After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Marie started up the stairs. “Come on, hot shot. If she’s not upstairs, she might be in the cottage out back.”

“I didn’t think about that, Marie. She doesn’t have anyone renting right now. Maybe she fell cleaning out there.” Leigh turned around to head out the back door.

Noah stopped her. “We’ll go together. Let’s go upstairs, and then we can check out back.”

“Fine, toots, but move it or lose it.” Leigh smacked him on the ass when he went by.

Noah shook his head as he went upstairs. “Which one is hers?”

Lexi was right behind him and pointed to the right. “It’s the second door.”


As they got closer they could hear moaning coming from inside. Lexi and Noah stopped and looked at each other then rushed to the door. Noah got there first and tried to hold the ladies back. “Please, just let me go in first.”

Noah opened the door just enough for him to go in. He could feel the ladies behind him pushing at him to go further into the room. Noah couldn’t believe his eyes. He shut them trying to block out the image now ingrained into his brain. They all toppled in the room, creating noise and havoc that made the two people on the bed spring apart. Noah tried to avert his eyes and not laugh.

“Evelyne Abigail Sumner! Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing with the bank president?” Leigh bellowed at her.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting my assets appraised. Now unless the hot shot rock star wants to join us, why don’t you go downstairs?” Evelyne casually got up from the bed naked and grabbed her robe. The bank president grabbed the blankets, covering himself up.

“You’ve got five minutes to get down there, missy.” Marie shook her finger at Evelyne.

Noah herded them out of the room and down the stairs, shaking his head at what he’d just witnessed. He looked over at Lexi who was biting her lip, trying hard not to laugh.

She looked up at him with twinkling eyes. “I guess you got more than you bargained for.”

He shivered. “I guess I should be happy she actually wasn’t hurt. But man, you’ve got to tell her next time she wants to have sex for days she has to let someone know.”

Leigh and Marie were doing the dishes with their heads together whispering when they walked in. “Ladies, do I want to know what you are talking about?” Lexi tried to sound stern.

“Oh, we were just talking and should have seen this coming. Evelyne got all hot and bothered after she saw his magic act at the talent show. She kept going on about his hands.”

“When does she not get hot and bothered?” Noah mumbled under his breath. Lexi gave him a look and a backhand to the stomach. “What? Is it not true?” he whispered in her ear.

Evelyne breezed into the kitchen and went to get a drink out of the refrigerator. “Make it quick. I’ve got a hot man upstairs who’s only going to wait so long before he comes down here and drags me back up. On second thought, that could be fun.”

Marie threw down the dishtowel. “Damn it, Evelyne. Don’t you know how worried we were? We thought you were dead. But no, you were just bonking your brains out like some horny teenagers.”

All three women looked at Marie with their mouths open. Noah looked from face to face trying to figure out what had them so shocked.

Leigh was the first to recover. “Oh, Evelyne you are in so much trouble. Marie hasn’t used a curse word in over ten years. I’m just glad it wasn’t me this time.”

Evelyne crossed to Marie and grabbed her in a big bear hug. “Oh honey, I am so sorry. I left a message on Lexi’s answering machine. It all happened so fast, I didn’t have time to call all of you.”

Leigh crossed over to them and joined in the hug. “Well, shitcrickets. If you were thinking with your brain instead of your hooha, you would’ve remembered Lexi was out of town.”

Evelyne gasped and pulled away with a shocked look on her face. “No. No, no, no. I am so sorry.” She backed away and started to wring her hands. “What was I thinking? I knew she was going away.” She crossed to Lexi and put her hands on her face. “I’m sorry for putting you through this, honey. I know. Let’s have a girl’s night. I’ll get rid of moneybags upstairs and we’ll stay up late eating chocolate, doing shots and watching action flicks.”

Noah shook his head. “You ladies don’t seem like the action movie type.”

Leigh laughed. “Oh honey, that’s where the ratio of hot guys is the highest. Marie and I will go out and get everything we need. Evelyne you get cleaned up. Alone.” She pointed her finger at her. “Oh, and Lexi will you be joining us?”

Lexi looked over at Noah she grinned when he nodded to her. “I’d love to. I’ll bring the wine.”

M. Stratton's books