After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Evelyne looked down at her. “You’re going to be hurt whatever you do. It happens in life. People hurt each other. What you have to look at is what’s going to hurt more. Not having him in your life, or being hurt by the little things that men do on a day-to-day basis they don’t even realize they’re doing? Just know that the man you choose to love is there for you, for the long haul. But you push all that aside at the end of the day and fall asleep in their arms, knowing everything is right in the world.”

Lexi absently took the glass Leigh handed her and took a drink. Marie pounded her on the back when she started to cough. “What in the hell do you guys have in that? Straight alcohol?”

Marie laughed. “We decided Patsy would love a day like today, so we have what we call “The FF.” Stands for Fearsome Foursome. We each put our favorite alcohol in it, so it’s got vodka, gin, rum and whiskey. Then we add orange, pineapple, grapefruit and cranberry juice. Easy as that.”

“You all will be easy if you keep drinking that. How are you getting home?”

Evelyne waved a hand at her. “No biggie, we’ve got a cab scheduled to pick us up in a couple of hours. Keep your pants on.” She doubled over laughing.

Leigh nodded. “See? We’ve got it handled. But honey, all the press will blow over. Things were different back in the day when I was famous. There was a wall between us and the press. Now they cross that line every chance they get. They all want the biggest and best headline or picture. But you know there were even scandals back then and they never lasted that long. Noah is right. It’ll blow over and you’ll be stronger having gone through it, together. Now, why don’t you go home and get some rest. You’re looking a little peaked. Besides, we are running out of time with our newest boy toy.” She patted her back.

Lexi got up and went back to her car. She wasn’t sure if she had come to any decision, but she definitely had more to think about.


It was strange Pepper didn’t come to greet Lexi as soon as she stepped out of the car. Thinking she must be at Noah’s, she unlocked the front door then continued through the house and out the back door to the porch. She started down the stairs when she heard a whimper and heavy panting. She jumped off of the steps and dropped to her knees. Pepper was just under the porch, shaking. Lexi crawled over and put her hand on the dog’s side. She was burning up. Pepper looked up at her with glassy, sad eyes.

Lexi dumped her purse and found her cell phone. She dialed Noah and saw him barrel out the side door. She hung up and called the vet to let them know she was on the way.

She watched as Noah carefully picked Pepper up. Pepper closed her eyes and leaned her head into him. “Lexi, grab your purse and get in the backseat. I’ll put Pepper on your lap.” He watched as tears flowed down her cheeks while she got into the car. “Come on honey, give me your keys. We’ll get her there in time.”


Noah raced around the car and jumped into the driver’s seat, banging his knees on the steering column. With a curse, he moved the seat back and started the car. He drove faster than he should, considering he didn’t know where he was going. He got directions out of Lexi and skidded to a stop in front of the vet’s office. He’d just opened the back door when people came out of the office. He lifted Pepper off of Lexi’s lap and carried her in the vet’s office while people were checking the dog out as they walked.

Lexi clutched his hand as they waited. He tried to calm her down but he knew, until she knew Pepper was fine, she wouldn’t.

They both jumped up when the door opened and the doctor came in. Lexi held her breath and closed her eyes, bracing for the worst.

“Hey, Lexi, it’s ok. Breathe. I don’t need two patients on my hands.” The elderly doctor patted her on the arm. When she took a breath, he continued. “It was lucky you got her to us in time. She’s going to be ok. We’re running some tests to get a more exact detail, but it appears she may have been bitten by something poisonous or eaten something she shouldn’t have. We’ve got her stabilized. She should be fine. We’ll continue to monitor her tonight and once we get the results, we’ll get her back up and running in no time.”

Noah had to hold onto Lexi as her knees buckled. “Thanks, Doc. Can we stay with her?” he asked for her.

Lexi’s head popped up and looked over at Noah. Then back to the doctor.

“No, it’d be better for us to take care of her. Why don’t you take Lexi home? We’ll call if there is any change or when we find out what happened. There’s nothing you can do right now.”

“Can I see her before we go?” Lexi ran a shaky hand through her hair.

“It’d be better if you didn’t. She’s calm right now. I wouldn’t want for her to pick up on your anxiety. Go home. We’ll call you.”

Lexi allowed Noah to lead her out of the building and buckle her up in the car. She was quiet on the way home but finally turned to Noah when they pulled into her driveway. “Thank you, Noah. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“Come on. Let’s go to my place.” He didn’t want her in the house that would remind her of Pepper. “I’ll even let you beat me at pool.”

She gave him a small smile. “Thanks, but I think I just want to be in my own home.”

M. Stratton's books