Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

“Never knew you had a nickname.” Damon looked a little horrified. Ava snickered.

“Name? What are you talking about?” He didn’t remember Kate calling out anything other than his name.

“Give it to me good, Big Daddy,” Ava cried out in mock ecstasy.

What the fuck? He didn’t remember that.

“That wasn’t Kate.” Granny walked in and opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water.

Everyone stared.

“Was it you?” Ava giggled.

“No, sassy mouth. It was Barbara.”

Damon turned green and Braxton felt the same way.

“Barbara? The older lady that writes historicals?” Ava gaped.

“Yes. She bought something to keep her company last night. It’s the Big Daddy line of dildos and comes in all shapes and sizes.”

“Oh, hell. She said dildo.” Damon swiped a hand across his face, as if trying to erase the mental image that had been conjured up.

Braxton closed his eyes, trying to go to his happy place.

Ava chuckled.

“Stop laughing. It only encourages her.” Damon scowled at his mate.

“What’s everyone talking about?” Kate walked in and set the laundry basket on the island. She looked around the room.

“You don’t want to know,” Braxton murmured.

She frowned. “Yes I do.”

“We were talking about the sounds Damon and Ava heard coming from a bedroom last night. They thought it was you, but I told them it was Barbara and one of my dildos.” Granny took a dainty drink.

Kate’s mouth fell open as her face turned bright red.

Braxton leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I told you, you didn’t want to know.”

Kate clamped her mouth shut and grabbed her laundry, mumbling something about chores as she escaped from the kitchen. Braxton followed on her heels.


Kate gripped the sides of the washing machine with both hands, her head bowed. She wanted to melt into the floor. “Please tell me it really wasn’t me they heard.”

Braxton buried his face in her hair and laughed. “No, it wasn’t. I was pretty good about keeping you quiet last night. All night.”

She turned in his arms and faced him.

She ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders, the simple touch setting off a fire in her belly.

They’d made love half the night, yet it wasn’t enough. She wanted him again.

Braxton pushed away. Disappointment stung her chest until he reached the door of the laundry room. Shutting the door, he twisted the lock.

Her eyes widened as her heartbeat sped up. “What are you doing?”

“I want you naked and I want you now.” He accentuated every word with a heavy step until he was towering over her.

“But, we’re in the laundry room.” She glanced at the window blinds. “And it’s daylight.”

“I don’t care.” Braxton covered her mouth, his tongue seeking out her own.

She moaned and melted against his body. Braxton slipped his hands under her thighs and lifted, setting her on top of the washing machine.

His mouth stayed on hers as his hands skirted under her sweater. She nearly cried out as his fingers found her nipple.

She gasped and arched against his hand.

Panting, she lifted the hem of his shirt, her fingertips dipping into the deep grooves of his defined muscles.

He leaned down so she could pull the shirt over his head.

“Your turn.” His fingers gripped her shirt and tugged. It went sailing to the floor. He pulled her close, his hard chest rubbing against her soft bra-clad breasts.

He sealed his mouth over hers, licking the seam of her lips. With a flick of his fingers, her bra gave way and she quickly wiggled out of it.

His fingers danced at the front of her jeans, unsnapping and unzipping.


She planted her hands on the washing machine and arched her hips. She hissed when the cool metal of the washing machine hit her bare ass.

He grinned, took a step back and freed himself from his tight jeans. He met her gaze and took himself in his hand before stepping between her parted thighs.

Her breathing increased as his fingers stroked gently down her thong. His fingers dipped in the side. He growled low before lifting his finger to his mouth and sucking her arousal off.

She laced her fingers behind his neck and pulled him to her lips. “Now, Braxton. I want you now.”

He pulled her panties to the side and coated his dick with her wet heat. She moaned as he thrust, burying himself deep inside of her. She shivered around the enormous length of him.

“Fuck.” He buried his face in the crook of her neck.

She dug her fingers into his shoulders as he moved slowly. “Please, Braxton, faster.” She needed him out of control and wild.

“Baby, if I go faster I’m going to come too soon.” His mouth clamped down across hers, and he slid his fingers between the tight space of their bodies and flicked her clit.

She gasped.

“Feel good?” he groaned out.

Jodi Vaugn's books