Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

“If you want to drink, I’m sure Braxton will be more than happy to serve you guys at the house.” Kate smiled, hoping they’d agree.

“Braxton’s eye candy. That’s for sure.” Felicity slurred her words as she grabbed onto Kate’s arm for balance. “But he’s yours. And I need to get some inspiration from a single hottie. You know, to get my creative juices flowing.” Felicity gave her a wink.

“Hmph. I think the juices you want flowing are your lady juices.” Myrtis sneered. “Not your creative juices.”

Kate cringed.

“How about that one?” Barbara pointed to the back of the room where a dark-haired male sat at a table, eyeing their group with either curiosity or interest. Kate wasn’t sure which it was, but he made her skin crawl.

“He’s been sitting there all by himself since we got here. I don’t see a ring, so I’m guessing he’s single.” Felicity narrowed her eyes at the guy.

Kate shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” Felicity set her empty shot glass down on the table. “He looks dark, dangerous, and hot.”

“He looks like he just got out of prison.” Kate opened her purse and began to search for her cell phone. There was no way she was going to get these women out of here on her own. She needed backup in the form of her werewolf houseguests.

“Prison?” Barbara cocked her head. “Yeah, I could see that. Although, I was going to say he looked like a pirate.”

“What is it with you and pirates? You don’t even write that kind of book. You write Highlander.” Myrtis grinned.

Barbara shrugged. “I might want to branch out. Test the waters. Pirates are very hot right now.”

“You mean test your inner erotica.” Myrtis laughed.

“I’m going to talk to him.” Felicity pushed away from the bar.

Kate grabbed her arm. “No, Felicity, please don’t do that.”

Felicity twisted out of her grip and smiled. “Don’t worry, Kate. I’ll be fine.” She turned and walked toward the mysterious man.

Damn, this wasn’t good. Her gut clenched. She needed help. Throwing up her hands, she hurried after Felicity.

Felicity stopped in front of the biker and rested a slim hip on the table.

“I notice you’re not wearing a wedding ring,” Felicity purred.

“No, I’m not.” The stranger cocked his head as a smirk played on his lips.

Kate looked around nervously. A lot of the men in the bar had turned around in their seats as a hush stole across the noisy bar. The tension in the room seemed to increase tenfold.

“Felicity, we’ve really got to be going.” Kate gritted her teeth and grabbed Felicity’s arm, but Felicity shook off her grip.

“I don’t want to go. I’m making a new friend.” Felicity leaned over and ran her finger down the tight T-shirt-clad chest of the stranger.

A deep growl erupted from behind them. Kate turned.

Standing two feet away, a brunette wearing black leather pants and vest and a scowl so intense it made Kate shiver, eyed them both with contempt. She was one of the women Kate had noticed when they first entered the bar.

The woman grabbed Felicity by her hair and held her off the ground, her feet dangling in the air. “That’s my mate. No one touches my mate.”

Mate? Kate’s stomach turned. Holy shit. Her intuition had been trying to alert her to the danger. They were in the middle of a werewolf bar.


Braxton watched in horror as a female Were lifted Felicity off the ground by her hair. If he made a move to interfere, the entire bar would erupt in a fight, putting all the women in danger. More importantly, it would put Kate in danger.

“I can’t fucking believe I’m about to do this.” Ava shoved past Braxton and tapped the female Were on the shoulder.

The female turned. Ava reared back and slammed her fist into the female’s face. The female let go of Felicity and slid to the floor in a heap.

Ava grabbed Felicity by the throat. “You, little girl, better learn to keep yourself in check. Next time there’s not going to be someone around to save your skinny little ass, and you will get more than you bargained for. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Felicity looked at Ava with wide eyes and nodded fervently. “I understand.” She held up her arms in front of her face and grimaced. “Are you going to hit me too, Ava?”

“I ought to. For coming in here and trying to start trouble.” Ava released her hold and glanced at Kate. “Kate’s too nice to say it, but you are nothing but trouble. If I were her, I’d kick your ass out before you do something that hurts her business.”

Felicity swallowed and slowly lowered her arms. “I’m sorry, Kate, I didn’t mean to endanger your business.”


Kate wanted to kiss Ava for saving their ass, but that was going to have to wait. Right now she needed to get everyone out.

She fell into step behind Ava, who was marching Felicity to the front door.

Jodi Vaugn's books