Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

What other choice did he have? Sitting around on his ass waiting for the Assassins to show up and put a bullet through his head was not an option. He’d take grasping for straws any day.

Braxton shoved his hand through his hair and looked at Ava. “Where’s Kate?” It was too late for her to make another run to the grocery store. He glanced down at his watch. Eleven o’clock. He cut his eyes at her darkened bedroom window. No matter how late he came home, she was usually waiting up and she always had the bedroom lamp on.

Ava snorted. “She went into town with the ladies to celebrate her new website.”

Jayden laughed. “Where the hell did they go? We just drove through Spring Street and half the damn town already closed up shop for the night.”

“Felicity talked them into going to that bar. She said she needed to go to a biker bar for research on her next novel.” Ava shook her head.

Braxton froze.

“What’s wrong?” Ava looked between the three of them.

“The only biker bar in town is a werewolf bar.” Braxton glared at Ava.

“Shit. I had no idea.” Ava’s mouth dropped. “I should have gone when they asked me, but I was anxious to see Damon.”

Damon caressed her cheek. “You didn’t know. It’s not your fault.”

Jayden frowned. “Where’s Granny?”

Ava paled. “She went with them.”

Braxton grabbed Jayden’s keys and straddled the Harley. He’d make better time on the motorcycle than the SUV. “They’re walking into a lion’s den. I’ve got to go get them out before something bad happens.”

“Not without us you’re not.” Damon hopped on his bike and Ava climbed on behind him.

Jayden scowled. “If you think I’m letting you go without me, you’re crazy. My grandmother’s in there. Do you know how dangerous that is?”

Braxton nodded. “I’m sure Granny’s safe.”

Jayden looked pained. “It’s not Granny I’m worried about. Do you have any idea how much damage that old lady can do? The last thing I need is to be put on probation by Barrett because my Granny has been up to her antics again.” Jayden stood beside his Harley and shook his head. “Dude, it’s my bike and I drive. I never ride bitch.”

Braxton grinned. “This time you do.


Braxton’s mind raced with every imaginable thought as he tore down the winding streets of Eureka Springs to reach Kate. He thought about how many werewolves he was going to kill if they laid one finger on her. He thought about how he was going to strangle those crazy writers for putting Kate in danger. And he thought about Jayden, who for the first time in his life, was now sitting behind him hurling a string of profanities at him about riding bitch on his own Harley.

Braxton slid the Harley to a stop and whacked Jayden in the face with his booted foot as he dismounted. Hard rock music bled out into the night from behind the closed doors of the bar.

“Fuck, Braxton.” Jayden growled and rubbed his face.

“Sorry, man, but Kate’s my priority.” Braxton hurried across the parking lot.

Jayden shook his head. “All this trouble for a female. I swear I’m never going to get mated.”

Braxton frowned. “We’re not mated.”

“Yet. You two are not mated yet. But you might as well be.” Jayden rubbed the side of his head. “You’re just as *-whipped as Damon.”

“What are you two bitching about now?” Damon asked as he parked his Harley beside them. Ava hopped off.

“I told Braxton I’m never mating.”

“That’s good. ’Cause no female will ever want you.” Damon smirked.

Jayden flipped Damon the bird.

“Cut it out.” Ava stepped in between the two males. “Braxton’s going to need some backup. So get your heads right.”

Braxton didn’t have time for their bullshit. He bounded up the steps to the bar, taking them two at a time, with his friends right behind him. He opened the door and stepped in. Music, smoke, and whiskey hit him square in the face.

Through the haze of smoke the bar was full, every table and booth occupied with Weres. He scanned the room until his gaze landed on Kate. And his stomach bottomed out.


“I think we might need to be getting back to the Bella Luna.” Kate worried her lips with her teeth as her gaze darted across the crowded room.The longer she was here, the more she became uneasy.

“We’ve only been here an hour,” Felicity whined through her drunken stupor.

It was an hour longer than Kate wanted to stay.

“Granny just ordered another round of shots.” Felicity’s slurred words made Kate’s stomach knot. Felicity was a handful sober. Kate had a feeling that Felicity was a whole lot of trouble once you gave the girl alcohol. All the more reason they needed to leave.

Another round of shots were placed on the bar in front of the women. More alcohol was the last thing these women needed. Since they’d arrived at the bar, they had been throwing back drinks like sailors. Kate couldn’t quote the legal limit of intoxication, but she was sure these ladies had exceeded it.

Jodi Vaugn's books