After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Noah turned to her. “Go get Kenyon. We’re leaving.”

Lexi turned to see that Kenyon was out of the stall and almost finished reapplying her make up. “We’re gonna get going. Are you ready?”

“Sure, what was all the noise I heard out in the hallway?”

“I’ll tell you and everyone else at the same time. Let’s go.”


As soon as they walked in the door, Noah pinned her up against the wall, kissing her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, matching him passion for passion. With one hand cupping her ass, he slid the other along the back of her leg. He stopped and pulled his mouth from hers.

“You weren’t wearing panties all evening?” When she just batted her eyes, he fumbled with his pants. “Fuck. Hang on. I’ve got to put a condom on.”

Lexi wrapped her legs tighter around him and starting biting his neck. She smiled when he groaned and increased her efforts to drive him crazy. She pulled his t-shirt up and over his head, trying not to laugh when he had to stop trying to get the condom on to pull his arms out. She licked at his tattoos, following the pattern.

She gasped when he thrust into her and dipped his head to suck on her nipples as he freed them from the dress. She tried to hold onto him but was losing herself to the sensations. It felt like the earth was shaking. Lexi couldn’t believe the old saying was true.

Noah took a step back from the wall and almost fell over. “Fuck. Hold on.” He quickly moved them to a doorway and stood there, his body shielding hers, until the Earth really did stop moving.

Lexi laid her head on his shoulder. “Was that an actual earthquake?”

“Welcome to Los Angeles.”

“I hate this town.”

Noah just chuckled and hugged her close.



As soon as Lexi opened the door to her house, the phone was ringing. She was tempted to ignore it and just have Noah put her things in her room and crash. But since there were only a few people who ever called, it might be important.


“Oh, Lexi, thank God you answered. We’ve been calling for the past hour. We don’t know what we should do.” Leigh was breathless as her words rushed out.

“Slow down, what’s going on?”

“It’s Evelyne. We can’t get ahold of her. We haven’t talked to her in the past two days! Can you believe that? We’ve gone over to her house and she doesn’t answer the door or the phone. We know that you have all of our house keys. Can you meet us at her house so that we can go in and check it out?” Leigh’s voice wavered.

“Why didn’t you call the police?”

“Bastards. They think we’re making this all up. Can you believe that?” Leigh’s voice got stronger with her anger.

“I’m grabbing my keys and I’ll be there in fifteen. Are you okay to drive?”

“Marie is with me, so she’ll drive. Hurry.”

Lexi ran to the kitchen and grabbed the set of keys out of the drawer. Noah stopped her by grabbing her shaking hand. “What is it?”

Lexi took a deep breath. “The ladies haven’t heard from Evelyne in a couple of days. Before you say anything, they talk or see each other every day. They always tell each other what their plans are. Something must be wrong. I’ve got to go.” Tears pooled in her eyes.

Noah grabbed her into a quick hug. “I’ll go with you, no arguments. I’ll drive and you can tell me where to go.” He winked. “I know you love to do that.”

She took a deep breath. “We’d better take a car.”


They were quiet on the drive over to Evelyne’s, much like they’d been on plane ride home. They were both lost in thought about what had happened in Los Angeles. Lexi gripped Noah’s hand knowing they were only minutes away, praying that everything was okay.

Leigh and Marie were already there waiting on the front porch and Lexi was out of the car and running up the steps before Noah could put it in park. Her hands shook too hard to open the door. Noah came up behind her, took the keys and opened the door.

“Leigh and Marie, you check the living room and office. Noah and I will check the dining room and kitchen. We will meet back up and go upstairs together,” Lexi barked as they all dispersed.

She could hear the ladies calling for Evelyne with tears in their voices. Lexi let out a breath when she got to the kitchen. Everything seemed normal. In fact, it looked like there were recently used dishes in the sink. She whipped back around to head for the stairs and ran into Noah.

“Lexi, I know you’re scared but you need to calm down.”

“I know, I know. I’m just so worried.”

“Hurting yourself trying to help her won’t do anyone any good.” He grabbed her hand. “Come on, let’s get the ladies before they trip up the stairs.”

When they got there, Leigh and Marie were twisting their hands together in worry.

M. Stratton's books