Soul Scorched

Darcy shuddered at the rage in his eyes and his voice. There was no doubt, Warrick wanted blood, Dark Fae blood. And he was going to get it.


She recalled how he’d said Ulrik mixed his magic with the Dark to hurt Rhys. There was a chance that Warrick could be hurt the same way. Just the thought of that happening sucked all the warmth from her body.


“I’ll leave out the front,” Warrick continued. “Give me a list of what you need from your flat and what food you’d like. When I return, I’ll come in the back. That way it’s less likely for the humans to see us if there is a fight.”


Darcy snorted. If. Not likely. There would be a fight. The Dark weren’t going to let Warrick back in to her shop easily. If only she didn’t need to have food, or if she could use her magic to conjure food.


“I don’t want you to go.”


His cobalt gaze softened. “I’m a Dragon King, lass. I can no’ be killed.”


“Except by another King. Or one who mixes their magic with the Dark, which could do serious damage.”


“Aye. There’s that chance.”


Darcy shook her head in amazement. “Is it the fact that you’re immortal and unstoppable that gives you such confidence?”


“I’m a dragon.”


He said it as if it explained everything, and she guessed it did. Warrick was unlike any man she knew. He was quiet and taciturn one moment and amenable and tender the next.


Right up until he kissed her.


Then he was passionate and intense.


The man was a roller coaster of responses. And she loved every moment of it.


There was a split second where she almost asked to read his palm so she could look to see if she saw the outcome, but she held back. She knew better than to want to look at those closest to her. It never turned out well.


“A list,” Warrick urged.


Darcy sat at her desk and set her mug of coffee aside. She scanned her desk looking for a piece of paper to write on. “I can do without stuff at my flat.”


“We doona know how long the Dark will surround us.”


That drew her up short. Her head whipped around to look at him. “What? Are you telling me they could remain out there for days?”


“Days. Weeks. Months. Aye, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”


She closed her eyes as her heart plummeted to her feet. This couldn’t be happening to her. All her life she knew she was more powerful than those around her.


Not once did she fear anything, because she knew she had her magic to use as a defense and offense, if needed. She thought herself untouchable, if she were honest—pretty much what Warrick thought of his kind.


The difference was, Dragon Kings were untouchable. Her Druid magic might help her against other humans, but it did nothing against the Dark or the Kings.


“You’ll no’ go through this alone.”


Warrick’s voice, deep and strong, came from beside her. His promise was freely given, and it did help ease her mind somewhat. But she wasn’t just thinking of herself. She was thinking of the mortals around her as well as the Kings.


Darcy opened her eyes to look up at Warrick. “You don’t know me. I’ve helped one of your enemies, and yet you would put yourself in harm’s way to protect me. I don’t understand it, but I’m immensely grateful.”


There was a flash of … was that regret in Warrick’s gaze? Darcy frowned and got to her feet even as the emotion she spotted faded away.


“What was that?” she asked.


Warrick didn’t look away, but he tensed. “What?”


“That look,” she pressed. “As if you’re hiding something.”


Warrick turned his head to the side and let out a long breath. After a moment, he faced her once more. “We’ve been honest with each other, aye?”


“Yes. I’d like that to continue.”


“You willna like what I have to say.”


She shrugged. “You didn’t like hearing me talk of Ulrik, but you did it anyway. Just tell me.”


“Con wants all the information you have on Ulrik. Thorn and I were to convince you to remain in Edinburgh so we could get it.”


For a heartbeat, she could only stare at him, her mind a whirlwind of confusion. “Wow. And I made your job that much easier by refusing to return to Skye.”


She clutched her stomach. And to think she’d almost made love to Warrick. He didn’t care for her. He was using her.


“I would still be here protecting you even if you didna unbind Ulrik’s magic.”


She laughed, the sound hollow even to her ears. “That makes everything better. I trusted you.”


“And I’ve done nothing to make you doubt that trust.”




His face hardened. “Nay. We agreed on sharing information, and I’ve helped keep the Dark from you.”


“So I would be grateful and tell you everything about Ulrik as well as turning against him.”


“He’s evil!” Warrick shouted.


Darcy shook her emotions ran so high. She couldn’t decide if she was angry or disappointed or hurt. Each emotion tried to swallow her whole. “At least he was honest about why he came to me. He told me up front what he wanted me to do and what he would give me in exchange.”


“He’s killed.”