After the Storm (Storm, #1)

She watched him leave with glazed eyes and saw him easily jump on the stage. From the first pounding notes filling the room, he transformed, one with the music. It flowed in his veins. Every move he made was pure sex. She wasn’t the only female in the room who wanted him, but he was going home with her. It was her he loved. She sat, transfixed while he strutted across the stage, hips rolling to the beat, hands running across his body. She felt like a voyeur watching him. She knew his body as well as her own and wanted to be home in bed with him, screwing his brains out.

They all took bows and jumped off the stage to a huge round of applause, immediately swarmed by women. Ren checked his watch and looked over to Kenyon. Lexi looked closer at her and saw she’d gone pale. Looking back to Ren, she saw him start across the room.

“Come on, let’s get you to the restroom.” Lexi stood and placed her hand on Kenyon’s shoulder. She didn’t need to see all the women fawning over Noah anyway.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Can someone let Ren know? I should be back in fifteen minutes or so.”

It was lucky they were close to the restrooms. Lexi waited outside the stall, handing Kenyon wet paper towels.

“Lexi, can you go find Ren and let him know that I’m fine. I’m just going to be here a bit longer.”

“No problem. Need anything else?”

“No, I’ll be okay. I just don’t want Ren busting in here.”

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Lexi left the restroom and found Ren pacing back and forth right outside the door in the hallway.

“How is she? Does she need anything? God, I hate that she has to go through this. Why are we doing this? Does she want me to go in there?”

Lexi patted his shoulder and tried to hold him back from rushing in. “Ren, she’s fine. This is normal. Thousands of women go through this.” She tried not to laugh at the look he gave her. “Really, she’ll be fine, it’s just taking a little longer than normal. She didn’t want you to worry. You can just go ahead and go back to the table. We’ll be out in a little bit.”

Ren bowed his head and shook it. “Fine. But if you notice anything that isn’t right, you come get me right away.”

“You can count on it.” Lexi turned and walked back down the hallway to the restroom. Someone grabbed her arm. She was about to scream when she recognized the man that the guys from the band had been talking to.

“Sorry to scare you, Lexi. I just was wondering if we could talk for a moment, name’s George, I’m the band’s agent.” He held out his hand to her.

She shook his hand as she looked down at him. He was shorter than her in heels, slightly pudgy, with a balding head. “I’m sorry George, how do you know my name?”

He waved a hand and the diamond on his pinky ring caught the light. “Noah talks about you all the time. You know, sweetheart, these guys have been producing hits for fifteen years now. They don’t show any signs of stopping. The rest of the band has figured out a way to have a family and still record and go on tour. If for some reason Noah keeps you around, you might want to figure something else out or let him go. I wouldn’t want you to become the next Yoko Ono.” He started to run his hand up and down her arm. When she started to pull away he increased his grip on her. “I think you need to listen to me. We have an image here with the band. You are seriously fucking it up. Noah’s got his head in the clouds and it needs to be down here with the rest of us. We took a hit when the rest of the band got married, we could lose some serious sales if Noah was off of the market.”

Lexi shook her arm and he let go. “Why aren’t you having this conversation with Noah? Maybe because all you really care about is the bottom line and how much money will end up in your pocket.”

He gave a slimy laugh. “Well, you aren’t as stupid as the others. Maybe we can come to some kind of understanding.” He moved in closer to her. Lexi’s back was against the wall. “You keep your pretty little mouth shut and get out of Noah’s life and I’ll make it worth your while. Or you can fuck me and I’ll make sure the press doesn’t find out about your history.”

She shook her head. “The press will eventually find out everything. Noah and I have already talked about it, so I won’t be fucking you, asshat. I also won’t be getting out of Noah’s life. Maybe it’s you who should get out.” She tried to shove him back.

He growled deep in his throat and pressed himself up against her. “Listen here, bitch, I will take you down.”

The next thing Lexi knew, George was flung back away from her and went crashing into the opposite wall. Noah had his hand fisted in George’s shirt as he pinned him to the wall, his feet dangling. Seeing Noah so angry shouldn’t have been a turn-on, yet somehow it was. She put her hand on his arm. “Noah, he’s not worth it.” She held her ground as his eyes flashed to hers, filled with rage.

“This fucker is the one who is going to be taken down.” He pulled his fist back and connected with his jaw. Lexi watched as George’s head snapped back and blood started flowing from his nose. “You’re fired, asshole.”

Lexi could feel Noah trembling with anger. She’d never had anyone punch someone for her. It was kind of exciting. She watched as George got up and leaned heavily against the wall.

M. Stratton's books