After the Storm (Storm, #1)


Lexi sat in the darkened theatre, gripping Noah’s hand, completely caught up in the story. The movie had blocked out the stress of walking the red carpet with Noah. She’d assumed someone would take her into the theatre to wait for him to finish talking and having his picture taken. But they hadn’t. Instead, she’d watched the crowd scream and the photographers yell his name. The flash bulbs blinded her. Questions came from every direction. Microphones were thrust into his face and sometimes hers.

She couldn’t remember clearly what she’d said or done, had just kept telling herself to smile through it all. His hand must hurt from her from gripping it so tight.

Everyone remained seated through the ending credits where Noah’s voice sang out about how everything could be lost in an instant. She turned to find him grinning at her.

“I don’t even have to ask if you liked it or not. I could tell. ” He bumped his shoulder into hers.

“Shhh… I’m listening to your song.”

“Love, I can get you your own copy to listen to all the time.”

“It’s not the same. Be quiet.”

Dre turned around from her seat in front of them. “Careful, girl, you’re going to inflate his ego.”

Lexi snorted. “It is impossible for it to get any bigger. He’s got his own zip code as it is.”

When it was over, they walked out to find the limos and go to the party. The press had been replaced by paparazzi. Luckily, security kept them at bay, which eased Lexi’s worries.

Walking into the party was similar to walking the red carpet, except Noah didn’t have to stop to talk to reporters. He just waved as they walked past.

Lexi saw everyone milling around, eating and drinking. There was laughter everywhere, and cameras flashed incessantly. Everyone wanted to be seen with the A-listers.

She tried to be positive but all the conversations she overheard while they were walking seemed fake. Noah led her to the back where the rest of the band and their wives were sitting at a table and she let out a breath as she sat down next to Sam.

“The boys and I are going to make a circuit. We’ll be back before we go on stage. Stay out of trouble.”

“I could say the same to you.” Lexi raised an eyebrow at him.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I’ll be getting into a lot of trouble when we get home. Be ready.”

She watched as he strode away, the sexiness coming off of him in waves. She sighed, wanting to be home with him.

“It’ll get better. It seems like everyone comes to these parties, gets their picture taken with who they think is important, and then leaves. After that, it’s more ‘real’ if you know what I mean.” Sam handed her a glass of wine. “And a few of these help.”

Lexi laughed. “Can you read my mind?”

“Nah, I just remember my first time. Besides, you don’t have to stay all night. Seriously, you guys can leave whenever.”

“How about five minutes ago?”

Dre laughed and moved closer. “Yeah, after a while these parties get old. However, if you have children, you learn to love the adult time. Rob and I are such homebodies that it’s actually nice to get out once in a while and party like rock stars.”

Kenyon looked over to where the guys were standing and talking to people while she rubbed her stomach. “Yeah, well, these days it seems I’m puking like a drunken rock star all the time.”

Lexi turned to her. “Are you okay? Do you need anything? I’m sure we could get you some crackers or something.”

Kenyon waved her off. “I’m fine for now. But if history repeats itself in about an hour I’ll have to visit the bathroom. At least, I know when I’m going to get sick every day.”

The ladies laughed as they told Lexi stories of other parties and what they knew about the people in the room. No one came over to talk to them, which was fine by Lexi. A few drinks later, she’d relaxed, but still wished she and Noah could go home.

Her eyes searched the room for him, landing on him as the band was having their picture taken with some people she didn’t recognize. Their eyes met, and after saying something to the people he was surrounded by, he stalked toward her. Once he reached her, he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her senseless. When she was about to lose all inhibitions, he pulled away and gave her his signature cocky rock star grin. “Remember that while we’re up there on stage, love.”

M. Stratton's books