Indelible Love - Emily's Story

It took no more than ten minutes for Sarah and Charlie to knock on my door. She was bouncing up and down, elated about her engagement to Charlie. She showed me her diamond ring and couldn’t wipe the bliss off her face. Her ring reminded me of the engagement ring Jake bought for me in Hawaii. My heart ached, but my faced glowed with joy. My best friend deserved many blessings.

“I’m thrilled for you, Sarah! And Charlie, good job on the ring. How did you keep this from all of us? I surely thought you would need my help pulling off a proposal. So how did you propose?” I asked Charlie.

“Well, we were up in Napa this weekend,” said Charlie.

The word Napa made me wince, as I remembered my time up there with Jake. We had made so many indelible memories during our two months together.

Sarah continued the story. “We got on a hot air balloon. The scenery was breathtaking, though I feared we might fall off and die. I also got a bit airsick. I was about to throw up over the balloon when Charlie got down on one knee and proposed. What timing. My body was practically convulsing trying to keep down the upchuck, and he’s on his knee asking me to spend the rest of my life with him.”

“Oh, Sarah. Ew. It’s romantic and gross at the same time. But I’m happy for you. You deserve it.” I hugged Sarah and Charlie at the same time. My best friend was getting married.

“Of course, I want you to be my maid of honor.”

“I would be honored. So when’s the wedding?”

“Memorial Day weekend…this year.”

“What? That’s four and a half months away. Why so soon?”

“Charlie got a job up north and we’ll be separated as of June. I didn’t want to plan this wedding without him. We’ve booked the wedding and reception already. I just need to find a dress, and the rest is easy.” Sarah beamed with joy. I felt terrible having to rain on her parade.

“I have some bad news, Sarah.” Ugh, what terrible timing. “I’m leaving for Japan in ten days and I don’t come back till mid-June. Of course, I’ll be back for the wedding, but I can’t help you with much of the planning. I’m so sorry. I’d understand if you wanted to ask someone else to take my place in the wedding.”

“Why are you going to Japan, and for five months?”

“I applied for a job teaching English last year, and they called me to tell me that there’s an opening. I’m going to take a leave of absence at my current school and go abroad for a few months.”

“How are you going to be away from all of us for so long? You’ll be so lonely. You hate being alone.”

“I know. I’m really going to miss you all.” I glanced and saw the guilt in Max’s eyes. “This isn’t your fault. I applied for this position awhile ago, and it’s finally happened. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while,” I explained while putting my arms around him.

Without a word, he left the house. Charlie went after him.

“Emily, does Jake know you’re leaving?”

“I just got the call today. You guys are the first to know. I doubt Jake will care that I’m leaving. I don’t think he would cut off all ties with me if he still cared.”

Another apology was in order for the bride to be. “I’m really sorry I can’t be there to help you plan your dream wedding. I feel selfish and guilty for leaving you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve been nothing but a dear friend. I’m glad you know what you want. Go and get away for a while. Go clear your head and come back rejuvenated. Jake’s an idiot for treating you this poorly. How he could ask you to marry him, and then disregard you so easily, is beyond me.”

“It hurts to think of it that way, but I don’t blame him. I hurt him badly. I was greedy and wanted both men to love me. That wasn’t acceptable and I agree with him. I deserve it. I never thought he would cut me off so coldly…he promised me that he wouldn’t let me be alone anymore…let’s not talk about this.”

Sarah agreed. We both said at the same time, “Let’s talk wedding.”

We talked endlessly about dresses and themes and flowers. As soon as the sun rose, we were going to hit every bridal shop. Sarah was going to be the most beautiful bride. With only one week to help Sarah create her dream wedding, we were determined to get as much of it done as possible.

DW Cee's books