Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

“Yes,” she panted, clinging to him like he was her lifeline to this earth.

His fingers stroked over her clit in a circular motion while his thrusts grew faster. Pleasure spread throughout her body as she began to climax. She tensed, and then she went limp as her orgasm crashed over her in a blinding display.


Braxton thrust deep, his body shaking with the effort to hold back his own pleasure until Kate found her orgasm. It was a rule. The female always came first. And they always did. But with Kate, Braxton almost broke the one rule he’d always kept.

As Kate cried out, he held on for a few more seconds and then went over the edge with her, burying deep within her tight body as he spilled his release inside her.

Her fingers caressed up and down his back. He found the touch soothing and comforting. It was something he could get used to every night.

And it scared the hell out of him.

He straightened and gazed down into the eyes of the woman he’d just made love with.

She giggled and slapped a hand across her mouth.

He frowned. “What’s so funny?

“I’m sorry. I’ve just never had sex on a washing machine before. It sounds like something out of a romance book.”

He relaxed. “Well, don’t go telling those writers. I’m sure they’d love to know how you liked it.” A slow grin crossed his face. “So, how did you like it?”

“It felt wrong.”

He frowned. “Wrong?” That certainly wasn’t the answer he was expecting.

She shook her head, her hair falling in blond waves across her shoulders. “I need a better word. It felt wicked.” She glanced away, her cheeks flaming.

“Wicked?” He tipped her chin with his finger, gently forcing her to look at him. “I like wicked.”

She grinned. “I kind of thought you would.”

“What other things have you never done, my sweet innocent Kate?” Braxton rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip.

She blinked rapidly, and for a moment he expected her to change the subject and make an excuse to get away.

“I’ve never given a blow job.”

Braxton felt like the ground shifted under his feet, and he reached for the side of the washing machine.

Kate pushed at his chest as her face turned red with embarrassment. “I need to go.”

But he didn’t budge. “Wait. Are you saying you’ve never gone down on a guy?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and glared. “If you’re going to make fun of me, then you can leave.”

Braxton stared at her. “Make fun of you? Why the fuck would I do that?”

“Because I’m not experienced like all the other girls you’ve been with.”

“No, you’re not.” She was so much more than what he ever deserved.

She tried to shove him out of the way.

“That’s what I love about you.”

She stilled and gave him a suspicious look. “You do? I thought guys liked experience.”

Braxton snorted. “Baby, guys like to teach a woman what they like.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yes, really.” His gaze zeroed in on her lips, fantasizing about how they would feel around his dick.

She leaned in close. “Show me what you like.”

He swallowed and closed his eyes as his dick hardened at the thought. “Don’t tempt me, baby.”

“I want to tempt you.” She reached down and gripped his dick, already hard and ready for round two.

Braxton opened his eyes and groaned. Her eyes were hungry.

“Step back.”

He obeyed her. How could he refuse her anything?

She released him and hopped off the washing machine. He watched as she slid to her knees.

She looked up at him. “Tell me if you don’t like something.”

Was she fucking kidding? What would he not like?

Her hot, wet mouth closed over him and he groaned at the pleasure. Her heavy-lidded gaze stayed on him as she flicked her tongue over the tip and then sucked him deep into her mouth.

“Fuck, Kate.” He threaded his fingers in her silky hair and rocked into her mouth. She moved back and dipped her head to caress his balls with her tongue before sucking each one into her mouth.

“Jesus Christ, Kate. You need to slow down.” Braxton wasn’t quite sure how he managed to get the words out. He was all sensation, feeling every flick of her tongue and suck of her beautiful lips.

“Am I doing it right?” She gazed up at him with such tenderness and lust, it almost made his knees buckle.

“Hell, yes. It feels good. Too good.”

She sucked him harder and deeper into her white-hot mouth. Each torturous lick of her tongue sent pleasure streaking down his back. He wasn’t going to last much longer if she kept sucking him like that.

“I’m going to come.” He tried to pull her head back, but she didn’t budge. Humming her approval as she looked up into his eyes, he thrust hard, seeing stars as his orgasm overtook him. He came hard, spilling his seed into her willing mouth. She held him tight, sucking and swallowing until he was spent.

Jodi Vaugn's books