Soul Scorched

Rhi walked into the throne room and saw Usaeil sitting on the white throne. She rose, her deep blue dress hugging her curves and falling to her ankles.


Usaeil was barefoot, her long black mane flowing free as she walked down the steps to Rhi. There was no smile on her queen’s face. “Where have you been?”




“That’s not good enough, Rhi. You’re part of my Guard. I need you here.”


Rhi cocked her head to the side. “Really? You’ve never needed me here before on a daily basis. What’s changed?”




Ah. So her time to get her shit together had come and gone.


“You’ve nothing to say?” Usaeil asked, a frown puckering her brow.


Rhi shook her head. “I’m doing what I’ve always done.”


“That was before you were taken by Balladyn. That was before you became different.”


“Different? Hmm. I tell you what. Put any Light through what I went through and see if they could come out of it without turning Dark. How about Inen? Do you think your favorite Guard would survive? That would be a big fat no.”


Usaeil’s lips were tight, a sign of her displeasure. “That’s not the point, Rhi. We’re all glad you made it out.”


“Are you? I’m not so sure. You want to confine me after having me followed.”


“I think I’ve been too lax with you through the years. I’m your queen. You need to treat me like one.”


“Then act like one,” Rhi retorted. The outburst was loud, echoing around the spacious throne room. “Stop gallivanting around as a human movie star and start paying attention to your people.”


Usaeil slashed her hand through the air between them. “I have my people in my thoughts at all times.”


Rhi was tired of ignoring the larger issues and bowing down to Usaeil. She made a sound at the back of her throat. “Really? That’s rather hard to do when you’re off for months at a time making some stupid movie. How can you be here to tend to daily business and grievances while off doing your own thing? You want to stop me from doing my thing while you continue doing yours? Not going to happen.”


The queen was momentarily stunned into silence. When she drew in a deep breath, her wrath was visible. “I’ll not have you question me.”


“And I’ll not have you question my loyalty. If I wanted to go Dark, I’d have taken Balladyn up on his offer the other day.” The worry that flashed over Usaeil’s face made Rhi chuckle. “Guess your little dog, Inen, wasn’t able to keep up while trailing me.”


“Enough, Rhi.”


She shook her head. “No. It’s not nearly enough. Tell me, my queen, did you know the Dark are amassing? Did you know that they’re moving all over the world? I can see by your expression filling with concern that you didn’t. It’s something you might want to think about the next time you leave our people for a photo shoot. I’m not so sure they’ll follow a queen who’s never around into battle with the Dark again.”


Rhi turned on her heel and walked toward the door. She reached it and paused. Then she looked over her shoulder at Usaeil. “If I’m to be followed or confined to this castle, then I quit the Queen’s Guard.”


She didn’t wait on Usaeil’s response. Rhi shoved open the doors, and as soon as she stepped into the antechamber, she teleported away.


Usaeil snapped her fingers, shutting the throne room doors at once. She walked back to her throne and slumped in the high-backed chair. “Well? What do you think?”


Constantine opened the door to her private chamber and leaned against the jamb. “I think you just lost your most valued warrior.”


“I know,” she said dejectedly. “I was right to worry though. I knew Balladyn wasn’t done with her.”


Con crossed his arms over his chest. “You should’ve waited to see what she would do. Following her was a smart move, but Inen should’ve kept his mouth shut. Rhi would never have known otherwise.”


“Inen has an issue with Rhi. He wants to be the best, and he knows as long as she’s around, he’s not.”


“He’s no’ even close,” Con said with a chuckle.


Usaeil shot him an annoyed look. “Don’t let Inen hear you say that. He’s devoted to me, and I don’t want that to change.”


“By having Rhi followed, you’ve caused a wedge to come between two of your Guards. If you’re no’ careful, Usaeil, your entire group of Guards will fracture.”


“And you would know that better than anyone,” she retorted angrily, because she knew he was right. And she hated the fact he was correct and that she’d made a grave mistake.


Con lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Aye. I would know. It took everything I had to bring the Kings all back together.”


“All but one.” Usaeil sighed loudly. “Is Rhi going to be my Ulrik?”


“Quite possibly.”


She rose and glared at him as she began to pace. “That’s not what I wanted to hear.”


“I thought we agreed on truth.”


“By the stars,” she exclaimed and threw up her hands in defeat. “You take everything so literally.”