groan as she deepens our kiss, teasing and taunting me with her tongue as we explore each other’s mouths. She’s completely unravelling me, she has turned me inside out and back around again. I can’t imagine how anyone could want to hurt her.

I turn on my side so I can look right into those exquisite green eyes of hers.

“Would my lady like to accompany me to dinner?” I say in a fake English accent. She giggles in response, making it all worth it.

“Of course. It’s my turn to choose where, though,” she says, bouncing off the bed with a smirk before walking into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

“Why’d you lock the door?” I ask.

“To keep you and your dirty mind out of here. We’ll never get to dinner if I let you come in here,” she says teasingly.

“I could easily break the door down and carry you back to the bed, caveman style,” I add with a growl.

“Damn,” I hear her curse behind the door. I can’t help but laugh. I always manage to switch the tables on her, every time.

I’m all dressed and just waiting for Brax to finish getting ready. He’s taking me out for dinner, to a local Italian restaurant I’ve been dying to go to. We’ve been together almost eight months now and they have been the best eight months in my life. Apart from the creepy notes and the creeper in the black Honda, life has never been better.

I feel safe when I’m with him, like he is my anchor. I’m okay as long as he is close by. I can’t drift away or get lost when he is around, and I love that feeling. I love belonging to someone again. I’ve had too many years drifting through my life alone. It may be co-dependency at its worst, but knowing Brax feels the same way about me cancels any concerns I have about being too dependent on him.

Certain parts of my life may have been pre-planned, but in making the decision not to sell to Uncle Harry I feel like I’ve taken back a bit of the control. Once I graduate, I can take over Brightlight and Brax and I can live our lives without Harry Brimstone breathing down my neck.

Aunt Sylvia rings me while I’m waiting, I haven’t told Brax I keep in touch with her because I didn’t want to upset him. He seems to get angry whenever Uncle Harry is mentioned and things have been going so well lately, I haven’t wanted to ruin his good mood.

She has always kept in touch, especially after her divorce from Uncle Harry, and she has a special place in my heart. After my mother died, not once did she try and step into the mother role. When I moved in with them she opted to take the friend route instead. It was nice to have someone I could rely on after having everyone else wrenched away from me. She stood by me when I was intent on self-destruction. She never scolded me like Uncle Harry did, she just wanted to know that I was being safe and that I knew I could go to her if I needed someone or something. I would always try to reassure her that I was coping, but the sad look in her eyes always told me she knew the truth, even when I couldn’t admit it to myself.

“Hey, Aunt Sylvie. How are you?” I say when I pick up the phone.

“I’m great, Elise. Are you well? How is that boyfriend of yours?” she asks with a chuckle.

I talked to Sylvia before asking Brax to move in. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t asking him for the wrong reasons, mainly the fact that I feel safe when he’s around.

“He’s wonderful. I’ve never been happier. Finally someone has filled up the hole in my soul,” I say with a smile. She always told me that I would find someone that would put me back together, even when I didn’t know I was broken.

“That is fantastic. You deserve nothing but happiness and love,” she states emphatically. “And how is school going?”

“It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s interesting. I’m really enjoying it.”

“I’m so glad to hear that, dear. I’ve been worried about you being so far away,” she adds lovingly.

“I know, but it’s something I had to do. I had to break free. Did I tell you that Uncle Harry came to visit me before Christmas? He was in the area and wanted to check in with me to see how I was settling in,” I continue.

“Is that so?” she says skeptically

“Yeah but he wasn’t so friendly when he called me in January wanting an answer on his takeover bid,” I add, knowing Sylvia knows about Uncle Harry’s bid to takeover Brightlight.

“Elise, dear, you must not sell to him. That was your father’s company and it is your legacy. You must keep it,” she says with a pleading voice.

“It’s okay. I told him that the answer is no. He got quite nasty, but I haven’t heard from him since then. Everything goes through my lawyer now. Why do you sound so scared?” I ask, worried about her.

“It’s nothing, dear. I just don’t want you to be railroaded by that god awful man,” she says, trying and failing to hide the shakiness in her voice.

I laugh. “You know he has never been one to scare me. He may give me the creeps sometimes, but I’m not scared of him. I have my father’s will and the company rules in my favor, remember?”

“Yes you do, Elise. Just don’t forget the other clauses, that is all I will say.”

Shit, I never thought of that. Surely Uncle Harry wouldn’t be that desperate for the company. It’s just a company—a multi-million dollar company—but nevertheless, nothing to break the law over.

“Elise, dear. Are you still there?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Well thank you for calling, Aunt Sylvia. I’ll call you after my finals,” I say before bidding her farewell.

“Elise, if he threatens you again you go to the police, the board of directors, anybody who can deal with him. Do not take his crap. Okay?”

“Okay, Aunt Sylvie, I promise. I have to go now, we’re just heading out for dinner. I’ll call you again soon,” I say, bidding her farewell just as Brax walks up and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Definitely, dear. Take care. And tell that boyfriend of yours that I’m looking forward to meeting him next time I’m in New York,” she adds, the maternal concern in her voice warms my heart.

I melt into Brax as he brings his body closer to mine, tightening his embrace.

“Hey,” he murmurs as he puts his lips on my neck. I move my head sideways, allowing him to nuzzle his face into my neck.

“Hey yourself,” I whisper breathlessly. Just one touch and my heart is racing.

“You okay?” he asks as he drags his hand up my stomach to the underside of my breast.

“Better now,” I say, arching my back, pushing myself into his hand.

“We better move before we forget about dinner,” he says in my ear as he traces around my hardened nipple.

“What dinner?”

“Exactly,” he says, standing up straight and removing his hands and lips all at once, eliciting a whimper from me. “All in good time, baby.”

He spins me around and kisses me hard on the lips before pushing away from me and walking towards the door. I swear to god he has a swagger to his walk that would melt a nun’s habit. I can’t tear my eyes away from his butt as he walks away from me.

“Another long frustrating night then?” I mutter and he laughs at me again.

“A bit of revenge for locking me out of the bathroom,” he replies with a smart ass grin.

I growl at him as I take my coat from him. “Damn locks.”

We’ve just been seated at Portofino, a nice Italian restaurant a few blocks from our apartment. Elle has wanted to come for months so I’m glad I can finally bring her here. I needed something good to happen today. This week has been so stressful, with school work and investigating Brimstone’s business activities while also trying to find a link between Evans, Brimstone and maybe Gibbons. We haven’t been able to find anything as yet and it is frustrating the hell out of me.

A nice night out with my gorgeous girlfriend is exactly what I need.

We order an antipasto for a starter then I order lasagna while Elle orders a plate of carbonara. We’re halfway through a glass of wine when I see Elle look up above my head, looking confused but smiling. I turn around to see Evans standing beside me, looking down at Elle with his a greasy grin.

“You must be Elise,” he says with his unmistakable southern drawl.

“I am. And you are?” she asks, never breaking eye contact.

“I’m Michael Evans, Brax’s father,” he replies, not missing a single beat. Elle looks back down at me, her eyes wide open in shock.

“Brax,” she whispers. “You told me your parents were dead?”

“Ah, did he now,” the man beside me replies, not even giving me a chance to explain. “He would’ve been talking about his adoptive parents. His mother and I had to give him up when he was two years old, but he went to a lovely couple. Leah and Roger James, isn’t that right, Braxton?” I stand up and turn to face him, looking down into his cold blue eyes.

“I think it’s time you left, Evans,” I say through gritted teeth. “You’ve said more than enough for one night.”

“Aww, Braxton, always with the drama. Nice to meet you, Elise,” he says, holding out his hand to shake Elle’s. She obliges and he leans over to kiss her knuckles. He takes everything I have not to rip his filthy hand out of hers.

As he turns and leaves out the front door I take my seat, but Elle doesn’t look at me. She sits opposite me, staring at her plate of untouched pasta in front of her, not once raising her eyes to mine. Damn Evans! He knew exactly what the hell he was doing when he walked in here. So much for my nice night out.

“Elle,” I say, reaching over the table to hold her hand. “I’ve never thought of that man as my father, you have to believe me,” I implore, waiting for her to look at me.

When she does, I see them wet with tears. “Why couldn’t you tell me, Brax? I bared my soul to you months ago, and this whole time you had secrets?” She’s breaking my heart. The look on her face is soul destroying. We need to get back home so that I can give her a proper explanation. I stand again, holding my hand out to Elle.

“I think we need to go home so I can explain everything to you.”

“I think so too,” she says angrily.

I’ve never seen Elle angry. This is a first.

We walk the few blocks back to our apartment. I hold Elle’s hand the whole way home, refusing to let it go. She’s not going to pull back from me now, we’ve come too far.

We get inside and as soon as I’ve closed the door Elle is standing in front of me, hands on hips, waiting for my explanation.

“It’s not what you think, darlin.”

“Really, Brax? Cause right now it seems like you were adopted out at two years old and you may have lost your adoptive parents, but your biological father is well and truly alive and kicking,” she says, her voice laced with anger.

“Yes, that is true. My biological mother is alive too, but I have never met her. Evans sought me out when I was fifteen, which is the only reason I know him,” I say, hoping like hell she calms down and believes me.

“Okay. I understand that, but why didn’t you tell me? Why leave me to find out like this?” she says, her voice sounding more sad than angry now.

“Because I’ve never thought of that man as my father. My father was Roger James, retired mechanic from Atlanta, Georgia. The man who I left the army for at twenty-two so that I could look after him and his business while he was battling prostate cancer. He was my father, not that man you saw tonight.”

I’m exasperated now. I always intended to tell Elle about Roger and his battle with cancer, but in my own time. There has been so much going on lately with the notes and being on edge waiting for the next move to be made against Elle, it has honestly been the last thing on my mind. All I wanted was to have a nice dinner out with my girlfriend.

Michael Evans strikes again!

I sit down on the couch, putting my head in my hands as I rest my arms on my knees. I feel, rather than see Elle sit beside me, her arm snaking around my waist as she cuddles into my side.

“I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t know,” she says quietly.

I look up at her and smile. She is truly the most forgiving person I know.

“Sweetheart, I should’ve told you. I’m sorry, but I despise that man you met tonight, I never wanted you to have to meet him. If you want, I can tell you all about my mother and father, the ones that raised me, not the ones that created me. Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you. I just need you to forgive me.”

I’m pleading with her now, we’ve come too far for something like this to get in our way.

“There’s nothing to forgive, babe. I know now why you didn’t tell me. But I hope you’ll tell me about Roger and Leah tomorrow, if you think you’re ready,” she says with a smile, lifting her lips to mine for a sweet gentle kiss.

“I love you so much, baby.”

“Me too, Brax. More than you know.”

Brax and Elle have gone out for dinner, so I have a couple of hours to myself. I’m sitting in my car, keeping watch on Elle’s building, when my phone rings.

“Gibbons,” I say, answering his call.

“Shay, we have a situation. We’ve received a message saying that Elle isn’t safe while you and Brax are involved. They’re pulling in the big guns now. Evans is in town and we know it’s not a good thing if the big man is hanging around. We’ve got to get you guys out of there, the boss man has ordered it. They’ve even threatened to go public with everything,” he says quickly. He sounds genuinely concerned.

“So who’s making these demands then?” I ask, not really buying Gibbons’ explanation because, to be honest, it doesn’t really make much sense. Things have been quiet for weeks now. No black Honda, no more contact from Evans, no notes. Nothing out of the ordinary.

“This is coming from Brimstone. He contacted the boss man, threatening to go to the feds if we don’t pull out. He recognized Brax and finally put two and two together. It has got the boss spooked so he’s calling you guys off the job.

“No way, dude. Brax will never leave,” I say, knowing where Brax’s head is at. It was just a few weeks ago that we talked about what we were going to do when the job ends. Brax made it clear to me, in no uncertain terms, that he will be wherever Elle is.

“He doesn’t have a choice, if he wants his girlfriend to stay breathing, he needs to get out,” he says sternly.

“I’ll talk to him, but I don’t see it happening,” I explain.

“Shay, you have to make him understand. I can send a back-up unit to watch her without being noticed. She’ll still be watched, just not as publicly as she is now. We have no choice, Shay. They have said she will not be safe unless you guys leave.”

“What has he got on the boss?” I ask. I need to know just how serious this is.

“A bunch of evidence that will leave him in a whole world of shit. He’s said you either pull out voluntarily or he will make it so that you don’t have a choice and you don’t want that, for yourself, for Brax or for Miss Halliwell.”

“I’ll get back to you,” I say as I hang up, not giving him a chance to say anything else.

I punch the steering wheel. I need to work this out. Brax and I don’t trust Gibbons as far as we could throw him, but if the boss has made the order that’s a whole other story. I have to work out another plan. Surely there must be another way to keep her safe.

A few moments later I see Brax and Elle walking along the street, not looking at all happy. Brax opens the apartment building door to let Elle in before quickly looking over in my direction to give me the customary nod, letting me know that he’s okay.

What he doesn’t know is that everything is far from okay. The call has been made, but god knows how I’m going to get him to follow these orders.

I wait until they’re upstairs in the apartment and the lights go off. I’m just about to start my car and pull out when I see a black van driving past me really slowly. I can’t see the driver, but they seem to be looking for something, or someone.

I note the number plate and make and model down, but if it’s who I think it is, we won’t be find out anything. I decide to follow it and start my car, getting ready to pull out. I let him get to the corner before I pull out to follow him. He turns left towards campus and then heads towards the centre of town.

Once he turns onto the freeway heading south, I pull over. I text Brax, letting him know that I’m heading home for the night and text Gibbons straight afterwards, asking him to track the plate anyway.

BJ Harvey's books