Soul Scorched

Her quip didn’t hide the fear he saw in her fern green eyes. Warrick didn’t want her frightened. He wished to see her smile back, to see her gaze alight with mischief.


“I guess it’s good I didn’t eat all of my sandwich for lunch,” she said with a tight laugh. “I’ll split what’s left with you.”


Warrick waved away her words. “There’s no need. I’ll be fine.”


“And if we’re here for days?”


“No’ going to happen,” he promised.


That made her relax. “Good to know. So. What do we do?”


“Anything you want other than going outside.”


“Just when I was looking forward to a hot bath and my bed,” she said with a grin.


Warrick looked at her mouth at the mention of her bed, his balls tightening as he recalled how close they’d come to kissing. If only Rhi hadn’t arrived, he would know how sweet Darcy tasted.


“How did you know about the Dark outside?” she asked.


Warrick tamped down his desires and focused on her words. “The Kings have a mental link. We can converse that way.”


“Do you get tired of always having someone in your head?”


“We have the ability to keep our minds shut, and only allow another in if we want.”


“Nice,” she said with wide eyes. “Do you have the ability to know who is trying to talk to you?”


Warrick found it hard to believe that he not only didn’t mind talking to Darcy, but that he wanted it to continue. He enjoyed her responses, and liked trying to figure out how she might respond to something. The fact that she kept surprising him was only a bonus.


“Aye,” he answered. “All dragons spoke mentally until the Kings were able to shift.”


“It’s all so fascinating. A little scary, but intriguing.”


His spirits dampened a bit. “So I frighten you?”


She stared at him a moment before she gave a shake of her head. “The idea of the Dragon Kings, a wee bit,” she said, using his words from earlier. “But not you.”


They were just two steps apart, each on a side of the tiny office. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wooed a woman. When he wanted to fulfill the needs of his body, he visited a brothel.


Darcy was unlike any human he’d ever encountered. She was smart, vivacious, and considerate. She smiled at him, laughed with him, and didn’t so much as bat an eye when he grew uncomfortable trying to find the right words.


She was obstinate, tenacious, compassionate, and sexy as hell.


It wasn’t just her beauty that captivated him, it was her mind and her conversation. She had charmed him from the first moment they spoke, and he hadn’t been able to look away since.


He wanted her. Desperately.


He craved, he hungered.


He yearned.


All for her.


Their gazes were locked, the air thick with desire. Warrick closed the distance between them. He rested one hand on her waist and the other around her back.


Her lips parted slightly as her hands came to rest on his chest. He lowered his head slowly, her eyes drifting shut just before their lips met.










Warrick bit back a groan of pleasure when her tongue skimmed against his lips. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss, their tongues dueling, mating.


Her taste was more tempting than he thought possible. He had to have more. His arms tightened as the kiss intensified, sizzling and burning him until he was aching to have his way with her. He groaned when her hands slid into his hair, her nails lightly scraping his scalp as she pressed her body closer.


Warrick pressed her against the wall of cabinets and ground his throbbing cock against her. She was panting, her hand clinging to him as she rocked her hips in response.


It was his undoing.


Need pounded through him, demanding he fill her. He tried to pull back? to clear his head some, but she wouldn’t release him.


Then her hand skated beneath his shirt. Her palm rested against his tat on his right side. Whatever thoughts he had of walking away vanished.


Darcy was floating, soaring. Warrick’s kiss was sensual, carnal. It aroused her, inflamed her. His touch was just as wickedly delightful. His hands stroked her back, her butt, holding her tight, as if he couldn’t fathom releasing her.


She never wanted the kiss to end. It was too good, too … perfect.


A sigh escaped her when the kiss deepened. As soon as she felt his arousal pressed into her stomach, she clutched him, her own body responding wantonly.


Desire pulsed, throbbed low in her belly. It intensified with each kiss, each touch until she was trembling with it.


His hand moved over her shoulder and slid down her side, pausing to cup her breast. Darcy gasped as a fresh wave of need hit her.


When his lips traveled down her neck, she dropped her head back. His hand massaged her breast before his thumb stroked over her nipple. Instantly her breasts swelled as the peak hardened through her shirt and bra.


Suddenly, Warrick lifted his head. Darcy struggled to open her eyes and think through the fog of desire. She gazed into his cobalt eyes, her stomach clenching at the longing she saw reflected there.