Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

Damon pushed her back against the counter of the bar and kissed her.

Braxton averted his eyes. His cock tightened, and the only thought that stuck in his brain was Kate. He needed to find Kate.


“Sweet Jesus. What’s with these women?” Jayden’s wide-eyed gaze bore into Kate as he hid in the shelter of the kitchen. “You would think they would have passed out by now with as much alcohol as they’ve consumed. I mean, even the old ladies are still going. They’re like the fucking Energizer bunny.”

Someone in the living room turned on the stereo. The sounds of Britney Spears blared through the house, rattling the windows. Kate peeked around the corner just as Lynn stood up on the couch and started singing into a vase. The other writers waved their cell phones in the air with their lighter apps turned on in tune to the music.

“Sing it, girlfriend!” Barbara yelled.

Kate ducked back in the kitchen. She was exhausted and irritated and over the whole damn thing. She glared at Jayden. “At least you didn’t have to clean the puke out of the van.”

“At least you didn’t get molested,” he shot back.

Kate snorted. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about how Myrtis grabbed my balls as I was helping her inside.” Jayden shivered, cupped himself, and looked away. “Shit, I’m going to have nightmares about this for years.”

“What’s that?” Kate stilled.

“What’s what?”

“I thought I heard someone knocking.” She made her way toward the front door with Jayden behind her. He probably didn’t want to be left alone in a room with these women. She didn’t blame him.

Kate opened the door. Her heart dropped to the floor.

Standing in front of her was one of the largest men she’d ever seen dressed all in black leather. She glanced over his shoulder and spotted a Harley Davidson parked in the driveway. Her heart turned to ice. This was no man. This was one of the Assassins.

“Where is he?” The Were glared down at her.

“Who?” She swallowed, trying to keep her expression neutral.

“Braxton. I’m here for Braxton.”

“Who are you?” Her heart stopped.

“I’m Lorcan.” He narrowed his eyes on her.” I can smell a male’s scent on you. So don’t try to tell me he isn’t here.” He stepped into her space and growled.

Jayden shoved Kate behind him. “I’m the male you smell, you dumbass. There’s no one by the name of Braxton here.” Jayden lowered his voice. “And if you had any sense you’d get the hell outta here and stop harassing my girl.”

Lorcan growled and shoved Jayden back, knocking Kate into the wall. The Assassin stepped past them both. His gaze swept the room.

Kate clenched her fists, her nails biting into her palms. She was tired of people bulldozing over her. First foreclosure, then Oliver Bigsby trying to intimidate her into selling him her home. She was tired of trying to wrangle these crazy-ass writers to keep them from getting hurt, and now a large werewolf was trampling through her house like he owned it. She was so fucking over it.

“Look, asshole.” Kate shoved her finger in the Assassin’s chest. “I said there’s no one here named Braxton. I didn’t invite you in, so you need to leave.” Each word was punctuated with a jab to his hard chest.

Jayden pulled her away and met the Were face to face. “I don’t think the lady invited you in, so you need to leave.”

“I’m not leaving until I find Braxton,” Lorcan growled.

“Holy shit.” All three turned at Myrtis’s voice. The writers were craning their necks over her shoulder.

Kate grimaced and held up her hands. He probably looked like a serial killer to them. “It’s okay. He’s leaving. There’s nothing to be worried about.”

Barbara stepped around Myrtis, her gaze running up and down Lorcan. “What’s your hurry, big boy?”

Big boy? What the hell?

Lorcan growled and eyed the group of women. They jumped.

Jayden got in Lorcan’s face and bristled.

Granny came around the corner with a bottle of Grey Goose. She stopped short and looked between the two werewolves. “What’s going on?”

“I think that’s Jayden’s boyfriend.” Myrtis sighed.

“Yeah, I think they’re getting ready to kiss.” Lynn smiled and clapped her hands together.

Lorcan looked confused. Jayden looked horrified and took a quick step back.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” Jayden looked around the room with wide eyes. “Why the hell would you think he was my boyfriend?”

“Nothing wrong with being gay. In fact, I’ve been thinking about writing a male on male novella myself.” Lynn poked her glasses up on her nose.

“I’m not gay.” Jayden held his hands up and shook his head. He turned his wide-eyed gaze on Kate. “Do I look gay?”

Jodi Vaugn's books