Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

Warmth exploded in his chest as his eyes widened. The concept of someone’s mother loving him hit him like a ton of bricks. He’d learned to live half a life, not expecting love. Kate’s words humbled him and made his eyes ache.

He nodded once, shoved his hands in his pockets, and headed for the safety of the house.


That night, after having wine by the fire pit for the women, Kate managed to usher everyone inside. The ladies didn’t want to leave, insisting they needed to experience the full effects of standing in the snow. She told them the only thing they were going to experience was frostbite and hypothermia, which would lead to amputation of important lady parts. That finally got the writers moving.

Braxton stood in the kitchen, looking through her liquor cabinet. She’d promised that Braxton would make cocktails for everyone if they came out of the cold. She cut her eyes over at Braxton’s broad back and smiled as she lined up the martini glasses on the kitchen counter.

“I can’t find the shaker.” Braxton turned to her.

“I’ve got one.” Myrtis tossed the silver canister to Braxton. Braxton caught it one-handed.

He arched an eyebrow. “You always carry this?”

“To all my writing retreats, I do.” Myrtis lifted her chin. “With all these bitches, I’m always in need of a drink.”

Barbara walked up behind Myrtis, shaking her head. “Goodness, Myrtis. You shouldn’t be so blunt.”

Myrtis turned. “Why not? You know every one of you get under my skin after a day of plotting and critiquing.” Myrtis crossed her arms and scowled. “I feel like you’ve eaten me alive.”

Felicity walked in with a large brown paper bag. “Okay, Braxton. Here’s what I brought.”

He peered in and his eyes widened. “Damn, you come prepared.”

Felicity shrugged. “Danielle drove into town to get the rest of the stuff to make chocolate martinis.”

Braxton chuckled and began unloading the bottles of vodka, rum, and tequila. “Well, while the rest of you are waiting, I could make a Long Island Iced Tea.”

“Perfect.” Felicity rubbed her hands together and headed back into the living room with the rest of the ladies.

Kate cocked her head as Damon entered the kitchen. “Do you think they drink like this all the time?”

“I don’t know. But they are starting to scare me.” Damon eased onto the kitchen stool and watched Braxton pour the different alcohols into the mixer. “Especially that Myrtis one.”

Kate wrinkled her nose and poured herself a glass of chardonnay. “Myrtis? She has to be at least sixty-five.”

Braxton poured a shot of tequila and shoved it toward Damon. Damon tossed it back without flinching. “I see the way she keeps looking at me.”

“Yeah, how’s that?” Braxton smirked, as he mixed the liquors in the silver canister.

“Like she knows what I look like naked.”

“Yikes.” Braxton shuddered.

“What are y’all talking about?” Myrtis walked into the kitchen.

Kate choked on her wine.

Myrtis slapped her on the back. “You okay?”

Kate nodded and cleared her throat. “Just went down the wrong way.”

Myrtis turned her attention to Damon, let her gaze drift down his body, and smiled. “Hate it when something in your mouth goes down the wrong way.”

“I’ve got to go check on something.” Damon jumped up from the kitchen stool and hauled ass out the back door.

Myrtis frowned and joined her friends in the living room.

“Are those ready yet, Braxton?” Felicity walked over and rested her arms on the back of an empty kitchen chair. “The natives are getting restless.”

Braxton finished pouring the bourbon-colored drink into a highball glass he’d pulled from the cabinet. “Long Island Iced Tea.” He held out the glass to Felicity, who cradled it between her palms.

She took a sip and closed her eyes. “Mmm. This is really good. The best I’ve ever had, actually.”

“Thanks.” Braxton tossed the kitchen towel across his shoulder and held out a second drink for Kate.

Kate shook her head and waved her hands in protest. “I better not. I lost count of how many liquors you put in there.”

Amusement lit his eyes. “Are you afraid?”

Her stomach tilted.

He grinned and held out the glass. “Go on. You’ve worked really hard today. You deserve a little happy hour.”

“What happens if I start making a fool out of myself in front of my guests?” She raised an eyebrow.

“You won’t do that. I’ll take care of you.”

Yep, she definitely wanted Braxton to take care of her. In the most carnal way possible.

Kate swallowed and pulled at the neck of her sweater as her body heated.

She reached for the glass, her fingers brushing against his. Sweet awareness shot across her skin. She looked up into his heated gaze. Apparently he was feeling the same way.

She studied the drink before taking a sip. The liquid slid down her throat and warmed her stomach in a comforting way. She closed her eyes and moaned. “Oh God, that’s good.”

Jodi Vaugn's books