Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

He chuckled. “No, sweetheart. This is going to be slow and delicious.”

Her breathing hitched and she clutched him closer. He seemed to sense her impending orgasm and moved faster, thrusting until her orgasm swelled and crested.

This time when she came, Braxton was right there with her, clinging to her hips and moaning her name.


Braxton gathered Kate into his arms, caressing her naked back with his fingertips. He’d never been more at peace than when he was holding her.


He grinned and looked down into her smiling face. “I take it you found that satisfactory?”

“Are you kidding? I found that more than satisfactory. In fact, I never thought I could have an orgasm that intense.”

Braxton grinned, feeling pretty damn pleased with himself. “I aim to please.”

She laughed and playfully hit his arm.

A loud crash had Kate bolting up in bed.

“What was that?” Kate pulled the comforter across her body. He’d been so busy trying to get into her panties that they didn’t bother to pull the sheets down.

“The sound of drunken writers.” Braxton rolled off the bed and tugged on his jeans. She slid off the bed and gathered her clothes, quickly dressing.

“I hope no one got hurt,” Kate threw over her shoulder as she hurried down the hall. “A lawsuit is the last thing I need.”

Braxton gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. “Stop worrying... I’m sure no one got hurt.”

“You might want to rethink that last statement.” Damon hurried past them into the living room.

Braxton came to a halt. Kate crashed into his back.

Standing in the middle of the living room and looking like an angry Goddess was Ava. Ava had a handful of Felicity’s shirt and was holding the girl a foot off the ground. Damon wrapped his arms around Ava’s waist, trying to pull her away, but she wouldn’t let go of Felicity.

Kate rushed forward. “Who the hell are you? Get your hands off her.”

Ava let go of Felicity and scorched Kate with a glare.

Braxton pushed Kate behind him. “What’s going on, Ava?”

“I want to know what the fuck Damon is doing at a bed and breakfast with a bunch of women.” Ava turned and glared at Damon, who ran his hand across his face

“That would be my fault.” Braxton glanced at Damon. “Barrett sent him for me. I refused to leave. Damon is only doing his job.”

“Yeah? Who the fuck is this?” Ava shot a venomous glare at Felicity.

“She’s one of my guests,” Kate answered and stepped in front of Ava.

“Really? Then why was she telling Damon to take his shirt off when I walked in the door?” Ava hissed.

Kate rolled her eyes. “Because she’s a writer.” She swept her arm across the room. “They say obscene things that they don’t mean.”

“Plus, they’re drunk,” Damon offered. He tried to wrap his arms around his mate, but Ava only growled.

“I am not drunk, thank you very much.” Myrtis propped her hands on her hips. “I can handle my alcohol, unlike the rest of these bitches.”

“I hear ya, sister. I can drink anyone under the table.” Granny emerged from the kitchen holding a shot of tequila in her wrinkled hand.

“Granny, put that down.” Damon let go of Ava and tried to take the glass away from the old lady.

She spun away on her heels, downed the shot, and then smirked while handing over the empty glass. “Here you go, Damon.”

“Is this your granny?” Kate’s widened gaze landed on Damon.

“I am, honey. I came with Ava when she found out Damon was here.” Granny gave Kate a smile. The old lady picked up someone’s Long Island Iced Tea. “I’ve always wanted to stay at a bed and breakfast, but I never had the chance. I’ve been so busy with my work that I don’t have the time. So I decided to make time.”

Kate smiled. “What kind of work do you do?”

“I am gainfully employed in the sex industry.”

The room went silent as all eyes landed on Granny.

Damon rubbed his eyes. “Damn, Granny. Would you quit saying that?”

“Sex industry?” Felicity grinned. Lynn looked intrigued. The other writers looked horrified.

“Of course.” Granny took a sip of her Long Island Iced Tea. “This sucker has quite a kick.” Granny’s gaze landed on Braxton. “Hon, did you make this?”

“You know it.” He chuckled. He’d always liked Granny. She didn’t pull any punches and had a kind heart.

Damon stilled and looked at Braxton. “Wait a minute. How do you know Granny?”

Braxton hesitated.

“I know him from the strip club,” Granny offered.

“The strip club?” Damon grimaced and waved his hand. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

“Well, I want to know.” Felicity had apparently recovered from her brush with Ava. She edged closer and gave Granny a look of utter fascination.

Kate gave him a confused look. It was too much to explain so he just shrugged.

Jodi Vaugn's books