Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

“Yeah. I didn’t get to pay you last night for staying.”

Kate waved her hands. “Don’t worry about it. Sleeping on the couch isn’t exactly part of the bed and breakfast amenities.” Ava had managed to finagle a room out of Felicity so Ava and Damon could have a bed. Lord knew they needed one. It was either they have a bedroom to themselves or everyone walking in on them having sex in the strangest places.

Kate’s cheeks heated with the shock of walking in on the couple getting it on right in the kitchen on the island. And Ava hadn’t even been embarrassed. She just smirked and kept riding Damon.

“I’m still going to pay for staying. I already asked Braxton what the rates are.” Jayden pulled his leather wallet out of his jeans pocket and plucked out six one hundred dollar bills and handed them to her.

Kate frowned. “But this is too much for one night.”

Jayden gave her a sheepish grin. “I have a feeling I might have to stay a few more nights. It just depends how long Braxton needs me.”

Kate smiled. “How long have you two been friends?”

“Not that long. He helped me out of a tight spot.” He raised his left sleeve of his T-shirt, revealing a long, nasty scar.

Kate covered her mouth with her hand and then met his eyes. “I thought Weres could heal.”

Jayden pushed his sleeve down. “We do. Unless someone pours salt in our wounds.”

“Oh, God.” The pain he must have suffered would have been agonizing.

He shrugged and gave her an easy smile, the kind that made girls go gooey inside. His eyes lit on the plate of freshly baked cookies she’d prepared for the evening’s refreshments.

“Go ahead. Since Damon’s been here, I’ve learned to bake four times as much.”

“Cool.” Jayden grabbed four oatmeal raisins and headed out the door.


Despite the lick of cold wind against her skin, Kate lifted her face toward the sun as she walked down the sidewalk in town with Felicity and Danielle. She had agreed to go with the girls to take some pictures of the town so they could use them for her website.

Kate stopped long enough to pet a black lab being walked down the small sidewalk of Spring Street.

“I think we should have taken the picture of the street from the top of the hill.” Danielle examined the picture Felicity had just taken on her digital camera.

“We will. I wanted to get some pictures at the bottom of the street looking up the hill. That way I can capture some of the shop signs in the photo.”

Felicity squinted and shaded her eyes with her palm. “Isn’t there some kind of religious statue here?”

“You mean the Christ of the Ozarks. It’s only a few minutes from here.” Kate slipped her sunglasses up on top of her head. “What would really be pretty is Thorn Crown Chapel.”

“Isn’t that the church made of glass?” Danielle looked at Kate.

“Yes. It’s especially gorgeous at night when it’s all lit up.” Kate waved her hand. “But they only do that during the holidays.”

“We can still get a great picture with all the snow on the ground. Maybe we can come back during the spring and get a picture with all the flowers blooming. That way you could change out your pictures with the seasons.”

Kate felt a smile spread across her face. “That’s actually a great idea.”

She just hoped she was going to be in business in the spring.


“Come on, Ava.”

“I’m not going.” Ava crossed her arms and plopped down on the bed. The writers were busy getting all dolled up to go into town to celebrate the launch of Kate’s new webpage for her bed and breakfast. Even Granny was going.

“It’s going to be a girls’ night. Don’t you need a girls’ night out?” Barbara patted her hair down.

“Nope. I need a night with my guy.” Ava fell back on the bed and crossed and uncrossed her legs. It was a nervous habit when she was apart from Damon, whether it be a day or a week. Hell, it hadn’t even been a damn hour and her nerves were lighting up like a summer storm.

Felicity snorted. “From the sounds that keep coming out of your room, you should be exhausted.”

Ava sat up and narrowed her eyes at the girl. Felicity stiffened and took a step back.

Ava smirked. Smart girl.

When she’d walked in and saw Felicity touching Damon, Ava had wanted to rip the female’s throat out, right there. Damon had pulled her away and they’d gotten into an argument in the bedroom, which lasted all of ten minutes. Then came the makeup sex. Oh. My. God. The makeup sex.

Ava went wet just thinking about it. She crossed her legs as her body heated. “Are you sure you’re talking about me, or maybe you meant Kate? ’Cause that girl can make some noise.”

Kate went wide-eyed and looked around the room.

Ava grimaced a little at her obvious discomfort. Damn, maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. Kate did look like the innocent American girl next door.

Jodi Vaugn's books