Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

Granny perked up. “Wait, what happened? What did I miss?”

Kate shook her head. “Felicity flirted with the wrong guy and the girlfriend walked up. Ava ended up knocking the girl out before she could hit Felicity.”

“Hey, how was I supposed to know he had a woman?” Felicity sunk lower into the seat, looking embarrassed.

Granny eyed Felicity. “Was she wearing all leather?”

“How’d you know?”

“Because she was the one I was talking to in the bathroom about her man being a dick.”

“Granny, language, please,” Jayden called out over his shoulder as he took another intense curve. Tires squealed as the ladies slid to the other side of the van.

“I don’t feel so good.” Felicity bolted up in her seat and covered her mouth with her hand.

“I think you need to pull over.” Kate unsnapped her seat belt and frantically began to search through the armrest for some kind of container.

“I think I need to get out.” Felicity reached for the door handle. Kate leaped over the seat and grabbed Felicity around the waist before the girl could tumble out down the side of the mountain. Jayden cursed and slammed on the brakes just as Felicity lost her dinner, wine, and shots.

When Felicity was done, Kate pulled her back in the car and shut the door.

“It stinks in here,” Danielle called out from the backseat, waving her hand in front of her nose.

“That’s because Felicity hit the side of the door. We’ll wash it off and leave the windows open so it can air out tonight.” Kate climbed back in her seat and gave Jayden an eye roll. He grimaced as the scent hit him and he pushed the “down” button for his window. Cold air blew inside the vehicle. Kate snuggled down into her coat.

It was going to be a long drive home.


Damon lunged at the nearest werewolf. They went skidding across the barroom floor. He jumped to his feet and snapped his teeth at the enemy. The Were whimpered and lowered his head as he backed away. That’s right, fucker. Back the fuck up.

Damon looked for the next target. Instead of another male wolf, he saw Ava in wolf form being trounced by a female. Damon shifted back to his human form, but before he could reach Ava, she had managed to shift her weight and pin the female underneath her. The female wolf whimpered until Ava released her hold.

Damon grinned and rested his hand on the back of her head. Ava growled and snapped until she realized it was him. She gave him a wolf lick with her tongue. The rest of the bar was empty. Everyone had quickly fled after the fighting had started up.

Ava shifted in to her human form and slowly stood. Damon pulled her close, their naked bodies rubbing together in a slow delicious burn.

She pulled away and grinned. “We’re going to need some clothes.”

A growl and whimper pulled his attention away from her. Damon froze at what he saw.


Braxton’s mouth clamped down on the Were’s throat, every urge and instinct inside him wanting to bite down and feel the crush of bone and ligaments under his teeth. Bloodlust swirled in his head, drowning out any words of common sense or reality of the situation. He wanted vengeance. He wanted blood.

“Stop, Braxton. You got to let him go.” Ava touched his back gently.

It registered that Ava was talking to him, but he didn’t release the wolf.

“Braxton. Kate’s waiting for you back home,” Damon growled, urgency in his voice. “Besides, I think some humans heard us from that club next door. They probably called the cops. You don’t need to be here.”

Braxton slowly released his grip around the Were’s throat. He backed away as he panted out each breath, adrenaline flooding his veins. Cops showing up was the last thing he needed.

Braxton closed his eyes, shifting from wolf to human. Standing up, he glared at the Were who was now tucked in the corner with his tail between his legs.

“We’ve got to go,” Damon hissed.

His chest ached with the need to be with Kate.

“Here, put these on. I brought extra clothes in my saddlebags.” Damon shoved some clothes at him. “You go into that B&B with your naked ass, there will be no stopping those crazy ladies.”

“Thanks.” That was the one hazard about shifting into wolf when you least expected it. You tore out of the clothes you had on. Braxton dressed quickly and glanced around. “Where’s Ava? She okay?”

Damon grinned. “She’s in the bathroom dressing. Can’t have you looking at my female, can I?”

“You boys ready?” Ava stepped out of the bathroom in jeans, black T-shirt, and a snug leather jacket. She bent over to secure the leather boots.

“Where the fuck did you get that?” Damon’s voice echoed in the empty room.

Ava lifted her chin in the direction of the female Were. “I got it out of her bag. Thank God she removed the jacket before she shifted or I’d freeze my ass off on the ride back.”

Jodi Vaugn's books