Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

He stiffened against her. Damn, she probably sounded like a nagging wife. That was the last thing a man ever wanted to hear.

She took a step back and faked a yawn, holding her hand over her mouth. “I’m going to bed.” She slid underneath the covers, making sure her back was to him. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting to hear the door shut behind Braxton.

The covers flounced as Braxton crawled into bed and settled in behind her. When he wrapped his large hand around her waist and pulled her back against his stomach, Kate’s heart lurched.

He hadn’t left. Not yet. But she knew he would.

Kate pushed away the painful truth, focused on the warmth of Braxton’s body, and snuggled in deeper.


“You think he’s here?” Brutus turned to Killian, who was leaning up against the Eureka Springs sign.

“I think the fucker is dead.” Lorcan shrugged. “I’ve never seen any Werewolf live after taking a silver bullet. Just doesn’t happen.”

Brutus scowled at his men. His gut told him different. “If he’s dead, then where’s the body?”

“Maybe he got eaten by a bear.” Lorcan shrugged.

Brutus and Killian eyed Lorcan.

Brutus rubbed his buzz cut and growled. It was obvious Braxton had never made it to Branson. He was here in Eureka Springs. He knew it.

“No one has seen him here. We’ve asked all the bars.”

“You asked in all the Were bars. You need to go ask in the human bars.”

Lorcan snarled. “Human?”

“Yeah, you’re not afraid of going into the human bars, are you?” Brutus taunted.

“Hell, no. I just don’t think they’re going to be so open in answering our questions. They may not know we’re werewolves, but they sense we’re something dangerous.”

“We’re out of options. Both of you get to the bars and see what you can find out. I’ll make a call to the Louisiana commander and fill him in. I’m sure he’s not going to be too damn pleased with any of us right now.”


“Kate, this is a great place.” Barbara smiled over her coffee. “I’m shocked you don’t stay booked up all the time.”

Kate sighed. “I wish I would stay booked. With the economy like it is, people tend to look for the cheapest place to stay.”

“I disagree.” Danielle cocked her head. “I think people are willing to pay for the ambience plus the extras you have, Kate.”

Kate snorted. “Not lately they haven’t.”

Barbara set her coffee cup on the dining table. “How much advertising do you do?”

Kate sat in a side chair next to Barbara. “Well I’m on the Eureka Springs list of Bed and Breakfasts. We’ve always just thought word of mouth and referrals were enough to get our name out there. That’s what my mom always said.”

“It’s not enough.” Felicity shook her head. “You need a webpage.”

“The Eureka Springs Bed and Breakfast list is on a webpage.”

“You need your own, something unique and eye-catching, with photos of the Bella Luna inside and out.” Felicity’s eyes lit up. “I could help you. I’m a website designer by day.”

“Really?” Kate felt her hopes rise and then quickly fall. “I’d like that, but I don’t have the funds to pay you.”

Felicity exchanged a look with Barbara. “What if we bartered?”

Kate shrugged. “I’m afraid I don’t have anything to barter with.”

“Actually, you do. What if I designed your webpage and set it up for you now in exchange for staying here a couple of days in the fall? No charge.”

“I don’t know that I’ll still be in business in the fall.” Kate blew out a breath, feeling more depressed by the second with this conversation. “I’d hate for you to do all that work and then me not be able to hold up my end of the bargain.”

Felicity laughed. “I can guarantee you I’ll bring you customers by the droves with my webpage. Trust me, Kate, you’ll still be in business and doing better than ever.”

Kate smiled. For once, that tight feeling in her chest was gone. Besides, she had nothing to lose.

“So, what do you say?” Felicity waited expectantly with her hands clasped under her chin.

“I say, you’ve got a deal.”


For the next few hours, Kate waited anxiously to see what Felicity had come up with. She tried to get a peek, but all the writers shooed her away from the upstairs bedroom where they were ensconced. She was surprised to see even Ava and Granny involved in the process. With Granny in the mix, she hoped the old lady wouldn’t talk the writers into putting something obscene on the website.

Kate rounded the corner to the kitchen and ran head-first into Jayden. He’d come back to the Bella Luna with Braxton and Damon from their trip into town. With no room, he had to sleep on the couch.

“Whoa.” Jayden reached out to steady her.

“Sorry about that.” Kate stepped back.

“No problem. I was just about to go find you.”


Jodi Vaugn's books