Soul Scorched

After much internal deliberation, Warrick lay down beside her. A few minutes later, he rolled onto his side so he faced her back. Then she scooted back as if seeking his warmth.


He clenched his jaw at her nearness and her shapely bottom rubbing against his groin. Need rose swiftly within him again, but there was also a feeling of rightness as they lay together. He draped an arm over her, bringing her even closer.


Warrick tried to pretend that he didn’t notice how good it felt to have her against him, or how his breathing began to fall in time with hers. But there was no denying that he liked the feel of Darcy next to him, that he craved her like no other.


How odd it felt to not wish to be alone. Warrick didn’t just eagerly fall into conversation with her, he found himself actually starting them. He wasn’t sure what to think now that he didn’t long for the assignment to end so he could return to his solitude.


No, he feared something much greater—the time when he might have to return to Dreagan without Darcy.


And that shocked him as nothing else could.




Darcy stretched her arms over her head as she rolled onto her back. She felt the heat beneath her, proving that someone had been lying with her.




She sat up, looking around. The last thing she remembered was sitting at her desk. It didn’t take much for her to realize he’d moved her to the floor. Then he lay down with her.


Darcy smiled at the thought. If only she had been awake to enjoy it. Though she wondered why he wasn’t still with her. Now that would have made for a great way to wake up.


She rolled her neck from side to side working out the stiffness. Darcy then stood and peeked into the front of the store where she found Warrick standing at the door looking out while rain fell.


“How did you sleep?” he asked without turning around.


“Better than I expected.”


He shifted toward her then. “You needed the rest.”


“How are things?” she asked, motioning outside with her hand.


“The same,” he said with a frown. “They’ve no’ left.”


Darcy blew out a frustrated breath. “Figures.”


“Thorn is making his way to your flat now. He’ll let me know if the Dark are still there as well.”


When he once more faced the door, Darcy turned on her heel and walked back into her office area. She saw the pot of freshly brewed coffee and grinned. Warrick was certainly surprising.


She stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light as she shut the door. It wasn’t until she saw herself in the mirror that she gaped in dismay, embarrassed to see her hair sticking out everywhere.


Darcy pulled her hair free of the ponytail and tried to tug the curls back down, but her hair had a mind of its own. She wet her hands and dampened her hair, which helped some. She then pulled it all back and quickly braided it to hide most of the crazy curls.


She splashed some water on her face and patted it dry. After smoothing down her clothes, Darcy walked out of the bathroom to find Warrick holding a cup of coffee.


He handed it to her. “I’ve got bad news.”


“What is it?” she said, wrapping both hands around the cup after she accepted it.


“The Dark are at your flat.”


Darcy took a sip of the hot liquid and let his words sink in. “In other words, we’re not leaving anytime soon.”


“There are several reasons why I doona recommend that. First, there are too many Dark for Thorn and me to battle and keep you safe. We could bring in more Kings, but that would only make things worse.”


“I gather it has something to do with the Dark.”


“The Dark doona care if the mortals know of them. They flaunt themselves in Ireland just as they are, and the humans doona even realize they live so close to such evil.”


There wasn’t going to be enough coffee in all of Edinburgh to help Darcy deal with this news. “You think they’ll do the same here.”


“I know they will. If we try to fight them, they’ll no’ keep it secret as we do.”


Darcy shrugged, knowing there was only one option. “Then we stay. The rest of the world doesn’t need to know of the Dark or the Kings. It would cause panic and chaos.”


“And be exactly what Ulrik wants. The problem is that there isna food here for you. You didna have enough yesterday. I can no’ let you go without food.”


“Yeah, I’m not all about starving.”


His crooked grin made her smile with pleasure. Lord, the man had no idea how tantalizing he was. With just a lift of his lips, he made her body rush with warmth—and need.


“I’ve a feeling we’ll need Thorn as a diversion later, so I doona want the Dark to realize he’s still here. I’ll be leaving to bring back food.”


Darcy gawked at him. “Are you nuts? They’ll go after you.”


“Nay. They’ll remain, thinking you’ll be an easier target alone.”


Well that made sense, in a twisted kind of way. “And do you think they’ll just let you back in without a fight?”


“Oh, I’m counting on them trying to stop me.”