After the Storm (Storm, #1)

“Because it won’t last forever. Once something bigger and better breaks, they’ll forget about us. Besides I can build a wall around our properties, hire security.” He shrugged.

She sighed with aggravation. “Noah, after everything I’ve gone through, if I wanted a wall, I’d have built it already. I can’t live my life being scared all the time, locked in some fortress.”

Noah’s tone gentled. “That’s even more of a reason to build a damn wall. What are you going to do when he’s not monitored anymore? Have you thought that far ahead? I can help you. Don’t you understand you’re my reason to breathe now? I have to keep you safe. You’re part of my soul.”

“And what are you going to do when they start saying I am the reason you guys broke up? How do you think that is going to make me feel? Not to mention seeing my face plastered all over the tabloids when I run to the store in no make-up and hair in a ponytail. I’ll end up being skewered.” She shook her head.

“You know my thoughts on things. You’re gorgeous even with no make-up and your hair in a mess. Hell, you know I think you’re beautiful first thing in the morning. Morning breath and all.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “It won’t last forever.” He lifted her chin up so that she would look at him. “Trust me. We just have to get through the first initial months after the news breaks. It’ll die down. We can build our life together. I promise. Then it’s just me and you and a dog named Pepper.” He smiled at her and rested his head on hers.

“I’ll kick your ass if you’re wrong.” Lexi put her arms around him.

He laughed. “You have my permission, if I’m wrong. Which I’m not.”

“You’d better hope so. You know I can do it.” She relaxed into him, but her thoughts kept going around in her head. She was sure of her feelings towards Noah, but would it be enough? They’d surely be tested beyond belief in the first months of publicity. And again when Anthony was completely free. It was a lot to ask of someone used to living in the moment. She didn’t doubt that he loved her. But could their love survive their life?



As Lexi drove to the senior center, she stifled a yawn. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night because she couldn’t stop thinking about her and Noah. Needing to get away for a bit and get some advice. And she knew the best people to ask. Sighing when she saw the air conditioning repair truck in the parking lot, she got out of the car to walk around the side of building, knowing exactly where they’d be.

Rounding the corner she stopped and laughed. They looked like they should be on the beach. Three beach chairs were lined up; an umbrella behind each one. They were in bathing suits, sunglasses and big floppy hats. She raised her eyebrow at the tall drinks they had, willing to bet money there was some kind of alcohol in them. Shaking her head, she went over and sat on the ground in the shade by Leigh.

“What’s up baby, girl?” Leigh ran her hand over Lexi’s head.

“Oh, not much. How much longer you think he’s got before it’s up and running again?” Lexi nodded her head in the direction of the unit.

“Not too much longer. He’s getting the ice off of the coils pretty quick,” Marie said as she took a drink.

“And how did the coils get iced up?” Lexi looked at them.

“Someone turned the air conditioner down really low last night. It was freezing in the center this morning when we got here,” Evelyne said as she snapped a picture.

“What are you doing, Evelyne? You’re now taking pictures while the guys work?” Lexi shook her head.

“Well, see, it’s like this. This is a new guy. If I take his picture, we can put it in the album with all the important information to refer back to.” She cupped her hands around her mouth. “Hey sweet checks, why don’t you strike a pose? Come on, work it. Give me something hot.” She lowered the camera. “Well, this guy’s a dud. Now what’s on your mind?”

Lexi filled them in on her conversation with Noah and everything she was feeling. It felt good to get it all off of her chest, knowing that they would tell her their honest opinions of what they thought was best for her. Since Evie hadn’t met Noah, she wanted the opinions of people who had and who’s seen them together, to boot.

Marie shook her head. “You know honey, there are no guarantees in life. Seems to me you’ve got to roll the dice and take your chances. Weigh all your options and make the best choice. When you add the fact you’re both head-over-heels in love with each other, that should tip the scales. He’s a good man, Lexi.”

M. Stratton's books