Soul Scorched

“Depending on how many remain at dawn, we might be staying here.”



“That’s what I would suggest. The Dark are looking for trouble, War. If they see one of us, this entire city will get to see a battle. As much as I want to kill these twats, even I think it would be a really bad idea in daylight.”


Warrick had to agree. “Especially in the middle of Edinburgh.”


“How is Darcy holding up?”


“As well as can be expected. She finally fell asleep. I hope she stays that way for a while.”


There was a beat of silence before Thorn said, “You kissed her.”


“What?” Warrick was so shocked by the comment he didn’t know what to say in response.


Thorn chuckled. “I knew it!”


“You doona know anything.”


“It’s a good thing you’re in there with her then. How long has it been, War?”


Warrick closed off the link. He checked the front and the back before he returned to Darcy. It didn’t feel right unless he was with her.




Mikkel walked into The Silver Dragon. He glanced around, then made his way to the back where the hidden staircase led to the upper floors where Ulrik lived. He really needed to tell Ulrik to find a more secure place, but then again, it made his nephew easy to find.


“It’s rather late,” Ulrik said from above him.


Mikkel paused and looked up to where Ulrik kept the books and more expensive relics in his antiques store. “Night is the best time to conduct business.”


Ulrik didn’t respond. He stared for long minutes before he gently closed a great tome of a book and returned it to its wrapping and removed his gloves. “What is it you want?”


“I found your Druid.”


“That’s nice.”


Mikkel wasn’t deterred by Ulrik’s flippant response. “I’ve sent the Dark after her.”


“That was rather stupid. I would’ve brought you to her had you but asked. Now you’ll bring the attention of the Kings to her, and they’ll begin to wonder why I would have the Dark go after her.”


“You worry too much.”


Ulrik returned the book to its glass case. He descended the stairs and released the leather strap holding his hair back at his nape. “Perhaps. But you’re getting reckless. You want the Kings’ attention solely on me, which is what we agreed. It’s becoming difficult to do that when you go after someone I wouldna harm until I had everything I wanted from her.”


“Ah, yes. Your magic.” Mikkel didn’t bother hiding his smile. “You’re still without much of it. It took you a long time to find the Druid, didn’t it?”


“I see you’re no’ trying to hide your intentions.”


“Why should I? You need to know where you stand in this relationship. I’m the Dragon King now. I’ll be the one to rule the Silvers.”


Not a muscle moved as Ulrik returned his stare. “We already covered that.”


“Removing Darcy Allen will cause you to remember your place,” Mikkel said.


“It should’ve been done another way. You’ve brought Kings to Edinburgh.”


“A King,” Mikkel corrected. “The other is gone. Only Warrick remains.”


Ulrik walked to his desk and wrote something in a log book. “Interesting.”


“What do you know of him?”


“That he works alone. Always. He doesna do well with others.”


Mikkel smiled, rubbing his hands together. “Then we don’t have to worry about any more Kings showing up.”


“The Dark might try and take Warrick,” Ulrik said as he faced him once more.


“Let them try. If they’re that stupid, it’s their own downfall.”


Ulrik’s gold gaze was unmoving. “Why send the Dark after Darcy? Why no’ just have her killed?”


Mikkel had expected this question. Ulrik hadn’t become King of the Silvers for nothing. If Mikkel was to remain a Dragon King, Ulrik could never have his magic returned. “To prove a point to you.”


“That you can kill someone?” Ulrik asked in a bored tone.


“That I control things. The Dark and I made a pact. They’re doing my bidding.”


Ulrik slid his hands into his pants pockets. “The Dark can no’ be trusted.”


“I never said I trusted them.”


“So this attack is all for my benefit.”


Mikkel chuckled. “I know you, Ulrik. I know how your mind thinks. Doona even attempt to oust me. I’m in charge now—and always.” He walked to the door, but paused when he reached it. “Besides. There’s nothing you can do without your Druid.”










When dawn came, the Dark didn’t leave their posts. Warrick at least knew they couldn’t get to Darcy, which allowed him to relax a little.


He gently lifted Darcy and set her on the floor so she wouldn’t have a crick in her neck. She rolled to her side with a sigh. After he covered her with a blanket, he sat in the office area with her. But that wasn’t enough.