Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

“Granny sells a lot of her…merchandise to the dancers at the club.” Braxton frowned at Granny’s now-empty drink. “You might want to go easy on those.”

“Another round, barkeep.” Granny held out her glass to Braxton. “It’s been a long drive, and I fully intend to enjoy myself while staying at a B&B.”

Damon sighed. “There’s no room, Granny.”

Felicity shook her head. “Actually, you can stay with Lynn.” She cut her eyes at her friend.

Lynn’s lips curled up in an uncertain smile.

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m not used to sharing a bed.” Granny’s eyebrows shot up. “At least not with another female.”

The women erupted in laughter.

“Come on. It will be fun.” Felicity took her hands. “Besides, you can give us a lot of information about the kinds of things you sell.”

“My sex toys?”

“Please, Ava, if you love me just a little, beat me over the head until I pass out,” Damon pleaded with his mate.

Ava’s lips quirked up, obviously enjoying Damon’s discomfort.

Braxton mixed up another cocktail and passed it to Granny.

Granny looked around the room at the women. “You guys want to know about my sex toys?”

“Of course.” Felicity elbowed Barbara in the side.

Granny sighed. “It would be easier if I just showed you.”

Lynn’s smile disappeared, replaced by genuine interest. “Do you have them with you?”

Granny took a sip. “Yep. Brought an extra suitcase just so I could make everything fit.”

Kate leaned into Braxton. “Is she serious?”

“As a heart attack.” Braxton wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her against him. “She’s a live wire when she gives her sex toy presentation.”

“Okay, I have to see that,” Kate murmured.

Granny emptied her glass and plunked it down on the side table. “Okay, you talked me into it. I’ll stay. On one condition.”

“What’s that?” Damon frowned.

“I get to give my full presentation of my sex toys. That way, you ladies can procure the merchandise so you can get the full experience.” Granny wagged her gray eyebrows.

“Is that okay with you if Granny shares with Lynn?” Felicity looked at Kate.

Kate shrugged. “It’s fine with me.”


“Damon, be a dear and take my stuff up to my room.” Granny patted his arm.

Damon snarled as he headed out the door. Ava followed after him, bitching the whole way.

“Are they married?” Felicity narrowed her eyes.

Braxton grinned. “Yes, and then some.”

“I thought she was going to rip my throat out.” Felicity rubbed her neck.

“What did you do to get her so upset?” Braxton looked at Felicity.

“She was telling him to take off his shirt…while she copped a feel.” Barbara shot Felicity a disapproving look.

“Felicity.” Kate crossed her arms and frowned.

“What? I didn’t know he was married.” Felicity managed a sheepish look. “Usually men that don’t have a wedding ring are available.”

“I think it’s best if you stay away from Ava.” Kate pursed her lips.

“You think?”

“Yeah, honey.” Granny tapped the bottom of her glass, trying to get the last few drops out. “She may look all dainty, but Ava can kick some serious ass.”

Damon came back. “Your luggage is in your room, Granny.”

“That’s a good boy.” Granny patted his cheek and then faced the ladies. “Oh, and just so we’re clear. I may be sleeping with a girl, but I am not a lesbian.”


“Where have you been?” Damon narrowed his gaze at Braxton.

Braxton shrugged out of his leather jacket and averted his eyes. “Just went into town.”

Damon raised an eyebrow. “For what?”

“Seeing if I could find out anything about that murder.” Braxton eased onto the barstool.

Damon cocked his head. “That guy was a human. It has nothing to do with us.”

Braxton bristled. “It has everything to do with Kate. That’s the point.”

“You risk too much for that human.” Damon took a step and Braxton stood, bristling.

“Back off, Damon.” Braxton fisted his hands, anger surging through his body. The wolf side called to him, urging him to shift. “You would risk the same thing for Ava.”

“That’s different. Ava is my mate,” Damon gritted out.

“What the hell’s going on here?”

Both males turned at Ava’s voice. She stood in the doorway of the kitchen, her arms propped on her hips, looking like she’d just rolled out of bed.

Braxton swept his gaze at Damon. The Were’s jeans were unzipped. Damn, maybe they both had just rolled out of bed.

Damon pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Braxton cringed. “Jesus, do you two mind?”

Damon pulled back and laughed. “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about all that noise I heard last night.” Damon rolled his eyes.

Braxton’s eyes went wide. He thought he’d covered Kate’s cries of ecstasy with his mouth. Maybe he hadn’t.

Jodi Vaugn's books